Glesisha Ervinsyl

641 Words
"Oh good. You're awake." "Ah!" She was startled by my sudden words. "Now that's some deja vu. Found you knocked out next to a prancing mad bull. If it was any later then you would have been flattened to death." "Uwwehh. T-Thank you. Y-you saved me... A-again." She thanked me, her voice trailing away. "I-Im sorry, I-I b-bothered you again. I'm a baggage... e-even my team abandoned me... I'm useless." She had her head down, her shoulders were trembling. "H-Hey now. Don't say that. You're not useless. You're just... out of practice. Yes that's it. You're just out of practice." I began to comfort her. "What you really need now is a way to use your spell properly." "Really?" "Yep. With how strong that explosion was, it'd be a force to behold when it reaches bronze." Unlike me, mages get their personal spell upgraded when they rank up. "B-But, no one would want to team up with me." "Well. You're just in luck. I happened to be here for training as well. So... how about partying with me?" "Really? Can I really?" "Yup." "Glesisha." She muttered, barely audible. "What?" "That's my name, Glesisha." "Well then, Gles. Let's have a good hunt." I held out my hand. She hesitated before shaking it. I smiled and gripped her hand firmly. With a tug, I pulled her up. "Yes!" **** A thunbull stood before us. It strayed far from its herd and was about to become our practice dummy. "I'll tank him and you ready your spell." "Yes." I equipped my daggers. This battle was about honing my close combat skills. Using [THUNDERING GREATSWORD] was detrimental to my purpose. MOOO The bull saw me coming and bellowed. It stomped a few times before rushing towards me. I casted Guardian to slow down it advance. Its horns pierced the barrier. I quickly brought my daggers overhead and swung downwards violently before the horns could skewer me. A strong shock traveled up my arms after the impact. The force threw me backwards. At the same time, the bull skid to a halt. "Now!" I shouted at Gles. BOOM A loud explosion shook the air. I hurriedly stood up and glanced at the bull's direction. It was still standing. "Oh no." I turned my gaze to my teammate worriedly. She was knocked out and wounded. I pulled out the greatsword and flung two shockwaves at the bull before sprinting towards Glesisha. I casted a few heals before her breathing stabilized. I sighed in relief and sat down to recover my MP. Practice won't be enough to right a faulty spell. She needs a new spell to make up for this. Gles opened her eyes and remained lying down. She turned her head to a side. Tears streamed down her face. "I'm useless." "No you're not." "Yes I am. I can't even cast a spell right." "Yes you can. Tell you what, why don't you tell me about your elements and well try to find a suitable spell." "There's no use." "Why?" "I. I don't... don't have... an element." "Oh. So you don't don't have an element. Does that mean you have all the elements? That's so envious. I also wish I don't don't have elements." She giggled at my petty attempt of a joke. "Don't worry when I reach bronze rank I'll give you a powerfull spellbook." She sat up and wiped away her tears. Shaking her head, "I won't be able to use it." "Of course you can," I assured her. "The spell I'll get you doesn't need any elemental affinities." Sniff. Sniff. "W-Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" I wanted to hold her shoulders but held myself. She shook her head, "I'm sorry. It's nothing." "That's good. Mom would kill me if she heard that I made a girl cry." She giggled.
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