Chapter 1-7

1879 Words

“Liam, it’s Chase. I got a call. I need to go back to Coronado on Wednesday. I’m hoping we can talk before I leave. There’s a lot I want to say.” Liam listened to the message for the fifth time, and all he could seem to hear was that Chase was leaving again. It didn’t matter that this time he was telling Liam, because it hurt just as much as when he’d just disappeared. Liam was putting the phone down and it rang again. He jumped. It was Chase’s number. Liam debated a half second as to whether to answer it. “Hello.” “Hi, Liam? It’s Chase.” “Hi, Chase.” “I was wondering—did you get my other message. I’m leaving Wednesday and wanted to see if we could get together before I leave. I have some things I want to tell you.” “Yeah. Okay. I have some things to say too.” “Oh. All right. Are y

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