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SILVESTRES POV When we got to Silvanos house we heard crying in the kitchen and we all walked in to find my parents with silvano's parents, both my mother and his mother were crying while both our father's tried to calm them down. "What's going on" I asked "Here read" my mother said giving me a piece of paper with writhing on it and I started to read it out loud Dear Family, I want you all to know that I love you all but I can't stay here not after my mate rejected me after we mated, I don't feel right being here knowing that he will be with someone else instead of me. Please forgive me for running away from here but I can't stay, I love you all. SILVANA When I finished reading the note we were interrupted by a pack member knocking on the door "What is it" I asked "Alpha a truck just crashed near our boarders" he said "What kind of truck" Silvano asked "Baby blue older model Ford truck" he said "That's Silvanas truck" his mom said "Let's go" I said. Silvano, Susana, Mateo, Jorge and I ran in our wolf form following the pack member to were we saw Silvanas truck crashed on to a tree already on fire but we couldn't tell if she was still in it. I turned to see Susana was trying to mind link someone, I guess that she did get through and was talking to them just as our parents appeared in the SUV "she is still in the truck stuck" Susana said both me and Silvano turned to run towards the truck when it exploded we all screamed when it happened. My mother and his mother both fainted, Silvano and I still tried to get near the truck but were being held back by Mateo and Jorge. We stayed there until the fire subsided and there was nothing left, Silvano was holding my crying sister while he himself cried as well. Came out to be that we were mated to each other's sister the only thing is that they don't know I was Silvanas mate, I couldn't believe that I had lost my mate for good I would be a mateless alpha, I wouldn't have children with my mate or life the rest of my life with her just like my parents were going to, just like Silvano and Susana were going to and all because I wanted to continue being who I have been till this day. We all started to walk back to the pack house to give the pack the sad news of Silvanas passing, I know that Silvano would be trying to find out who Silvanas mate was so he can beat him up or worse kill him himself. I looked at silvano while we all walked back to the pack house his eyes were as black as they could get, I placed my hand on his shoulder and he turned to me before placing his hand on my shoulder. He knows I cared about Silvana since we were little we would protect her and Susana together and we always said that we would protect each other sister if either one couldn't do it for a reason, now here we are neither one of us could safe Silvana from dying the way she did. When we got to the pack house my father asked all the members to come to the back yard, within twenty minutes the whole pack was in the back yard and my father gave them all the sad news. Some cried, some had sad expretions on their faces and some were looking around trying to guess who had rejected her and made her so upset that she lost control of the truck causing it to catch on fire then explode. The pack decided that we should do some kind of memorial for Silvana since she was part of our pack and since her body was burned to nothing we could do something to remember her through, by the end of the meeting everybody agreed to make a Red Rose garden and in the middle a small statue of her where we could go and leave red roses for her which were her favorites.
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