Chapter 46: The Behemoth

2028 Words
"Aghh..! What was that... what an absurd strong gust of wind!" Elena exclaimed and saw that everyone of them reacted quick enough and that Flora was guarded by her fellow dark elf sisters. 'Phew... that dark elf seems to be doing fine now, but that intense killing intent and that weird energy earlier... it felt like darkness, but no... it didn't felt right it felt more like a higher degree than the darkness element! This human child might actually be not normal... I should keep my guard up if something comes up later today...' The beast man and the elves looked at the horror in front of them and saw that the fiery Cerberus that got into a berserk mode earlier was now lying lifelessly in a crater of at least one meter deep, and saw the skeleton and ribs of the Cerberus broken to pieces and it's strong flesh now was torn apart by the attack of Nyx earlier it's blood slowly gushing out the one to two meters long wound that Nyx created when he strike the Cerberus down! "H-how is that... how is that even possible..!" The Forest elves, dark elves and all the beast man tribe who couldn't even moved earlier when the Cerberus showed up without making a sound all muttered the same words. They then saw a blurry silhouette emerging from the dust covering the crater area and saw a black figure slowly coming towards them All of their mental strength almost gone in an instant when they saw the Cerberus and now a black figure coming towards them, they didn't think it was Nyx their master as they were overwhelmed by the monstrous power the two just showed them earlier. *Muttering* *Blah* "Blah, blah, blah" The Forest elves and the Dark elves didn't here anything and same with all the beast man tribe their ears are all ringing because of the strong impact earlier created by Nyx. "W-who are you..?!" Elena shouted to the blurry figure. *Cough* *Cough* "What's with all this dust... haish, I wanted to act cool to convince my soon to be core disciples but now I seem to look stupid" I tried to act cool but ended up acting like a dumb person because of the dust that gathered after the ground sank and obliterated by the sheet power and impact of the one sword s***h technique. 'Haish... I didn't think that I couldn't kill that three headed beast, but I expected that... after all I only used twenty five percent of all my mana but I made sure to completely use my full physical power in that blow but still that beast suddenly went into some kind of a transformation that made it's defense much stronger than before and it's bodily strength ten times stronger. But still with that kind of injuries it would take that beast at least a few months to completely recover and besides I still haven't asked it where it brought my prescious soon to be core disciples!' Nyx twisted in anger at the fact that he couldn't even kill a beast that was not even in the golden core realm, but instead it was just a normal third level beast close to being a fourth level beast A third level beast is equal that to a QI condensation realm and it has the same strength with Nyx but Nyx has a special cultivation technique which allowed him to have the bloodline of a vampire which is ten times stronger that of a human and with it's blood manipulation skills he used all his power but still didn't kill the beast in one hit, this made Nyx felt agitated at the fact that it only took a big scratch and him took a hit on his reputation. "M-master..?" Elena finally recognize who it was and calmed her chaotic emotions and made a relief sound. 'This human child can even defeat a monstrous monster such a Cerberus which is said to be a guard dog of hell but in this case a dungeon, a dungeon at the level of an A rank dungeon or an S rank dungeon... But looking at this Cerberus it looked like it was at least a few hundred years old and should be the legendary Fiery Cerberus which is the ancestor of all the hell hound beast and any other Cerberus lineage beast. And this human child took down an S class magical beast in one hit... but that kind of power... he might've paid quite a price to have such extreme power..!' "Are you guys alright..?" I took a look at them and was relied that they seem alright but only one wasn't, it was the leader of the Dark elves. 'What happened to her..? I don't seem to have detected any abnormalities in her body nor did some kind of foreign energy harm her... what happened?' "That... master let this humble one explain what happened to you" Elena then made a humble gesture when she just witnessed such a fight between monsters. Elena explained that Flora was acting weird when Nyx started to fight against the Cerberus magical beast and now knew it was because of the slave seal that used a drop of his blood to make that saved the rest of them, because of his killing intent that has accumulated for four hundred and fifty years it was enough that a release of such intense killing intent would harm any normal mortal who don't have strong soul power as such Nyx regretted being rash and took his anger to three headed beast, Cerberus. "So... she's alright... right..?" I once again asked for her safety and Elena told me that the Great mountain lion tribe leader casted her the Lion's heart spell, a spell only the tribe members of the Royal beast clan the Lion beast clan has. "As such master needn't to worry... but master... mas I ask a question... ah..! that is if master want to listen to this humble one..." Elena looked at me while putting her left arm on her chest while her right arm under her boobs and made it looked like a scene from an anime where the popular phase of the Mc..! "That... ahem, it's okay just ask don't hold back haha..." That's right just ask, this brother won't refuse your confession..! "... Uhm... I want... I want to know where we are going and what... what you plan to do with us... master..." Elena blushed and hesitated as she imagined that her first time would be taken in such a place. "What I plan to do... with you..?" I instantly remembered what that weird guy back then told me that this slaves are actually were supposed to be bought by nobles that likes to play with different races and instantly know why they were acting so weird a few moments ago. 