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SILVANAS POV I woke up to a knocking at my front door as I got up I slipped on my slippers and walked to the front door only to be met by a sad faced Benito, I looked at him and I knew that what ever he had to say wasn't good news and I got ready to receive the bad news. "Silvana there was a rougea ttack at your old pack last night" Benito said "What happened Benito" I asked "Four men were hurt two were severe injuries" he said "And" I asked "One of them was your grandfather" he said "The alpha asked me to go and take some of my best fighters and trainers to help train, you being one of the strongest fighters and trainers I would need you to go but that is up to you" he added "What time do we leave" I said "In three hours" he said I nodded my head in understanding and he left as I closed the door behind me I walked up stairs to my girls room and got my girls up and told them to get ready because we were going to another pack to help, they got up and went to do their morning routine and before we knew it we were on our way to the RED ROSE PACK. I was dropped off at the hospital because I wanted to see my grandfather before I saw anyone else,my girls went with Benito, Suzy, Berta, Alfredo and Martin. As I got near my grandfather's room I made sure no body saw me I walked into his room and there he was sitting on his hospital bed with wide eyes, I walked towards him and when I was close he pulled me into a hug before he let go and asked me to explain myself which I did. We had been talking for awhile when I heard two smile howls and my mother instinct kicked in and jumped out the window and shifted mid air into my large dark silver wolf, I followed the whimpers of my girls and when I was close I saw a cirlceof ten wolf's surrounding my girls so I jumped over them and placed myself on top of them hidding and protecting them at the same time while I growled at them. I then started to smell the scent of my mate so I masked mine as he made his way towards us, he looked at me with an angry face on thinking that would scare me but it didn't. "What are you doing on this lands rouge" he asked I just laid lower covering my girls even more while still growling, I then saw my brother come next to him and by the time three minuteshad passed everybody that once cried for me was standing in front of me. "Who are you" Silvano asked in his BETA voice I looked at him and showed my teeth at him while growling. "Why are you on our lands" Silvestre's father asked in his alpha voice I looked at him like he was crazy, not even him was going to make me say who I was, just then Silvestre made a move to walk towards me and I threw one of my paws with my claws out trying to scare him away from me and my girls. "She is protecting two small pups" one of the ten men that had circled my girls said Silvestre tried again to come near us and I reacted the same way, this time he almost shifted but his mother laid a hand on his shoulder and stopped him. "She's protecting her pups, it's normal especially if she is a single mom" his mom said Just then we started to hear bones cracking and I knew my girls were shifting sensing that I was irritated and was almost ready to get up from them so they could run the opposite way while I held the other wolves occupied. "We don't want to hurt you or your pups I assure you, please tell us who you are" his mom asked "Please we just want to know who you are and why you are on these lands" my mom said Before I could say anything my girls decided it would be the right moment to show themselves and got from under heath me, everybody looked at them and then at Silvestre who was looking at them in aww. My girls wolves were just like his midnight black with dark silver patches around their snout and their paws, I stood above them caging them under me not letting anyone near them as I looked at everybody until my eyes landed on Silvestre who was still looking at my girls. He looked up at me with his eyes and mouth wide open for sure he wasn't expecting to see two mini versions of his wolf that's for sure, his mother and my mother got near me as well as Susana and I started to lower myself in top of my girls until the stopped in there tracks.
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