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SILVANAS POV It has been three days since Silvestre mated and rejected me, I have not been feeling good either I guess it could be because I have not had anything to eat or drink since the day of the party. I walked to my bathroom and opened my medicine cabinet, and I lost my breath, indent and grabbed my phone and looked at my period tracker app and saw that I was two days late. I ran back to the bathroom and went through my drawers to see if I still had the pregnancy test that one of my friends left here, I read the instructions on it and did as it said now I had to wait for three minutes and I have to admit that it would be the three most longest minutes in my life. When my phone alarm went off I went into the bathroom to find the test read pregnant on it, I slid down on the bathroom wall and I cried for what seemed for a long time until I decided that I had to go away to protect my pup. I went to my room and grabbed my phone and called the only other person that inked would be able to help me get out of here and disappear, I dialed the number and waited for someone to answer. "Hello" Benito answered "Hey Benito it's Silvana, I need your help" I said "What is it" he asked "I need you to help me fake my death and get me away from here today" I said "Why what happened" he asked "I found my mate, we mated and the he rejected me the worse thing is that I just found out I'm pregnant and I can't stay here please help me" I said almost in tears "Okay grab some clothing and get in your truck and drive towards the end of your packs lands and I will be there waiting for you with Suzy, Martin and Alfredo" he said "Okay see you there" I said before hanging up. I packed some clothing and then grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Susana, my parents and brother. Dear Family, I want you all to know that I love you all but I can't stay here not after my mate rejected me after we mated, I don't feel right being here knowing that he will be with someone else instead of me. Please forgive me for running away from here but I cannot stay, I love you all. SILVANA After I left the letter on my bed I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the pregnancy test placing it in the box and then in my hand bag where I had placed the money grandpa had left me for my birthday, I made sure no one was home and went to the garage and placed my bag in my truck and started it and headed to where I would meet Benito and the others. When I got closer to the end of the packs lands I started to get dizzy and my vision started to turn black, I tried to pull over but I ended up crashing my truck into a tree and then I felt some arms pick me up and get me out of the truck. After a while I opened my eyes and I saw Benito, Suzy, Martin and Alfredo. "How are you feeling" Benito asked "My head is hurting" I told him "Don't worry it's just a small cut but it's already healing I need you to shift and mask your scent most likely someone heard when you crashed your truck and might be heading this way" Benito said I nodded and shifted into my large dark silver wolf and hid in the trees while Benito and the other set my car on fire before running into the tree line. We stayed hidden in the tree line when I saw my brother, Susana, Mateo, Jorge and Silvestre come out of the tree line just as a black SUV pulled out and we saw mom, dad, the Alpha and Luna jump out of the car. I felt someone try to mind link me and Benito nodded and I let my wall down "Silvana where are you" Susana asked "I'm trapped in my truck I can't get out there is fire around me" I say at that moment she turns to tell everybody I was still in the truck but before they take a step near the truck it exploded and I put my wall back up as I see everybody yell and start to cry Mateo and Jorge had to hold down my brother and Silvestre from going near the truck that was now covered in flames. We stayed until the flames were completely put out and they saw that there was nothing left of my truck or me, my mom fainted in my father's arms, while Susana was being held by my brother who was also crying in her arms. After everybody left Benito nudge me with his nose and nodded me to follow them back to his pack, within an hour we were back in his packs land and in his pack house where they gave me a big room so when I bought a crib I would have enough room for it.
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