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SILVESTRE POV As I walked back to my room I stopped in front of Silvana's room that she shared with our girls, we still didn't know what their names were but I knew that what ever names she had picked they were as beautiful as they were. I could hear Silvana singing to our girls so I just sat down on the wall next to the door, Silvano and Susana came up the stairs and looked at me sitting on the floor and they sat next to me as we listened to Silvana singing to the girls. After she had stopped singing Susana and Silvano went to the dinning room for dinner and I was left to tell Silvana and the girls that dinner was ready but when I knocked she didnt open the door, I started to ask myself if she knew that it was me who was knocking but when I paid more attention I could hear their even breathingnwhich let me know that they were asleep. I opened the door slowly so I wouldn't wake them up and walked towards the bed only to find her asleep with our girls, she had her hands around the girls making sure they felt protected so I took out my phone and took a picture of my three musketeers sleeping soundly then I left and went down stairs and ate dinner with everyone else after I told them that Silvana and the girls had fallen asleep. The next morning I was awoken to some girls giggling and when I opened my eyes I could hear they were coming from Silvana's room, I started to pay more attention to see if I could hear what was making my girls giggle like that. "Mommy mommy wake up its already morning" one of my girls said "Come on mommy you said we would make pancakes for breakfast and you never break breakfast" my other girl said "Fine but we have to be very quiet because we don't want to wake anybody up okay" Silvana said "Okay but get up already" both my girls said I heard their bedroom door open and then close before I heard steps walking down the stairs, I got up and put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt before leaving my room and going to the kitchen. As I walked down the stairs I could hear my girls in the kitchen talking to each other telling each other what they wanted on their pancakes, when they had everything they started to make the pancakes and I walked in to the kitchen just as I walked in I am but with a hand full of flour and then I hear my girls laughing. I took the flour off from my face and see my girls and Silvana with smiles on their faces, I walked up to the counter of the island and grabbed some flour in my hand before raising it up ready to throw it. "Silvestre put the flour down, we didn't mean to throw it at you" Silvana said "Yeah we were just playing around we didn't know you were going to come in as we threw it" one of the girls said "Really" I asked "Yeah honestly it was and accident" the other girl said Before either one of us could say anything I was thrown another hand full of flour and I saw Silvana smiling, I threw the flour I had in my hand to her getting her covered with flour which the girls didn't seem to happy and started to throw flour at we and before we all knew it we were laughing while throwing flour to one another until some one came in and got a hand full of flour in there faces. We all stopped and looked at who got the hand full of flour while I was holding one of the girls Silvana was holding the other one, when the person took the flour of their face we saw Silvano looking at us with a mischievous smile on his face as he walked up to the bag of flour taking a hand full before throwing it towards us and the flour fight was back on. After a few more minutes Susana, Mateo, Jorge, my parents and Silvana's parents came in and got a hand full of flour in there faces. "What is going on in this kitchen" my mother's asked "They started it" one of the girls said "What" both Silvano and I said at the same time "Yeah we were just making pancakes when they came in and started to throw flour to us" my other baby said "Silvestre and Silvano I want you both to clean my kitchen do right now" my mother said "But we didn't start this they did" we both said pointing towards Silvana and the girls "Why would you blame this on them we can see the pancake batter on next to the stove" Silvana's mom said "Silvana go upstairs and get these girls cleaned up for breakfast while these boys clean this kitchen up" my dad said
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