Chapter 47.5: Creating a village with ones magic

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"Ah... master our dark elf clan also isn't very good at building, so we just use earth magic and create a barrier of sort and build fortresses or palaces out of earth magic so we can help you in building a palace if you need to... but, we don't have enough mana to even create half of a palace but with your mana master... we can maybe create it in a week or two..." Flora kneeled and also shared her opinion. "Hmm... a Palace..? and a Tree house, both are good for the safety of people" I then pondered for a while and thought what might be the best to do at this point. '...Hm, a week or two..? wait..?! did she just said a week or two?! then that means the dark elves are willing to follow me..?! then it might be better to socialize with them a bit more and then show them my memory when we build a safe place, and plus it's not bad to have dark elves as a core disciple maybe I don't even need the others if they don't want to follow me..!' "Then let's start working on it everyone... after were all done then I'm gonna release all your slave seal" I took a glance at them and gave them a bright smile to make them lower their guard down to me. "Hmm... I didn't know but you elves really do know what your doing eh... the forest elves has already grew some trees that almost resembled that of a giant pine tree of at least a meters tall, and now they are slowly creating more such gigantic trees but the problem is their mana is steadily dropping and soon they won't be able to keep up their pace..." I took a deep breath and had a huge smirk. 'Maybe with this I can let them have some QI gathering pills and let them experience how heavenly defying this pill is! They would surely be surprised when they experience it themselves in how easily and fast it is to recover ones mana in a matter of a few minutes of meditation!' Nyx then let the Forest elves do their thing and let the beast man roam the periphery so they can be more familiar with their surroundings because all the beast man tribes was willing to follow Nyx and it was due to the Great mountain lion tribe that was willing to follow Nyx because of what they all just witnessed and the lower bloodline beast man of course followed except for the Panther tribe as they were extremely prideful more than the Great mountain lion tribe That when seeing Nyx's pure strength they just followed their instincts to follow the strong and become stronger. "Phew... Master, Umm... we have already set up the First circle, magic circle for creating large buildings..." Flora panting while talking to me was actually quite adorable for some reason. "Uhm... thank you" I nodded and awkwardly smiled at her while scratching my head. 'Now let's see what this magic circle is of theirs... hmm I am using my divine sense to probe and know how this magic circle works and every tiny bit of it is the really the same with an array that is used back on the ten thousand immortal worlds but this kind of array is one that is used by big sects to lay out a foundation or create walla made out of the surrounding area... for example if one discovered a hidden place or a out of the ordinary mountain that is made out of metal they can use this type of array to make foundations and walls that is erected using ones QI and activate this array. To see it in this world... it seems that cultivators here existed long before but now their traces are gone, but this is a good sign for me... it seems like this world is probably much more suitable to cultivate than back on the ten thousand immortal worlds..!' After Nyx finished looking at the heaven and earth manipulation array he guessed it was an inheritance left only to the dark elves back then and without any hesitation Nyx then started to use his mana and tried to activate the array but he immediately stopped after the array drew out almost ten percent of all his mana out when trying to test it out He panicked for a little bit because now the array already has a foundation that he accidentally created a clean mound of earth that looked like a giant ring for fighting that is made out of a strange colored metal. "M-master..! what happened? are you alright..?" Elena came when she heard a rumble and saw Nyx with a shocked look. "U-um... I'm alright, but... hehe" I then looked back and laughed awkwardly. 'I didn't know but mana is actually quite weaker than QI and it rapidly sucked ten percent of all my mana out of my Dantian... back then it would only slowly use up QI as one uses it to make foundation or walls... but I was shocked that it formed a hundred meter wide foundation... urgh I should have waited for them so I can impress them, and in the first place I don't know how they would create a small palace with this heaven and earth manipulation array..!' Flora took a look at gasp when she saw that a foundation was already made before they worked on it, normally it would take them at least a few hours to make a stable foundation for creating a small palace or fortress but to see that Nyx already used and made a foundation for them is also a shock for them. "How is this possible..!??" Flora shouted with her eyes wide while holding Nyx's shoulders and almost made his legs burrow under the ground by Flora's sheer power. "That... haha" I awkwardly smiled and looked at her but saw that Flora was actually a beauty, her was gray, her hair was quite long and the clothes she was wearing are the same with those anime clothes in isekai. The lesser the clothes the higher the defense and it was the same with Flora her boobs could be vaguely seen if one focuses on it Then her cleavage can he seen and her n*****s can from her clothes that is making my manhood rise. I then used the tactic I saw on a manga that only special forces can do! 