Chapter 27: How smart can you possibly be?

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"What is this? peasants daring to have a feast without my presence..?!" "Huh?? who are you?!" "Yeah, why would you ruin the mood-" *smack!* The drunk guard got a smacking from a guard that was seemingly behind the fat figure and made the drunk guard flew a meter from where he was standing. "Lloyd..! are you okay..?!" The fellow guard standing to him couldn't believe that a simple question would be replied by a savage punch! "Lloyd... you what's wrong with-" The guard who was together with the guard named Lloyd angry and asked the man responsible for punching his fellow guard, but he didn't expect that the man who was wearing a black colored leather armor that looked like a burly assassin strangled him that he couldn't even react! The strangled guard tried to resist but no matter how he tried to get the hands of the black armored man but still didn't even made the armored man budge, so instead he tried to strangle him like what he did to him. 'Hah! even if you are pretty strong... I wasn't taken to be a guard because I have a mediocre strength..! fool!' The guard then strangled the armored man but, he felt strange the man didn't still budge so he strengthened his grip and one could see the veins of the guard even standing in a few meters away. Meanwhile the guard felt it the mans neck felt as if it was as though as a wood and soon he felt it, he couldn't breathe anymore. 'I'm loosing my... consciousness...' But thankfully Terran made a move and the sudden appearance of this people was quite unusual, so Terran casually walked closer to the man with a black leather armor and was about to touch his shoulders, but the black armored man felt something with a dangerous aura was coming closer to him but he couldn't feel where is this person coming from. 'Who has this kind of aura in this village..?! such a dangerous aura... and I can't even discern where it's coming from...' The black armored man took a look at his surroundings but it was too late Terran already made it to where he was and he dropped the guard he was choking and jumped forward while rotating his body mid air and finally saw the man who was releasing the dangerous aura he felt but Terran was fast and got a hold of the shoulders of the black armored man which made the black armored man shocked. 'what??! I jumped at least one and a half meter while this guy was still half a meter away from me but he still got a hold of me... this guy, his dangerous I should be careful-??!' Terran then chanted releasing his magic which made the ground sank at the foot of the black armored man and the two entire foot of the black armored man, from his toe to his knees it was covered by a black rock and from afar it looked like a small volcano trapping a giant. Meanwhile Terran was angry at this man, not only did he choke this guard he also sent flying the other man who was just asking him a question, so he chanted and just casually made the earth rise a bit and made a miniature size of an earth prison, but the fat guy reacted at this and saw that even his guard who was an infamous assassin that can even can head on with an A rank adventurer and even rumoured that he killed an S rank adventurer with one move, this man was wary of another man, so he wisely acted and not want any trouble to come to him. Baron Swine Vin Ludwick was watching how Terran would react and soon saw the hunter was wary of him. 'who is this guy? to even make the "hunter" wary of him, the hunter was given to him as a tittle not because he hunt some third rate people but strong and renowned people... from adventurers to knights and even a duke was killed by this man... and to see that he is wary of this man, I should also not make any unnecessary trouble while I'm here, I don't want them to know that I captured a daughter of an S class magical beast and take my prescious treasure away!' Meanwhile the hunter tried his best to resist but suddenly his body felt very heavy as if an iron chain was dragging his body downwards but still he can move , and if he tried his best he can broke free his two legs from the small earth prison his two feet was on. So the hunter tried and forcefully circulated his magic and his body soon glowed a crimson b****y glow, 'body enhancment!'. Terran noticed this guy had an abnormal mana that didn't felt that came from a human, it felt like the mana came from a savage beast or more likely a Demonic mana, this made Terran wary of this guy even more and Terran remembered he felt that his magic now has reached a certain level and his earlier spell that took down the Giant Dawn Tusk Boar has reached the 7th circle so he tried to use his mana differently this time. Hmmm... I should try to use the earth element mana and try to inject it at this guys body and if I can succeed then I can forcefully lock his mana using my earth element and the nature of element will take care of the rest... A sudden gush of wind circulated around Terran and a brownish glow then started to appear, Terran's body was soon engulfed by this glow his hand that was holding the hunter soon glowed much brighter, and as if Nyx couldn't see this Nyx saw that his father was actually injecting his mana! normally even in the cultivation world forcefully injecting mana will lead to consequences, if the other person rejects it then both of them will recie a backlash but if the other person agrees to it then their QI can be shared and some of their external and internal injuries can be healed, and for Nyx to see this happening here, he didn't know what his father was thinking. But soon Terran's experiment worked and he successfully injected his mana to the hunter, and the hunter felt something was wrong, but it was too late for him when he realised he mana channel was now blocked by a much sturdier and stronger mana flow which made his mana forcefully subside and as a backlash the hunter experienced mana deprivation which happens when a mage or a person loss his mana or has been locked away, this type of thing is usually used in prisoners so they can't fight back or seal their mana channel to forcefully deprived their body of mana which will make them feel weak and their body would experience a sudden surge of weakness and will make them unable to stand for a few hours. 'What??!' the hunter was shocked that this guy in front of him managed to seal his mana and he soon entered the state of mana deprivation and soon feel on the ground slowly as the hunter was an experienced man he was not that weak to fall quickly on the ground, but sadly the element Terran used was the Earth element which is known for it's brut force and sturdiness, so the hunters body felt as if a boulder the size of a carriage was crushing his body which made him completely plop to the ground and even made the rocky road c***k. This... this is crazy! to think a single touch would make the hunter lie down! I shouldn't further provoke this guy. "Ahem! Mr. who might you be?" The fat guy asked Terran and Terran was actually shocked, he knew this voice was very familiar to him. "Oh... Baron Swine Von Ludwick" "Good that you know who I am, that man is one of my people. It shouldn't be too much if you just let him go right?" "Sadly I can't do that, not only did he punch a man, but he also tried to strangle a man to death... if I didn't intervene in time then, this man would have died" Baron Swine's face contorted and felt as if this man in front of him was acting as if he had an equal status to him. "Tch! can't we just end this, I'm a busy man and I was just passing by to see what's the commotion about-", Who is that woman? she looks like a noble... what a fair skin and a beautiful face she has, hehe if I can get her then I'm sure I can be satisfied for a while. Terran saw this fat Baron was looking at Zira and with a lustful look, Terran couldn't help but want to smash this pig's face. But he can't do that as it would endanger themselves and even Nyx who had no idea what cruel things this world has to offer. "Oh, then you can leave now Baron Swine~" Baron Swine Von Ludwick heard this words and knew that Terran was teasing him to further make him angry so that he would be rash enough to make a mistake so that Terran can make a move against him, Hmm...crazy guy! you thought I wasn't smart huh?
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