Chapter 40: Cultivation in it's highest

2087 Words
As such the heavenly pills that Nyx said was just so that they will let their guard down and made them think it was all that "mysterious god's" doing that such elixir which was unheard of was created by Nyx in the first place, and what was weird was it wasn't liquid but it was a circle pillet a pill and Helbert didn't saw such elixirs even in the church but when he took one his body immediately began experiencing a tremendous pain as he mana channels were being quenched and soon the impurities slowly emerged to his pores and he vomited black blood and his veins felt like it was being poured by lava, but soon the agonizing pain was gone and a soothing energy flow through his body yet again and the process happened again for at least three times till finally Helbert broke through the peak of Body refining realm, same with Ayesha, Lisa but Paul was different his body was extremely ready because of his training with Nyx and he successfully entered the QI gathering realm and his body was covered by a weird black slimy substance and stink so much that Lisa and Ayesha told Helbert to threw Paul away and Nyx just laugh at their ignorance and warned them not to do such a thing if they don't want Paul to turn into a cripple. "S-sorry..." I see that Ayesha was really sorry for what she said and borrowed her head to her chest area, and as for Lisa she was embarrassed and sad that she said such a thing. "Sorry Nyx... I didn't... didn't really know..." "It's okay... really haha, but next time don't do such inappropriate things alright?" *nods* Ayesha and Lisa nodded and Helbert sighted at this young kids. "Hmm... certainly such pills are scarce... How are we supposed to repay you this time young master..?" I took a look at the old man his complexion is much better than before and he seems to be more younger. "Haha, sir Helbert needn't worry such things... anyway stop calling me young master I told you if you wanted to be my Knight then just call me by my name... it makes me think that I'm some kind of a noble that would take advantage of others..." That's right Helbert started calling me young master a month after our training started and he told me that it was because I was worthy of such respect and tittle I mean I don't blame him, (hehe) I know that I'm pretty good and all since I'm you know haha, I reached the Void transformation realm in the age of two hundred and spent half of my life discovering mysterious things that the Dao could offer me and others spent five hundred to a thousand years just to breakthrough that same level and that just tell the gap between a genius and an old foggy and I'll be damned if I don't share my knowledge to my love ones. "Haha, Young man you're so modest that even the most charming prince out there would pale in comparison to your compassion and kindness...*sigh* it's such a shame that your talent will be held in this village and our kingdom" How wish I meet this young man in my hay days then, that tragedy would have probably been stop and this rotten place will be saved by this young man but it seems the gods hasn't forsaken us and let this young man inherit the legacy of that fallen god. *Thud* *Thud* "That's right... if it wasn't for you Nyx then this children would've been still in that orphanage being treated by sister Sophia badly... I really am thankful for you Nyx, I wish I could help you more than I can currently do..." That's right if it wasn't for Nyx then the church would've probably taken me to be a vassal of the Saints and I wouldn't have been able to live a free life, and this poor kids would be treated unfairly by sister Sophia but Nyx took care of all of that. "Well... what should I say..? I have too much money that I can buy even the church HAHAHA!" That's right I've been selling the normal pills that wasn't enriched by this sealed space and sold them to a black market dealer on an exclusive auction house for thieves, mercenary, nobles and even some famous adventurers And from there it was hard to sell it for a day or two because no body knew what a pill was for and all they were familiar with was the elixir that created by Arc Mages or Alchemist and who would trust a new pill so from there I made sure that the man I was dealing with put on a show and eat a b****y bursting pill, this pill will allow one to gain ten times his normal power till the level of golden core and above that it's impossible to have great effect at most it would enhance the flow of their QI in their blood and let them use their power much smoothly but with this mortals it was enough to fight a bull head on without anything in hand even if that person was a farmer. And so that man chose a fairly famous adventurer at first because he wasn't sure if his skills was up to it if fought a Knight or a famous mercenary and choose a free willed adventurer instead, the fight didn't last long because the sudden boost power erupted from his body launching his whole body forward when he tried to sprint and actually knocked down the two of them into a wall but everyone in their was speechless that a seemingly normal thief actually busted an entire wall made out of stone and of course to control the crowd we announced that there were only three to five of this pills created each day to make it seem more appealing sure enough the Knights and mercenary bought it like it was nothing and in a single night I sold five of them and sold each of them at two hundred gold coins and guess what I still sold them