Chapter 5: An opportunity in disguise?

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Terran was chopping down some woods with his axe, *Hooo* this is some hard work, well it's better than adventuring all the time where our lives are at stake----? Terran heard a familiar voice, yes it was Nyx he heard the voice of his crying son Terrans body soon shown a brownish and a azure glow. He then chanted "By the blessing Mother Earth grant me your strength, Body enhancement-Rock Iron" soon the brownish glow from Terrans body disappeared slowly but instead a metallic but rocky surface soon grow on Terrans body instead of a grayish colored iron. It was shiney and have the color of black or darker gray. Terran ran while this transformation in his skin was happening and concentrated and chant again this time the azure glow was getting brighter and he soon chanted "Oh great Father of the Sky grant me your power and empower my body, physical enhancement Wind Trail" Terran then leaved a trail of gust in every of his steps and ran faster than any animals he ran as fast as a Cheetah, his speed was at least at 70-85Km/h. Terran was chopping down woods in the Eden's western forest wich was closer to their home and that's why he soon heard his son crying he was worried of Nyx as what happened in the last few days were to unnatural to happen to any body and thought Nyx was in danger. ~~~~ Zira was very surprised by her fourth step she was using he'r minimal speed and tried her new physical abilities Zira waa very surprised by how much her Oni spirit and her physical body was now much more compatible and can use almost 100% of all the physical prowess of the Oni she was contracted to she was happy with the new power she's gain from the "goddess of Night Skies Nyx" but her son Nyx was still in danger she could feel it in her heart and soul as Nyx was his son..! --------------------------- Meanwhile Nyx I'm having trouble absorbing all this mana it is strong pretty pure than what I imagined I thought mana in this world are all less dominant than normal QI but to my surprise it actually equalled to the fourth level of law of darkness in my past life... This isn't easy for a baby... I just need to hold on for a little longer I can feel my mother's presence is almost here I hope she can do something with this dark Mana I don't know how long this body can last I'm just a baby how am I supposed to absorb this this isn't fair am I seriously gonna die here again..? But Nyx was very determined to get stronger and said to himself, No! I'm gonna endure this huge energy and absorb as much as I can using my Vampire Resonance breathing method I'll first stabilize my current body, mind and mana to absorb it much quickly and at the same time use the Mysthic Revolving Body technique to absorb the excessive dark mana in the surrounding... I hope this will be enough to control my current situation... Nyx soon started to murmur the ancient words from the Mysthic Revolving Body technique and as Nyx expected it did absorb an astronomical amount of mana and he was right even if the dark mana was very strong it was just enough for him to refine hos body and grew up quickly! Nyx this might be a good sign and cultivate both my body and Vampire Resonance cultivation method to the next level!! Zira was almost at their house and she was frozen in fear... as sensed the the shadow element mana was so over bearing she almost knelt at the foot of their small mountain. As Zira slowly looked up she saw it their house was devoured by an insanely dense amount of shadow element mana it was as if a shadow of a god was within their domain that she can't help but fear and be a awe, but this isn't the time to be scared as his life son Nyx was in danger she focused her breathing and got her composure back. Zira was having a bad feeling and her face was very serious as she didn't noticed Terran was coming from back side calling her name. Terran Hey honey how did you get here so fast before me..? Aren't you supposed to be in the town's market..? Terran shouted as he said this he was far from her at least 40 meters away from Zira. Terran then slowed down even with his wind element Wind Trail magic he went to a stop as he saw their house was wrapped in an elemental storm of dark mana... He knew it was very on dangerous even an Arch Mage would be worried if an elemental storm happened, because it can corrupt ones body and shred it pieces if you elemental affinity with the said elemental storm aren't high the possibilities of being torn apart by an elemental storm is the normal outcome and corruption only happens if you have a high elemental affinity and can possibly survive but you magic cyn be corrupted and can't use your own element anymore... In other words you'll be crippled, but other become mindless and become what they call an elemental abomination like a zombie a person will become mindless and be controlled by the will of the element, different elements have different characteristics such as fire can result a fiery temper, wind can result to calm breeze or a stormy vengeance..! But Zira walked in in this process. Terran didn't noticed it until it was too late for him. He shouted and continued running... He couldn't believed what his two eyes see... Terran saw with his very own eyes Zira's arms flew out of the elemental storm and soon another limb flew out... Limb by limb came flying but Terran didn't saw her body getting shredded... Terran cried out till his lungs gave out... He shouted her name. No... ZIRAAAA..! ~~~~ End
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