971 Words
SILVESTRES POV We were on our way to the hospital to see Silvano's grandfather when we were told that there were rouges on our lands, when I got there I saw a big shewolf almost as big as me laying on almost completly on her stomach in the middle of the circle that ten of our fighters had made to hold her there. "What are you doing on this lands rouge" I asked She just laid lower covering what ever was under neath her even more while growling, she then saw Silvano come next to me and by the time three minutes had passed everybody else was next to me. "Who are you" Silvano asked in his BETA voice She looked at him and showed her teeth at him while growling. "Why are you on our lands" my father asked in his alpha voice She looked at him like he was crazy, not even he was able to make her say who she was, just then I made a move to walk towards her and she threw one of her paws with her claws out trying to scare me away from her. "She is protecting two small pups" one of the ten men that had circled her said I tried again to go near her and she reacted the same way, this time I almost shifted but my mother laid a hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "She's protecting her pups, it's normal especially if she is a single mom" my mom said Just then we started to hear bones cracking and we figured that it was that her pups were shifting sensing that she was irritated and was almost ready to get up from them so they could run the opposite way while she held us occupied. "We don't want to hurt you or your pups I assure you, please tell us who you are" my mom asked "Please we just want to know who you are and why you are on these lands" Silvano's mom said Before anybody could say anything else two small pups came out from underneath her, when I saw them I couldn't believe my eyes their wolves were the same color as mine but they had dark silver spots on them as well. The shewolf stood up and placed herself on top of the pups in a protective stand, I couldn't stop looking at them in aww while my wolf was trying so hard to smell there scent but we couldn't not even the shewolf scent was noticible which meant she has taught them how to protect themselves from being smelled which is something the pups in our pack lack from. "Silvestre do you have something to tell us" my dad asked "I don't know what to say" I said still in aww "How about you explain to us how this pups look so much like your wolf" mom asked "I wouldn't have an answer to that mom" I said honestly "What do you mean you don't know, shouldn't you have an answer to what your mom asked" dad asked "I just don't know dad" I said "Silvestre when was the last time you where with anybody" Silvano asked "It was years ago" I said "Who was it" he asked "Your sister" I said As I looked at the she wolf I could see sadness in her eyes for what I had said but why, could it be that we were all in front of Silvana and these pups were ours. Just then the two pups started to shift and they stood under the shewolf looking down still scared of our fighters, few minutes later we heard some more bones cracking and we saw the shewolf shifting into her human form. When she finished shifting right in front of us was Silvana standing tall with so much confidence, the two girls got behind her legs as a crowd had started to come together to see who the rouges were and as soon as they saw who it was you could hear the whispers of the pack taking about what everybody was saying this morning from those who had gone to the concert last night had told them. Silvana looked at everybody who had gathered to see what all the commission was about until her eyes landed on us once more looking from one person to the other until her eyes landed on my mother and her mother who were standing in front of her, her mother reached towards her and placed her hand on her cheek which made her lean into her hand before grabbing it with both of here while a tear slid down her cheek from her eyes. Her dad walked up to them and did the same and got the same reaction as her mother did, Silvano was the last to join them when we heard the little girls start to whimper which made her turn around and pick them up one in each arm. They both laid their heads on the crook of her neck smelling her scent to calm themselves with it, her mom placed her hands over her mouth while tears fell from her eyes, her father held her mother as Silvano placed his hands on her back and smiled at her causing her to smile back at him. We all ended back inside of the pack house and that's when Alpha Benito King of the Red Blood Pack told us that they were part of his pack, I couldn't believe she had been in the pack next to us and I didnt know it I couldn't stop looking at her and our girls. Mom saw that the girls had fallen asleep and asked Silvana if she wanted to take them to bed which she nodded, they left and a few minutes later mom came back alone and said that the girls had asked Silvana to stay with them until they fell back asleep.
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