till this day and it seems it was used in a famous place called the underground arena where nobles and famous merchants would bet against each other to gain more money in a short amount of time while also entertaining themselves and because the prize if good they bought a two hundred gold coin pill in exchange of at the very least from three hundred to five hundred gold coin each time they win in that underground arena and this pill will not have any side effect at all because it was a pill created for juniors and it's herbs doesn't contain any strong medication effects so it was safe to use at least once per day if a normal mortal use it if not then their body would go into a state of a very severe fatigue and would be knocked out for at least a week or so. "HAHAHA, young man I like that attitude of you the most... then I presume that you were the one spreading the new strength boosting elixir in a nearby auction house..? haha" I shook when I heard this old man told my secret behind my great success. "What..?! Really? Nyx!" "Nyx! why didn't you told me... us..!" Lisa blushed of the thought that she told Nyx and let everyone heard that she was about to say a thing she can never get back again. "Hmm... so that means..!" "Old man your quire sharp... haha!" I didn't think this old man is actually pretty smart and at the very least he didn't said that it was a black market deal and the auction house itself was exclusive for only thieves And it was dangerous dealing with them so I always go out of the middle of the night to guard the middle man I was dealing with and sure enough a couple of times we were tailed but at the end I ended up knocking them down the trees and pile them up in the middle of the road for everyone to see si they would know who they're crossing with, and sure enough it work this continued for a month or si till the last group I dealt with at the entrance of the auction house and blew the whole entrance and made half of the building collapse but I made sure no body was hurt at that moment. Meanwhile Paul had an idea. "So then... does that mean you have so much money Nyx?!" "Um... you could say that... but it's not limited" This kid might have another one of this ideas. "Then can't we use it to buy the legendary Phoenix's heart elixir and the Dragon Blood elixir..? with it then we can directly have straight to the level of an advance mage in one go..." If I remember correctly sir Helbert gave us a lesson about this things when we were practicing about half a year ago to broaden our knowledge about the world of mages, alchemist, swordsman, and even the beast people. "Yes... you could indeed young man, that is if you have about at least half a billion gold coins" Helbert said this as if he was mocking Paul's idea and sighted. "What..?! that much... uh... Nyx?" Paul looked at me but my money isn't even close to a million. "I only had a couple of thousand gold coins... hehe" I blushed as I knew that even with this much money it was only coins for the royalty and nobles. "Thousand's of gold coins..?!" Ayesha looked super shocked as she gasp and hold her mouth. "Nyx, you have that much money??" I looked at Lisa and nodded to her and she almost fainted at how much she just heard. "Ahem... young kids, your not thinking like Nyx here, although a few thousands of gold coins is already so much for normal people, it is only a fraction of what you'll need to grow stronger as the path you choose needs resources to be taken to keep at your speed... so don't take things for granted" Helbert sighted and looked a bit distressed because this kids still doesn't know a thing of what life really is. "That... I'm sorry... I got greedy after thinking about it" Ayesha borrowed her head down to her chest area and looked a bit sorry. "I'm also sorry Nyx... Ayesha and I was talking with this for a long time... but it seems we are a bother if we continue training with you... then, then your money will be used on us instead for yourself" Lisa looked at me with her cute eyes and a teary eyes. "That... what's happening here? I was just going to ask Nyx to buy me a gauntlets... I heard him talking that it will help me protect my arms from certain damages if I cultivate the Asura Ghastly refining body technique so I was just curious if Nyx won't buy those elixirs then I would have asked him that instead..." Paul looked confused as to why the topic seems to have diverted to lecture about money and he can't help but not understand why this people care about money so much. "HAHAHA, Paul's right why bother buying such stuff if we can buy cheap stuffs" Good thing we have a dumb person in this discussion if not it would've turned into a drama instead. "Hahaha, indeed it seems I was wrong this time... my apologies lady Lisa, lady Ayesha." It seems I was too harsh on them, they are still a child and didn't properly receive education but when they reach the age of twelve they can go to the capital city of the Kingdom of Sloth the city of Habak. "Well... let's not worry about that for the mean time because I have about sixty two thousand and fifty gold coins in total..." It seems this much good coins is still the same back in the ten thousand immortal worlds it would only last for a little while. "What??!" All three of them, Helbert, Paul, Ayesha, and Lisa were equally surprised as all they thought that Nyx only had about a few thousand gold coins at most they thought it was in the five thousand to ten thousand gold coins.
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