Chapter 52: Weaklings

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Nyx hurriedly explained to the elves dark elves, beast man, but he didn't bring that much people Nyx just wanted to who vilunteered to help him and among those the prideful Phanter tribe agreed to help him, but the special Werewolf beast man he let the Racoon beast man to keep him safe for him and wait for their return and gave them some real foods to eat instead of the fasting pills that can only satisfy ones taste buds but not one's stomach Nyx then let Paul stay as he would only get in their way back to the village and let him answer the othwr tribes that weren't going to battle, the Racoon beast man tribe, the harpy, and the one of the rarust tribe the Werewolf tribe beast man. "Master... I don't get it, with your power I don't seem to have any idea if even demon generals are here you can put up a fight to them... but you actually want our help..?" Flora asked while they were sprinting along the Plateau ground and Nyx didn't answer. "Because... I can't show them my strength... not yet." Nyx didn't took a look at Flora but instead used his fingers to make a set complicated gestures. "Master... what are you hiding from us..?" Flora asked in a sad tone, and Nyx looked her way but Nyx had a sad expression on his face with his eyes sayinf that "I don't want to see anyone to suffer" that's what Flora saw. "Please... just trust me, you'll know after this, because I'll owr you every single one of their lives. "Got it... master, I might not know what's the reason... but we dark elves only believe in our own strength and chooses to follow you..!" Flora shouted as the other dark elves raised there hands and shouted with Flora. "Hmm..? Master, I might not have a muscle for a brain... but we also believe in your strength and have choosen to follow you" Elena said while smirking towards Flora on Nyx's right back side. "Oho..?! You girl seems to have a little bit of brain... I commend you for knowing master's strength unlike those ungrateful beast tribes..!" Flora said while looking back at Elena with an angry vein popping at the corner of her head. "Haha, it is not their fault for being scared when they heard a measly demons are attacking the Grannar village..." Elena looked back and stared to the leader of the Great mountain lion leader who was the only one who followed Nyx. "..." The great mountain lion leader didn't refute what Elena said, because it was true. "You guys get ready and stop fighting against one another... it's not really their fault for being afraid, in this kind of war many unexpected things can happen" Nyx said and defended the pride of the great mountain lion leader as she did choose to follow him despite knowing this might be a full blown war with thw demons. "Get ready, when I told you to jump use your every last bit of strength to jump upwards towards the top..!" Nyx said as he used his mana to recreate the Law of gravity. "Yes..!" All of the girls hesitated for a moment but just trusted Nyx's oreders. "Jump..!" Nyx didn't say anything more than just those few words and his body glow a mysterious gray colored light with a hint of blackness and a small bits of starlight glittering from his body And soon Elena, Flora, and all the other girls including the only tribe member of the great mountain lion leader and the Panther tribe used their mana to use body strengthening with their own special spells and jumped with all their might but was so dumbfounded when they leap they flew like eagle soaring the night sky and soon they were steady floating a hundred meters from the ground but each of them didn't used their full power except for Flora who trusted Nyx so much that she was almost able to keep up with Nyx with his montrous strength and mana. 'Hehe, this girl... is really talented to see a true genius like me and trust me easily, I mustn't lose her..!' Nyx smirked and looked at Flora gazing at the top of the cliff that was towering for at least three hundred plus meters and the moon was now slowly showing up and as they looked down the bluish grass made from the exotic environment of the glorious plateau it shined with a bluish moonlit light and looked like a sea of grass in the milky way. "How beautiful..." An elf said. "It really is... this place might even be more gorgeous than the Royal capital of Langit with the trees and the natural beauty of nature is together with the people... isn't that right ma'am Elena..?" An elf looked and asked Elena but saw her eyes looking at the ground and was also mesmerized the same as them. "I just need you guys to help my mom, and she would be able to take care of all the strong demons and if something unexpected happens my father can still deal with it..." Nyx used the air transmission technique that most immortal cultivators use to communicate with people far away from them. "What..?!" "Telepathy..?! Only a fourth circle mage can do that..!" The forest elves and dark elves were both astonished when Nyx used the air transmission technique and thought it was the telepathy that uses soul power in order to communicate. "Impossible..! with that kind of level then it is not totally impossible for master to defeat the Cerberus back then... but what he used to defeat it was a sword!" A dark elf said. "Yeah... that doesn't make any sense... except if he is one of those rare magic swordsman..! master must be one of them!" A forest elf exclaimed. Nyx didn't bother them gossiping about his real power, but he felt proud as a senior gis juniors are boasting about his mysterious strength and asking themselves what kind of power he has Of course as a senior Nyx showed them the power of Law, every Law has different powers and there are thousands of Law in heaven and earth such as the natural elements, gravity and a worlds foundation. Nyx then cancelled the Law of gravity after all of them were above ground and the forest elves dark elves and the few beast man were all in awe and was caught off guard adter Nyx cancelled the Law of gravity every single one of them falled to the ground and landed some were almost lost their balance but most of them were alright. Nyx didn't have time to explain and run first and the others followed with their shocked faces but Nyx wasn't sure if things are going right back in the Grannar village so he once again used the Law of gravity to make every one of them lighter and moved their body's much faster than normal however Nyx wasn't satisfied and used the imperial dragon step which is a movement technique at the heavenly level and a grade seven the highest grade of heavenly level technique but Nyx can only at most use only one to three percent of it's original power but it was enough for him to bring this group of people along with him. "Imperial dragon step!" Nyx's body then showed a change of mana and a surging mana got out of his body and formed a long stream of river like mana, but they didn't know it was the silhouette of a mythical dragon! Nyx's mana was color blue as any one would have but every elemental mana has different color but this dragon has the normal bluish color and everyones speed doubled in an instant and the presense of the imperial dragon step made some phenomenon that normally occured if techniques that can reach the heaven level is comprehended one will trigger the heavenly lightning that will test out ones own power and will! But Nyx wasn't weak either he just used his absurd reserbe of mana to condense an orb like thing but the sheer amount of mana it had was enough to drain Nyx's mana but good thing he has some good QI gathering mana and each time he swallowed the pills it will be directly digested and used by his body because of his secret cultivation method. --------------------------------- Meanwhile Zira was nowhere to be found and the hordes of demons have reached the Grannar village and Terran's air barrier was shattered in an instant only rhe earth wall barrier has been left and was also damage by the shock wave of the two opposing attacks An Ice mound was left in the scene where Zira and the White wolf was fighting and a giant ice crater was formed and the surrounding area and tree where either blown to bits and become icicle. "Humans are really weak... why did master even send me here for this... hmph, they can only at beast cast an earth wall of this magnitude which may have protected them temporarily, but the weird thing is I don't see the demon wolf Fenrir here? Did he already ate all the villagers here..? such a waste I can use them for experiments... but I can feel a human that has a huge amount of mana and other than that there are also humans with a little bit of strength, I should let my underlings play with them" The winged bat demon said. "Is this all that woman is capable of? heh! It seems that it was only luck that she managed to take down the western forest king" Baron Swine said. "All of you, attack! s*******r all this last humans that still has a fighting spirit" The winged demon said as he scoffed. The demonic beast with different body shape and faces started to move according to the demon with a bat wings, but most of them were only Class B demonic beast but among them there are some noticeable demons that has different weird bodily limbs, such as a demon with no eyes and all has an arm for a leg with a saw like mouth And some where animals that were turned into demonic beast, such as bears, goats that stands on it's two feets and horses and such, and some where like alien like space dog demons that has tentacles for manes with four red eyes. And the demons started to run and the ground quake as the people tremble in fear when they felt the absurd amount of demonic aura.
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