chapter 2 strange lands

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I woke up coughing and spitting up water. After a few seconds of gaining some air back in my very sore lungs, I looked up and in front of me was nothing but woods and I mean the scary type that you would see in a horror movie. i heard moving next to me and turned to see Gale unconscious. I think you can imagine my expression of how I was feeling at that moment. I ran wobbly over to Gale and kept calling her name hoarsely, trying to get her to wake up. she did eventually wake up but when she got up, I guess she didn't like what was behind me cause her eyes were and I mean were as big as pancakes. I turned around and in replacement of the little pond we had, was a great big lake it looked like. She looked behind her and saw the vast forest that I saw a few seconds ago. “Where the heck are we?” she looked around frantic and as she tried to get up, she slumped back down onto the cold sand. “Gale, you have to be careful, got it?” She was so not getting used to the fact that we didn't seem to be in our hometown anymore. In the beginning, I panicked a little bit but now wasn't the time to freak out. We had to get out of here before dark comes or at least make camp somewhere. After our break of hurting muscles, I got up and helped gale off the sand. After a minute or two we agreed on going into the woods and little did I know that something was gonna happen that would save me and Gale from more trouble than what we were already in. We were halfway in the woods when we heard some type of animal crying noise. It seemed fairly close so while Gale was in the middle of an all-out war with bushes I went to see if I could help whoever was making that noise. When I got to the spot I didn't see anything until I heard moving from above but when I looked up I got serious deja vu. The animal noise came from the same pure white buck that we saw on the trails some time ago. When it stopped moving I realized it was looking at me and sorta had this “save me” look in its eyes. One look and I was a goner, so I began looking around, seeing if Gale could help. Realizing I couldn't see her anywhere…I'll scared me. I stopped moving, hoping I could hear or see something. After a few seconds, I heard a little squeak. Hearing the squeal close by was just enough for me to let her do her thing and help the issue I'm currently in at the moment. I quickly started looking for the end to the trap to hopefully be able to do something. I followed it to a good enough space away from the trap hooked to a tree and was lucky enough to have it tied. After untying it I slowly released the rope. Although, it took a minute or two to have him safe and sound on the ground. I came over to the struggling male and helped get the net off him completely. He got up and I could fully see his features, he had the white fur that looked like it was made of snow, and horns nearly as big as two human arms together, not to mention his eyes were as clear as jade crystals. He was so beautiful that I didn't realize I was so deep inthought staring at him until he started moving and making this like belching noise. Snapping out of the trance I was in I slowly started backing up. He didn't seem to like that cause he seems to move even faster with his steps, we did this until not even five seconds later my back hit the tree bark of a pretty decent size tree guess you could say. When he got to me he stopped making that belching noise and started........glowin
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