'This is a bit misunderstanding..! I thought why they were acting weird earlier, it was due to the fact that a human child like me brought them deep in the forest and might do some unforeseen things' "Ahem..! Don't misunderstand you guys... perhaps it's time to explain some things to you..." I then told them along the way as we were walking at a normal pace and I told them about the power I used earlier How to cultivate and how the heavenly principles works and the Dao that allows the humans and any mortal being to reach the level of godhood if one is fated to reach such level. Nyx and the group of girls listened to Nyx attentively as he talked about the heavenly principles and how one would need to pass through a heavenly tribulation in order to promote his strength to prove his worth to the heavens. After walking for almost fifteen to twenty minutes Nyx now can finally see the huge drop and the glorious plateau he just discovered an hour ago and is now ready to explain to them what he plans to do to them. "Master... so you are saying you have received an inheritance from a fallen god from a world distant from this world..?" Elena looked at Nyx and had doubted what he just said but she saw how powerful a human child his age and it is the most possible explanation she can get. "I want to show you the image he has given me when he was still alive... but this place isn't suitable for that" I looked around and scattered my divine sense a little further than I can but I reached my limit at fifty meters and I only sense magical beast presence such as a burly monkey, and some gigantic bird fighting over a giant tree and many small bugs and even a big spider trapping a horned rabbit. "Then what are we supposed to do master..?" Elena was very frequent in her questions and now I know she is very curious. 'I want to verify it if what this human child said is true... then our Forest elves clan might have a blessing rather than a calamity, when we first got here I saw how they impregnated the fellow sisters of my race and other races and left behind to become a breeder sort of elf... I was so angry but saw their bitter smile and asked them in secret, they only replied that "This is the only way for our fellow sisters to survive in the lands of humans" I wanted to butcher every single human in that underground trading place but they unexpectedly has a Grand Master level magic sword man which even if all of us fight them to death we would only die in vain when it was that much much power gap... and that guy also is a Titled Grand Master..!" "I actually want to create a small village here... as I read that the Rocky mountain range forest are actually free from any kind of law so it is safe to make and build such a village in a remote place like this one..." "Hmm... so you want us to help you build a village master..?" "It's something like that... and I also want to show you what cultivation is really all about..." "This... I-I'll decide after I see it for my self master... I'm sorry if I'm not able to fulfil your request in joining your sacred quest..." "Haha... it's alright, I'm gonna do my best to convince you guys... because, I really need to protect what's prescious to me... this time" I gripped my hands tightly and looked at the sky, and saw how peaceful it was. "Protect something that is prescious to you..?" Elena wondered what Nyx was talking about, but it is highly likely it is about his family. Nyx didn't answer Elena's questions any further and wanted to focus on how his going to convince them to stay besides them. Nyx walked them closer to the plateau with sone twist and turns before finally arriving ten minutes later. "Haish... no matter how much I look at it it's still a very glorious sight to see... This is the place that I want to start a small village with, and I hope you can listen to me for my greedy request" I took a look at it again and a few fifteen meters is where the huge cliff drop that extends to about at least three hundred to four hundred meters bellow As I moved the small branches of trees and let the forest elves, dark elves, and the beast man tribes saw a gigantic plateau extending from the ground close to almost reaching the clouds if one would exaggerate it. "This... how... how can such a beautiful place exist and not be known to the world..." Elena was astounded when she saw a scenery that even in the Elven Kingdom it would be a rare sight like the world tree that only high elves and the Royal family of Hierial family of the elf race lives. "Is this... this a Behemoths resting place..?!" A Great mountain lion tribe member said.
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