Chapter 31: Shadow blade

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Nyx was caught off guard and didn't think he would be in a situation like this, just from small mistake made his entire plan go south. "What the f**k am I supposed to do now!" Haiz, when I look at this Demi human her situation isn't that bad really I should just leave her be and go my mary way. Nyx heard the two mages talking and moving around the room to check if someone was inside, but just as Nyx's luck couldn't get worse Baron Swine Von Ludwick woke up. "*Yawn*... you two, why are you up so early..?" This two guys are quite the hard working even- "Oh senior, I felt a strange aura earlier as if it was threatening me..." "I also heard a ruckus but didn't notice that strange aura mage one detected..." "Strange aura..? could it be..?!" f**k! I did sense an aura yesterday night, what if that person was real and is trying to steal my prescious treasure! *Thud* The Baron unconsciously circulated his magic and made a dash towards the cabinet and furiously opened it. ------------------------------------------ I shouldn't panic, first I should assess the situation I can hear them talking and the Baron is now awake... unexpectedly that guy is very keen to his surroundings and even knew that I was eavesdropping at them, this f*****g bastard! I should just have killed them earlier if I knew this would have happened And plus their master is a freakin' Demon! if this is an isekai then I'm sure I would do a good deed if I kill those Demons! With a loud bang the door of the cabinet opened and what greeted the Baron was a flash of shadow. "Urk!" What the f**k is this?! a freaking shadow?! is there a Dark mage here..?! The two mage was caught off guard and the shadowy figure rush towards them and as if a flying shadow that was cross shaped flew towards them but sadly the two were quick enough and manage to chant spells the other mage used a lightning barrier and the other one inforced his body and moved quick enough but the both were injured. *plop* *plop* The Baron had a cold sweat looking at the scene and saw that the two mages both lossed each of their arms but what made the Baron had a cold sweat was not the fact that the shadowy figure manage to injure the two mages, it was the fact that the two arms flew backwards that it almost shattered on impact when it hit the wall behind them. "J-just who are you..?!" This fucker, he is pretty strong that blow just now wasn't only based on speed but was full of power and even the Barrier only managed to change the trajectory of this guy's attack, I should be careful now-??! "Arrgh!" "S-senior... help us!" What the f**k??! their cut... it's being corroded by the Dark energy..! this Dark mana must be at least at the level at the Advance level! no that speed of the corrosion even if a Dark mage can corrode it's opponent by his Darkness element, it should only happen when the other mage has no was to defend the invading mana! He should at least be a Grand mage! or to be more accurate... he might be a magic swordsman, by that blow earlier and his level alone... we can't win, and even if I fight I can't fully use my power if the people know that I have Demonic energy I'm sure that man yesterday would also notice this abnormal mana and would come rushing I should ask first what he wants and then assess from that point-?! *Swoosh* "f**k!" This bastard he is now rushing towards me! This Baron is quite fast for his size, earlier when I tried to attack him he had already enforced his body and moved aside that's why I just continued and attack the two other guy's first to lessen the burden But now when I used "shadow possession" to enforce my body and made an armor out of my Darkness element which is also a basic technique in the Shadow assassination Myriad sword style, when one uses this he can fully mask his presence but this can be easily countered by any element such as light, yang or even the ray of the sun then one will be stripped of off the power of the Darkness Those two guys were also good, they managed to dodge my attack but still suffered enough injury and is hesitant to fight, now all I have to do is escape with the Demi human and for that I need to take care of this guy- The Baron... for that I shouldn't be careless like what I did earlier I only used ten percent of my power there just to be safe of the backlash, but now I should use forty percent. In my cultivation right now it's impossible to use fifty percent of the Shadow assassination Myriad sword style my limbs would be torn apart But with my vampire psyche I can enforce my body unlike in the past I almost got killed when using this technique, and the healing ability of a vampire can take care of the rest and if my limbs will be damage in process it'll heal itself when I meditate later. "One sword slash..!" "??!" *Fwoom!* The air around the room suddenly got chaotic and the floor where Nyx was standing was shattered to pieces every bit of step Nyx took made the wooden floor crumble the two mages couldn't see what's happening and just saw the floor crumble right before their very eyes. "Hiik!" What the f**k is this power! I need to use my Demon energy fast! "Hah! i***t," I just used this move as a feint and forcefully fire the shadow blade. Nyx halted in front of the Baron bur his momentum didn't agree with him and his current body wasn't as strong as before but the Baron successfully used his Demonic aura and his body turned scarlet red, his veins showing and his face contorted and transformed his body grew bigger his limbs started to get longer and now resembled a minotaur that was fat and his face looked ugly unlike a bull's face his face looked more like an ugly pig who had three eyes his nose resembled that of a pig but was weird in shape But Nyx saw this transformation and his momentum was enough to shatter a vault into pieces and *boom* Nyx crashed towards the Demonised Baron. *Crick* *c***k* The two mages could see that the shadowy figure crashed to the Demonised Baron and they heard bones cracking, good thing Nyx had a vampire psyche and his shadow possession made it possible to make an armor that was as hard as an iron and made Nyx only lose one of his arm, his left arm's bone was now shattered to pieces but the Demonised Baron flew out of the room straight to the streets and before he got down to the streets he smashed to another room which made his body lose it's durability and his backbones was shattered and skidded along the street as if he was on ice skiing. "Urk!" What the f**k just happened..? I can't feel my body... I can't move it hurts so much! "Ughh... that was unexpectedly super powerful..." For it to even slide across the street before stopping... *roar!