
Magic Cultivation

magical world
poor to rich

A story about being reincarnated twice in new different worlds, dying and seeking vengeance. But before our MC notice it family is much more important to him than ever been before!

Follow the story of unique cultivation using magic, building his own country from scratch.

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Chapter 1:The beginning of the End
In a world we're all familiar with, Earth. a lucky young man... ------------------------------------------------ or is he? Our lucky protagonist here is called Xiao Rong. But Xiao Rong was bullied at school and had a nick name "Gay" because of how his father disappeared when he was being delivered by his mother in the hospital he ran away before he was born a trash of the society by the view of the people around them, but her mother told him that his father was a beautiful man just like him and was also a mysterious and a loving partner. He was treated badly, bullied and had his nickname "Gay" since elementary. hence he had that nickname and it wasn't just because his father ran away but he had a peculiar facial features that doesn't seem to be normal, he had an elongated face and a facial features of a fair maiden but he is a boy and his eyes were much darker than usual it wasn't brown but a jet black eye with a hint of emerald shine. ~~~~ Xiao Rong! "Thud" a loud bang was heard. Xiao Rong fell down from his bed when his mother called him because he was busy playing. Xiao Rong grunted in pain, What the heck why am I so unlucky this past few days I was just playing some games not minding other people's business... .... Hi my name is Xiao Rong just your average teen with the natural good looks by natural I mean average look and... a loner a fan of manga, anime, video games, novel. I'm currently 17 this year of 2014 my height is 186cm and am currently studying in highschool in Jiangnan with a pretty boy presence. Ms.Xiao, Xiao Rong..! What are you doing there saying your background story are you becoming dumber or are you going crazy already..? That must be because all you do is play all day with that game Mobile Mythics..! Xiao Rong thought that his mother must be the crazy one who would be crazy just playing some games, and replied to his mom. Yes mom? Ms. Xiao, What are you saying "yes mom" you lazy kid you should do your homework and activities from school instead of wasting your time on that stupid phone and playing Mobile Mythics! Xiao Rong insisted, Well it's saturday so isn't it normal for a handsome young man like me to play sometimes... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But he regretted doing all those stupid things all those year because a month later her mother passed away because of the abusive work she was getting from her co workers and the company she was working... ------------------------------------------------ It is the last scene that I could ever remember from 450 years ago and that was the last thing I heard from my mother although she was always like that she wasn't also a bad mother she was caring and loving a perfect mother... I'm Rong Xiao a happy smiling young handsome man with no father My mother died because of overwork and I didn't know she was abused by her co workers and all while I'm being a piece of crap all the while... if only I could just turn back the time if I could... 'sob' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A year later that night. ... I also died because I took bad ways to live my life living the life of a thug with no work and playing games all day and going to club till I was one day beaten to death by a rich young master of a big corporation and the End. Wait what no no no no way am I gonna die just like this right..? god? ----------------------------------------------- I woke up in an unfamiliar land and looked around, I was at a ravine filled with glowing moss and flowers with trees that tower's at least a few 100 meters. I heard a strange voice, sounds are everywhere and when I looked closely I found out that there were small flying orbs... but the closer I observe it it was actually a fairy...?! I said to my self what? what is this little thing... and it floated past me and soon I ventured and found out that this isn't Earth anymore... I was lucky to be in the sprites forest a holy land that could bless the soul and tempering ones body to the Body refining 10th stage and I was hungry so I ate a sweet smelling flower and soon I felt it's effects I suddenly flop over the pond with the lotus flower that was as big as a coconut leaves I couldn't control my body it submerged in the pond and every second it was getting dimmer and dimmer probably because I thought I was lossing my consciousness but when I looked up the lotus pad actually became smaller and smaller... I was confused but it wasn't that it was getting smaller because I was lossing my consciousness it was because I was sinking to a bottomless pond! When I turned around I panicked as I saw there was nothing but vast darkness while sinking... Imagine a man who was tired enough to fall to a pond with the same height as the Mariana Trench!! It was very scary I tried my best to swim upwards but I couldn't... I felt that there was a force in my body that is blocking my movements... the moment I realized that I lost consciousness but what was the weird part was I could think even though I already lost my consciousness... And I remember a crucial information from manga and novels that this could be a state of meditation where one needs to focus and circulate their blood and use their meridians to let the blood, body, soul, and flesh and bones to feel the power of QI the organs was also a part of this as I focused and tried my best to circulate the new energy found from within my body... and soon realized that it wasn't as easy as what the manga and novels said them to be..! I had to focus my mental power and my will to the extreme to endure the excruciating pain my body was experiencing as a new substance entered my very flesh and blood. I was vomiting... in manga and novels this was a sign that I reached the first layer of body refining or something like that... and soon it wasn't just as simple as vomiting because I felt my heart beating faster and faster as I felt something in throat and vomited a slimy red substance and I noticed it was stale blood and I was panicking by how much blood I was lossing at this point... but there was nothing I could do but continue... I finally woken up and feel very refreshed and my body teeming with power and saw how dark this pond really was and I tried so swim but it was weird I was only swimming for about a minute and I already reached the surface and saw the beautiful scenery again, and I was excited by this fantasy things so I tested it... I jumped and found out that I could jump as high as 35 meters... I panicked because I was new to this and the height made me dizzy as I was panicking I fall to the pond again but this time it didn't have any effect and thought it must be because it was done tempering my body and soon I felt and saw it... QI! I can smell it a sweet yet a vegetable fragrance to it and followed it and soon realized it was the giant lotus flower the size of each of it's Buds were the size of a leaves of a coconut tree just like what I saw the last time and I decided to ate eat... but soon enough it was a bad choice I ate a full whole 4 buds and couldn't help but answer the nature's call's and it happened again while I was pooping I fall down to the pond again while I was trying my very best to crap... I meant grab!! to grab to a lotus but my efforts were in vain as I instantly entered a deep meditation and once again sitting at the bottom of the pond and I realized that the bottleneck I had and the restraint I felt at the 10th stage of body refining was gone the moment I started circulating my QI and after all that happened. I was taken by the sprites and finally... finally I can hear and understand them clearly this must be because of the new found power... they explained to me what happened apparently I ate a spiritual herb called 7 spirit severing lotus as dangerous herb that can't be consumed by humans with the cultivation of a mere body tempering and I was very lucky to survive this tragedy... Apparently it only blooms in a hundred years and absorb such a pure genuine QI that any cultivator under the sky rendering level will explode apparently I ate four of them by mistake and they were surprised nothing happened to me but... I was scared so I thanked them and ran away and that's were my first journey of cultivation first started. And yes the time I stayed at the pond was only four years but in that four years I instantly reached the sky severing realm by leaps and bounds. ------------------------------------------------------ End

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