
1865 Words
Christa POV      My name is Christa Adams. I'm just a normal 20-year-old girl. Well, sort of. I went to a normal school, did normal things, and I look like a normal 20-year-old. However, I am anything but. You see, my mom was a werewolf, and my dad, well, he was human. I have two older brothers, Pete the oldest, Chase, the second oldest, and well, you guessed it, I am the youngest and only girl. Both of my brothers are werewolves, and yet here I am, a human. How that happened I have no idea. I feel like I got handed the short end of the stick in this so-called life.      First off let me explain, my mom and dad should have never been together in the first place. It is extremely rare for a human and werewolf to be mates, but it happened to my parents. The problem is some werewolves don't like humans; they see them as weak and disgusting. But, when my parents saw each other, you can say it was love at first sight. My mom ignored everyone about not marrying my dad and that she should reject him and take a werewolf as a mate, but she refused, and so they decided to run away together and make a life of their own at only 18 years old. They were so happy together. She always said it was the best decision she made, and she would have never changed it for the world. A year after they were married, my brother Pete was born, then 5 years later Chase, and 14 years later, they had me by accident. Only when I was born, I was born very sick. The doctor didn't think I would live, but by some miracle, I pulled through.     Growing up was really hard for me. I was always in pain, and it got shrugged off as terrible growing pains.It wasn't until later I was diagnosed with a genetic autoinflammatory condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis; yeah, I know; it sounds like a dinosaur's name. It is a really horrible, painful disease that is slowly fusing my spine and other joints. Every morning I wake up and it takes me two hours to just start moving, then it takes me another hour and a half to get ready, and by the time I am ready I'm in pain, exhausted. I feel like I need to lie back down and fall asleep again, so I missed a lot of classes that I had to make up for. Not to mention the bullying because I walked funny sometimes, and I would get pushed around and cause me to come home with bruising and more pain. Most days I wanted to give up and never get out of bed again! I also have to be extremely careful if I have a hard fall to fracture my spine easily.      When I turned 15, my parents were taking a vacation to spend some time together, and a few days later, we got a phone call that they had been in an accident, and they didn't make it. My world had turned upside down at that moment, and nothing would ever be the same again.My brothers stepped up and took care of me, and I genuinely love and appreciate them both for that. Especially when they both have their own lives.      My oldest brother Pete had found his mate 5 years ago in a café before they had to go to work after they found each other, everything went quickly, and they moved her in with us. Pete's mate Monika is currently in Europe for her work, thank the moon goddess because she's a werewolf, and she loathes humans, and she's awful to me when Pete isn't around. Pete works at a law firm and is a hotshot Lawyer, and Chase was busy fighting in the MMA, so he was traveling around a lot and wasn't home very often. Not to mention Chase was a big-time playboy and liked playing the field! Women just dropped at their feet!       We live in Spokane, Washington, close to the Idaho border, surrounded and hidden in tall trees. We live just outside the Opal Moon pack territory. My brothers' and Pete's mate are part of the Opal moon pack. Usually, they would live in the packhouse or on pack territory, but because I'm human, I'm not allowed to be there. So, my brothers opted to live just outside the territory, so they could take care of me. After my parents died, they became overbearing, protective brothers.      Let's just say that I'm 20 years old and I have never even been on a date before. Not that guys weren't interested but as soon as they hinted interest my brothers chased them off, never to be seen or heard from by me again. Oh well, all is well that ends well. I mean, who would want to date me anyway. Not only do I have a ton of health issues but I also can't ever have kids because of a severe case of endometriosis. Who would want someone like me! What do I even have to offer? They're just saving me from heartbreak anyway!      