* The roar made Nyx alerted that even thought his attack succeeded in landing a fatal blow and managed to cripple the Demonised Baron, Nyx was also injured and couldn't fight at his state good thing he manage to use the shadow blade technique which will allow one or drag a person across a shadow to where the shadow blade was located The good thing was Nyx trew the shadow blade just down across the building that was taller than the inn. "Good thing this three was behind a taller building, or house..?" Well the good thing is I can use shadow blade to instantly blink to it's location and good thing the sun was still about the to rise haiz... my luck seems not that terrible if I took things into consideration. I looked back at the two mages and it seems the shock they took when their arm got cut down and their "senior" got taken down in a flash made them scared to move, well if they do move I can still take care of them but the problem is... if the Baron recovers then I'm gonna be in serious trouble I should go back and find a safe place to let this Demi human hide first Then I can try and bait this fool to fight my mother that he was lusting so much for! "HEHEHE" I laughed at the fact that this three idiots might be harder for me to kill, but for my mother Zira... then it's a different story. "Well... I shouldn't create any unnecessary trouble" I'll leave first and let this two fools escape with their senior, now that I think of it a human having a demonic QI in them will definitely not be good and will have some kind of backlash By now that Baron might be fatigue and will lose consciousness, I needn't to worry about him... I sighted at the fact that I actually wanted to bait the Baron to fight my mother, i***t! this isn't the immortal world where you can just do whatever you want! now you have a family to protect and even had a possible friends to make, don't ruin this good opportunity to change your life and be contend with what you have. I once again sighted at the fact that my real... no my first mother that now I can't even remember her name... anyway I'll try my best maybe I can find her in this world. "For now I should do what I came for" "You... what do you want..?" "You i***t! keep your voice shut!" "What..? but... but his probably gonna take the Beast man away, senior wanted to gift her to master..." "You fool! what's more important now? your life or some power that we can slowly gain later..?!" What are this two guys doing..? well whatever I'm not obliged to answer them anyway. The two mages fought each other that is... verbally of course, with the state their arms were in they couldn't even properly channel their mana and use magic. "This should be good enough" I looked back and saw that the wall and the ground floor of the Inn got totally obliterated when I crash to that guy earlier, but now my left arm can be hardly used I need to go now, shadow blade "blink". *swoosh* *swoosh* Soon Nyx slowly dissipated into his own shadow while holding the Beast man close to him and the both of them sank to the shadow *Fwoosh* With an eerie sound Nyx disappeared from the room, the two mages didn't even noticed it till it was too late. "He... His gone..." "Just like that... he can go and leave whenever he wants... this, this is really dangerous" "We should take senior with us... let's also use our Demonic energy to use a teleportation spell and take senior away with us" "Good idea mage two, I didn't know you had it in you..!" "Haiz... stop it mage one, you might've been born earlier than me but our power level are almost the same" "Haha, well that said let's hurry" Meanwhile Nyx had successfully used his shadow blade and escaped to the building right before the Inn. "Phew... good thing I threw the shadow blade earlier, but that plan made me lose one arm, but still I successfully got their so called "precious" treasure" I looked at the girl who seemed innocent enough that she was only born a month and sighted Haiz, I couldn't help but think this world isn't so unfamiliar after all. Nyx then used his earth element to make an armor out of titanium and covered his left arm so it would stop flailing around, and it hurt so much whenever it hits my body. So I covered my left arm to my left chest area to make sure that it doesn't move around that much on it's own when running. "This should be enough" I then looked above and couldn't help but look back and look at this Demi human, I carefully strapped her with my Dark element and should be alright when I jump around the buildings When I looked at her without any anticipation this girl moved her head and made my shoulder a comfortable pillow, and once again the Demi human girl moved around but this time. *Smooch* "W-what..?! this girl... she just tried to take advantage of me and almost kissed me!! Well... not that I don't want to... (hehe)" I sighted at my pathetic self and even tried to kiss a girl who wasn't even born for a year, I blushed thinking how stupid I was and just used all my elements to ran away. "Phew, this is quite tiring... using two elements at the same time while I'm still not that familiar with this power is asking too much to a four year old body..!" I couldn't help but admire the scenery this village has, at it's front side was a vast forest a road that would seem wide at front but when one look at the forest carefully it is very vast that an explorer would take months or even years to fully explore this forest But, it was not that scenery that I admired to it was the fact that I was reborn and this world is unlike earth nor the immortal world where the human race dominates most ecosystem and destroyed the environment all the living things were living on. I sighted and smiled brightly when I felt the air touching against my face, the sun rays rises from the east... how nostalgic it's just like in the anime everything is colorful and vibrant the fresh air this village had... no this world had is a treasure I must protect! I won't be like the mc's of those f*****g anime's who just knows how to destroy the environment and uses nuclear power plant to dominate their lands or create machines that exudes carbon dioxide... that's bad both for the people and the environment. "If elves were here then I'm sure they would be like "were the protector of mother nature! we won't allow you to slowly destroy nature!" and then blah blah blah blah" I laughed thinking about that stuff and I didn't noticed that I actually ran across where the feast was held yesterday. "Ughh... I'm running for a couple of minutes now, my speed is pretty good but my stamina... urk" I felt that my body can't take it any longer and I should probably just go to the orphanage to hide this Demi human... I hope they don't freak out.
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