I have my issues.

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Love doesn't go away , no matter how hard you try . Max : One year and there's no sign of her . Not even a phonecall . Sometimes it makes me worried about her , if she is okay or not . For all I know she must be in some kind of trouble or maybe she didn't had the time to contact me . Who am I fooling ? It's almost a year now . She must have forgotten me , forgotten us . The relationship we shared for a short span of time . If she hadn't disappeared all of a sudden maybe things would have been different. I tried my best to get in touch with her but to no avail . She was gone without a hint. Didn't I mean anything to her ? Didn't my love mean anything to her ? There was a time when I didn't believe in love not after seeing my happily married parents fighting all day long . Over time she shook my belief . I fell in love . Believe me , It's nice to fall in love , an out of the world experience . But as you have heard everything has its flaws and so does love . Because love can lead to hurt . It can lead to heartbreak and more . More than one can even imagine . If the person you love doesn't love you back , it hurts. Hurts like hell ! Now I know she didn't love me or she wouldn't have left me all alone to deal with s**t . One year and my love for her hasn't faded a bit . It's there , mocking me like always for being so stupid . The tap on my shoulder breaks my train of thoughts . " Tracy , after a long time , huh " " I saw you all depressed so ..." , she raises one of her eyebrow at me . " You already know . It's too hard for me " " It's time you let go , Max " " Did you let go . Could you ? " Her face paled . She knew there was no answer to that . " It was just a year and I got attached to her so easily . Attachments isn't quite my stuff " , she laughed at the end . Trust me , I know that laughter all too well . " Let's try " , was all she said before leaving the class . I packed my stuff. Not much , a pen , a book which contains notes of almost all subjects and a diary . Whenever I feel the need to get it all out of my system , I write . She is the best listener , this diary of mine . For now I needed to go home , sort myself a bit . Get rid of those overwhelming emotions and move on with my life . That meant I needed to write in silence . The best place I could think of was my lonely room , just like me . I started walking , my mind totally focused on what I was going to write next . " Ouch " Should have paid more attention was my first thought . I bumped into someone , a girl to be more specific. " I am so sorry " , I apologized . She didn't blame me for not paying attention while walking , she didn't utter single word . All she did was kept staring at me . I knelt down helping her with all the books which were on the floor scattered all over . " Thank you . My name is Mia . And yours " For a second I thought she was too shy to speak. Seems I was wrong. " Max " . She brought her hand forward . For a handshake . Not wanting to be rude I brought mine too . It was after a long time that I was shaking hands with someone . " Nice meeting you " , she said . I don't think she meant it . Her eyes spoke volumes . And she definitely wasn't happy to meet me . Why would she be ? I bumped into her , right . " I don't think I know you " , I raised an eyebrow . " I am new here " . " Ohhhh , see you around then " . After having said those words I vanished out of her sight . I have to get home , remember . .... Suprisingly , dad is home today . Finally he got some time for me . " Hi Dad " " Your mom has come to visit you " . Guess , today is full of surprises . " I am not in the mood . Tell her to go away " " Why don't you tell her yourself " " You know , Dad " " It wasn't entirely her fault " . " Wow . Now you are defending her. Sometimes , I don't understand you " " We weren't meant to be together , son " , his voice was low , almost inaudible . " You should have thought that before bringing me into this world . " " Son " , he called . I ignored him and went straight to my room . Only to see my mother waiting for me . She regarded me waiting for me to speak . I dropped my stuff on my table . It landed with a thud . She flinched . " You shouldn't have come " Before she could convince me I screamed , " Get out " . Her eyes were full of tears . For a moment I got swept away by her really good acting skills . As if she cared for me . She didn't . I may look like a heartless child but I am not . Don't make any conclusions before you hear my side of the story .
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