Meanwhile, my brothers have super healing abilities and are extremely strong because of their wolves. I get why they're over protective I really do! I'm their only little sister, and I'm human and fragile. So they keep me in a protective box and sheltered from the harsh, cruel world, but really? I am a 20-year-old woman, for goodness sake! I want to experience the world. I want to fall in love; I want to live the way my brothers live. Instead, I'm stuck in the house all day reading books. At least it takes me away from my reality, and if I can't have romance in real life, at least I can have it in my books! UGH, I CANNOT TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS! I need to do something with my life. They can't keep me locked up my entire life! So I have come up with a plan, I will sit down with Pete and Chase, and I am going to beg and plead and beg some more to let me get a job so that I can start supporting myself. I just can't keep living under the same roof, watching them live out their lives! Even if I have to sneak out while they're gone to work or while they're sleeping. I will do whatever it takes. A few hours later Pete comes home. "Hey Christa, I'm back, and I brought your favorite dinner; come grab the bags for me, will ya?!" Pete yelled "I'm coming!" I throw on my house shoes and head downstairs. "Hey Pete, how was work?" "You know the same thing, different day." "Do you know when Chase will be home? I have something really important I want to talk to you both about?!" I casually swipe the bags from Pete. "He should be home in an hour or so. Why? What's so important?" Pete asks. "Well, I guess you'll find out when Chase is home!" I start setting the table for dinner.      Chase arrived an hour later. Once we were all relaxing for the rest of the day together on the couch, I grabbed the TV remote and shut it off. "Hey! I was watching that; thank you very much, you brat!" Chase says, trying to grab the remote back from me. "Too bad, I need to talk to you both about something really important to me!" "What is this about?" Pete asks. "Well, I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and it's something I feel I need to do so that I can stop relying on you guys all the time! I feel it's way past time to start supporting myself, so I want to get a job!" Both Chase and Pete sit there with stunned faces, and shortly after, they both look like they just ate something sour. "NO! NO WAY, NOT ON MY WATCH! It's too dangerous out there for you and you could get hurt or worse KILLED! NO!" Pete yells out. "Pete, I'm 20 years old. I'm a grown woman, and I need to make a life of my own! You can't keep me locked away here for the rest of my life!" "I can and I will" "Pete, you're extremely unreasonable, Chase; please help me out here!" Chase sits there and runs his hands through his hair, thinking through all that I have told them; Chase finally chimed in, "I mean, she has a point, Pete! As much as I hate to say it. I want to protect her as much as you do, but we can't keep her locked up." I start getting excited that Chase sees from my perspective, but Pete seems to be determined to stand his ground. "The answer is NO! I told mom and dad I would never let anything happen to you and I plan to keep that promise! I make enough money to support you, Christa, you don't need to work, EVER! I can't even begin to imagine if something were to happen to you!" Pete replied. I nervously twist my sweater sleeve around in my hand and look down guiltily and say, "Well, it's too late anyway, I saw a position open at the public library, and I applied for it, and I got the job! I start tomorrow." At that moment, Pete began to get red in the face, “WHAT?! YOU APPLIED FOR A JOB AND ARE JUST NOW TELLING ME? ARE YOU CRAZY, CHRISTA? NO, you are going to call them right now and tell them you can't take the job!" Pete says sternly. "It's too late, the library is closed for the evening, and I start bright and early! Besides, it's just a block down the road; I can walk there and back, I don't even need a car! And if it makes you feel better you and Chase and drop me off and pick me up on my shifts!" I say with pleading in my voice and I pout with puppy eyes on my face that I know my brothers can't refuse! Pete sighs his displeasure when Chase cuts in before Pete can say anything, giving me a wink and smile. "Pete, why don't we give Christa a trial period for a month, and if anything happens, she has to agree that things will go back to the way they were, and if things go well, we'll go month to month?" I enthusiastically shake my head, "I'm ok with that, Pete, pleaaaase, please, please, please?" I beg with both my hands folded together, and I'm on my knees. Pete sighs once more and finally agrees to give me a trial run for one month, and I am so happy I squeal so loud my brothers both cover their ears at the same time while I jump up on them to hug them! Little did I know, the next day would put my world into a tailspin! It would be the day I accidentally ran into my mate!
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