Jessie 8: The Hypnotizing Brother

954 Words
JESSIE Without needing any introduction, I knew he was Lust. The feeling of my blood turning ice cold still lingered as I gazed up at the malevolent beast with human features.  Lust.  He looks exactly like what his sin promised. Bright golden hair and baby blue piercing eyes that promised mischief and thrill. He’s absolutely gorgeous that I think the world paused at his arrival. Completely hypnotizing, this man before me has a deadly beauty about him. A few inches shorter than Pride, Lust had a built of a model. Fit arms and a chest that teased you of it’s abs.  He’s nothing like intimidating and domineering Pride. Lust is all heat and excitement. His very presence gave off an exhilarating sensation that had my body tingle.  No.  Like splash of cold water, I stepped back letting Pride’s body shield me. Pride happily stood in front of me. Every inch of his body screamed tension and hostility. Thankfully, Pride’s large body blocked all my view of his brother. I’ve never met anyone so utterly suffocating. It’s the first time I’ve felt such a big force of temptation and sin.  “Big brother.” A voice like honey chimed in teasingly.  Pride didn’t respond his stance not relaxing one bit. I glance around and notice the change in our surroundings. Everything was glossed over like we weren’t in the same place with the people. Everyone moved the same but it was like we became invisible to them.  I gasp when a waiter went through me and I held onto Pride tighter.  What is the world is happening? “Did you really have to cloak us?” Lust said in amusement observing our surroundings. “I’m not looking for a fight.”  “We’ll see about that.” Pride answered with his voice almost turning animalistic. In a movement too fast for me to see, Lust was  suddenly right up on Pride’s face. He grabs for me and yanks me from behind Pride. “My, oh my, are you Pride’s girl? No wonder he likes to keep you hidden. You’re deliriously attractive.” Lust then wraps me in a tight embrace. He was a little handsy and I yelp in surprise. Pride was quick to pull me away. His strong hand menacingly wraps around Lust’s neck eliciting choking sounds from the younger brother. “Hands to yourself or I’m burning them off.” Lust was turning purple at the tight grip Pride had on his neck. He taps furiously at Pride but my Prince of Hell doesn’t let go.  A panic stricken man races forward to Lust’s aid. “Let him go, please!.”  Lust’s human. I recognize him instantly. Caesar Hardly. A highly famous actor known for his dashing good looks.  What a match. Pride still doesn’t let go. I swear I could hear crushing sounds coming from Lust’s neck. My eyes focus on Caesar who looks pained and helpless at the sight of Lust. Feeling pity, I take hold of Pride’s arm. He relaxes a little at my touch. “It’s okay. I’m okay. You can let him go now.” Pride’s sharp grey eyes turn to me. “You want me to let him free after he touched you?”  He didn’t sound human anymore. His voice was coming from all directions and it was bone chilling.  “We’re not allowed to touch another’s human.” Caesar fell to his knees and covered his ears. Lust’s eyes trail after his human looking panicked at the sight of him.  “Pride, please.” I begged watching in horror as Caesar started rocking himself back and forth.  I bring my hands to Pride’s face and he closes his eyes. Warmth. I hope that’s what he feels when I touch him.  It’s a comforting sort of touch.  Pride reluctantly let’s go and Lust roughly falls to the ground right beside his human. Purple bloody bruises etched his neck but upon closer look, it was already starting to fade fast.  Pride didn’t look the least bit bothered by it. He came to stand beside me his hand firmly on my shoulder and pressing me close. I could feel his muscles press to my side.  Lust checks on his human. From where I was standing he looked unharmed. Scared but unharmed. “s**t, Pride. What the actual Hell?” Lust demanded his voice still clipped like his vocal cords were damaged.  Cold gre eyes that promised pain stared down at Lust. “You know the rules.”  Lust glances towards me. He’s quiet for a few seconds until a devilish smile appears. “A girl, huh? Young too. Envy would love to know about this. Especially when you told him you have a human boy.”  I feel Pride tense.  “You’re awfully attached.” Lust observed with narrowed eyes.  Pride’s hand on me tightens but not enough to hurt me. Mirth is clear as day in Lust’s face. “Have you two possibly-?” “Shut your mouth.” Pride’s powerful voice vibrated through the area. Lust tilts his head to the side. “What? Too prideful to indulge yourself in common temptations like s*x?”  Pride’s jaw clenches at his words.  “What’s the problem? We’ve all done it before. I wouldn’t have any problem if I was assigned to your human.” Lust’s wide smile was equal parts alluring and disturbing. “In fact, the two of us would be quite busy-“ A noise that closely resembled the breaking of a sound barrier pierced through the air. Pride launched himself at Lust his fist making impact. Sounds that mimicked explosions came and I ducked away from the fighting brothers.  Lust struggled to fight back but it was obvious that he was no match for Pride who was all strength and power.  What was more terrifying than the sounds were the black horns that started to sprout from Pride’s head. He was beginning to show his true form. Nails were starting to elongated and his teeth were becoming sharper.  My vision begins to blur and I feel myself go weak. It felt like my energy was slowly leaving my body.  Then there was nothing at all but darkness and a voice in the distance calling for me. 
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