'That is... to use my eyes! I should focus my left eye to look at her face while my right eye should be used to look at her cleavage..! Until I can clearly see her n*****s or even a tiny bit of her boobies part then I can become a lot stronger!' Nyx then used this method and one can see his eyes diverting from each other! He then activated and controlled his blood to enhance his vision to it's maximum MP..! 'That's right, a marlin can use their special skill using their own warm blood to flow towards their eyes to see their prey frame by frame and without a doubt they can catch such preys! Like me I'm using my Ancestral Blood Cultivation method and cultivate it to achieve a much purer bloodline of the vampire race! Vampire race manipulates blood, and me a lesser bloodline vampire in my current cultivation can do such things to heighten my senses!' Nyx right eyes then showed a group of small veins like Neji, and focused on Flora's boobs and finally saw how big Flora's boobs was and was happy that he used his cultivation in a peaceful way. 'Byakugan..!' *Swoosh!* "Master how were you able to use our race's special earth magic.!" Flora looked at me with a surprise face and a bright smile coupled with her beautiful face she looked pretty while talking to me. *Drip* I didn't noticed but I ended up looking at her face more than her boobs and made have a nosebleed but at the end, I really am a loser virgin living for four hundred and fifty years and not a single girl did I take advantage of even with my power. 'Is this how it feels... to be staring awkwardly at a gorgeous girl... this really feels very awkward' "Master! are you alright?! your having a bleeding in your nose, you shouldn't have activated the magic circle without us... even with the ten of us we can only barely build the first floor of a small palace with the amount of our mana, but you single handedly made a hundred meter foundation... it might help us but you shouldn't push yourself too hard..." Flora genuinely sounded worried about me and put her right arm to my face. 'What is this feeling... my face feels so hot when this girl caresses my face, wait wait a moment..! isn't this a scene that will make a character fall in love with the MC..!?!' "M-ms. Flora... uhhmm..." A dark elf approached us and looked embarrassed. "Ahhh..! w-what is it..?!" Flora panicked and stuttered with her words and immediately looked back at her fellow derk elf sister. 'Urghh... that was awkward... I didn't thought I would actually be seduced by a young human child... but, back in our clan it is normal for girls or guys our age fall in love with someone stronger than them and it was said that. Due to our prideful nature when it comes to strength we find it beautiful or wonderful when we see someone stronger than us and we can have another goal in our life and not just be a lonely dark elf.' "Uhm... ahem... well we have noticed that the foundation is quite weird and it might be harder for us to make this palace..." The dark elf said to flora, I looked at her and she and Flora seem to have not even the same features such as her boobs are a little bigger than Flora and her hair is orange and most of the dark elves has different hair color except Flora's gray colored hair. "Ahem... why, what seems to be the problem..?" Flora harrumphed and looked at the dark elf with orange hair with a bit if a tinge of redness in her cheeks. 'I see... Ms. Flora herself is attracted to this human child because of the power he just showed us, even I can't help but admire such a promising young man, Ahem! I should not think about this anymore, Ms. Flora has already set her eyes on master... I can't probably content with her...' The orange hair dark elf took a look ay Nyx and took a deep breath. "Master, it is best if you also listen to this..." The orange hair dark elf said to Nyx with a shy but solemn expression. Nyx then awkwardly moved towards them and the orange hair dark elf made them follow up to her, and a few seconds later they have arrived to the foundation Nyx has accidentally created Flora then used her magic to scan the area for a while and got back to Nyx with a complexed expression. "...Master..." Flora slowly said to me. "Uhhm... what's the matter..?" I didn't know how to react or properly talk to them because I was never good at it when it comes to beautiful girls. "It seems you are quite lucky master, and it also seems you also have quite a bit of bad... bad luck..." Flora hesitated to talk for a moment and got her head downward fearing that Nyx might hate her. "It's alright, don't be afraid and tell me what seems to be the problem here..?" I wanted to pat Flora's head but she was taller than me considering my body of a five year old. "Uhmm..." Flora looked at the orange haired girl and the orange haired girl nodded back to her.
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