1051 Words
SILVESTRES POV After Silvana left with the girls to clean themselves up, Silvano and I were left to clean up the kitchen while we weren't the ones that started the flour fight but I got to admit that I was happy that I spent some time with Silvana and our girls so cleaning this mess was all worth it at the end of it. "Why are you smiling" Silvano asked "Well why wouldn't I be smiling, i was having fun with Silvana and our girls" I said "Yeah that's true but those puppy eyes they used on our mom's was so uncalled for" Silvano said "True but it was fun now we just have to get back at them for does puppy eyes they pulled on the moms" I said "Okay but it has to be something that mom will believe they started even with those puppy eyes they used on her" Silvano said We finished cleaning by the time everybody was awake and wanted to get something for breakfast, when we all sat down to eat Silvana came in with our girls and they sat across from Silvano, Susana and their daughter Silvana. When my niece saw Silvana her eyes went wide and she was opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water, she looked from Silvana to her parents and then back at them. "Am I dreaming or is Silver King sitting in front of us" my niece asked "No sweety your not dreaming, I'm actually in front if you" Silvana said "Wow what are you doing here, not that I don't mind having you here" my niece said "Well sweety, why don't we start by you telling me your name" Silvana said "My name is Silvana Martinez Florez my parents named me after my aunty who passed away" my niece answered "Well can I tell you a little secret" Silvana asked "Yeah" my niece said "You must promise not to tell anyone else okay" Silvana said "I promise" my niece said "Well your aunty Silvana didn't die she just moved to another pack" Silvana said "How do you know this" my niece asked "Because I'm your aunty Silvana, the one your named after" Silvana said "And who are the girls who are sitting next to you" my niece asked "Well they are your cousins, on my left you have Estrella and on my right you have Mar" Silvana said "Can we go play in my room please" my niece asked Silvana nodded her head and all three girls ran out of the kitchen as they finished eating their breakfast, everybody else staid sitting on the dinning room table when my mom spoke up and started a conversation. "What made you choice the names Estrella and Mar for the girls" mom asked "Well I was doing a music video for one of the songs I wrote at a beach when I went into labor with them, by the time the ambulance got to the beach I was bearly put in the ambulance when my girls decided that they wanted to make their appearance, after I had delivered my girls a little girl gave me a star fish and it just made since I named them Estrella and Mar" Silvana said Before anyone could say anything her phone went off and she got up to answer it, she then came back and said she needed to go out for awhile but would be back. She then turned to her parents and asked to keep an eye on the girls before she ran out the front door, I tried to go after her but I was stopped by one of the fighters who came with her and told me that she wanted to talk with me so we went to my father's office so we could have some privacy. Once in the office I sat on my father's chair while she sat on one of he chairs front of the desk. "So what do you want to talk with me about" I asked "Well my name is Suzy and I want to help you get back at Silvana, we always play tricks on each other so she won't think much if I help you" Suzy said "And what is your plan" I said "Why don't we make her think that we are doing something that really isn't going on" she said "And that would be" I asked "Let's make her think that I'm helping you release some stress" she said "And how would that be" I asked She got up and walked towards me making me turn the chair so my legs were not under the desk anymore, once she was in front of me she kneeled down in from of me and she placed her hands on my lap moving them front and back. I understood what she was saying and I smiled with a mischievous look on my face but then I thought about what she said. "She still wouldn't believe if she came in and saw that my pants are up" I said "So what do you suggest" she said "I would have to have my pants down" I said "I'm okay with that" she said And with that the plan was set I just hoped that it wouldn't turn on my and bite me in the ass, I just got Silvana and our girls back and I don't want to lose them again. So we went down stairs and joined everybody else and waited for Silvana to come home, when we heard her car and I excused myself and walked up to my father's office and waited for Suzy to come in so we could get the plan. After a few minutes she came in and said if I was ready to what I said yes as I unzipped my pants and pulled them down, she looked at me and as we heard people walking up the stairs and before I could say anything Suzy took me in her mouth and started to suck me making my head fall back as I realised a moan which caused who ever was walking by stop in their tracks. Suzy kept sucking me like a pro making me grab her hair and push her down so she could take every inch of me in her mouth, at that moment the door swung open and my family was in front of me as well as Silvana and the rest of the members of the Red Moon Pack.
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