Chapter Four

961 Words
Crow “What is up with you?” Minutes voice broke through my day dream, bringing me back to myself with a bang. Turning to him I scowled. “What do you mean?” “Your face.” Minute made a gesture with his hand that seemed to encompass all of me. And my scowl deepened. “Is all sort of screwed up.” “This is my normal face asshole.” I ground out between my teeth. In answer he laughed loudly. As if what he was about to say was the most hilarious thing to ever leave his mouth. “I know but it’s even more screwed up than usual. What’s eating you Crow?” That was the question wasn’t it? Lots of things were eating me. The club was under constant threat and the police were still sniffing around , although that was nothing new and definitely not something I couldn’t handle. Then there was the fact that my son was due to come home tomorrow and I had no clue how to look after a kid. I would need to find help if Ty was going to be living with me full time. There was no way he was going back to his birth giver. No Way. And then there was Chloe. I couldn’t get the damn nurse out of my head. What I had done in the store had been risky. But I just couldn’t help myself. She wanted me as much as I wanted her, I knew it but I wanted her to realise it as well. Still she had turned me down. She only dated Doctors. The thought made me curl my fingers into a fist at my side. What the hell was up with that? A woman like her should have a real man in her bed. One that could make her panties wet in a grocery store. A man like me. Was she on her date now? “Why are we here Crow?” I glanced at Minute from the corner of my eye. “We are going a beer run, you know we will run out and…” He didn’t let me finish. “Crap Crow, in all the years I have known you I have never seen you do the beer run. That’s a prospects job and we both know it.” His eyes narrowed. “Have you met someone?” He sobered instantly when my face tightened into a frown. “Holy s**t Crow, are we here because of a woman?” He gave a short barking laugh which died on his lips at the look on my face. “f**k off. It’s not like that.” Honestly though, that was exactly why we were here. I wanted a glimpse of Chloe and her darling doctor , I wanted…. Dammit I didn’t know what I wanted. “Who is she? I haven’t seen you friendly with anyone outside the club for months. I think the last time was when we all neatly got blown up at Doubles…” he paused as I continued to stare at him. “It’s the nurse isn’t it?” He shook his head. “How longs It been going on?” “Nothing is going on.” I finally admitted. “She keeps blowing me off.” “And you are still chasing?” Minutes eyebrow arched. “Damn she must be special. But that doesn’t tell me why we are here?” “She’s on a date and…” “You wanna get a look at the asshole right?” “Right.” I admitted with a nod. “And you would rather do this then party?” That was the question wasn’t it? “Yeah. I just have a bad feeling about it all. Deep in my gut. If she looks fine then I’ll leave her to it.” For a second Minute chewed on his lip. “f**k it , the party will still be going on when we get there. Let’s go spy on your hot little nurse.” “Not spying Minute, checking up on.” Minute saluted me. “What ever you say Pres.” It took us less then twenty minutes to find her. And when I finally laid eyes on her I wish I hadn’t. Every other time I had seen her she had been in her work uniform, it kind of got to the point that I had started to think she didn’t wear anything else. So seeing her dressed up for her date was strange and eye opening. She was so damn hot it made my mouth water. Even from across the road I couldn’t take my eyes from where she was framed by the restaurant window. She didn’t look particularly happy but she did look amazing anyway. I couldn’t see her outfit but that didn’t matter , all that mattered was…. Frowning I leant forward just in time to see her toss her wine straight into the smug face of her date. What ever was going on over there she wasn’t happy about it. I moved without thinking , barrelling across the road with no regard to the traffic. Behind me I head Minute give chase. “What the f**k is going on?” I ignored him , pushing into the restaurant with a roar. Chloe’s eyes lifted instantly and her glossy mouth opened in a little O. “Crow?” Striding across the packed room, I closed my hand around her dates throat, lifting him to his feet as he spluttered. His well manicured hands scratching at mine. “What the f**k did you just do to get?” I shook him, my fingers cruel around his throat. He couldn’t answer me but I screamed it in his face anyway. I wanted to know what he had done to her that warranted a drink thrown in his face. If he had hurt her I would kill him. “Crow.” Dimly I was aware of Chloe hovering at my back. The smell of her perfume filling my nose. “Crow we are making a scene . We should leave.” I barely heard her. “What the f**k did you do to her?”
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