Chapter 4

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|Aila| Our first day of school ended with my classmates mocking jokingly about what happened between me and Sandro. I didn’t expect this to happen but the entire class is looking forward to the little war that is igniting. Ynna got home first because her driver fetched her after class. She offered me a ride but I said no since my dad will be the one to fetch me here. I saw Sandro headed to the parking lot and get inside a black Ford Raptor pickup. The engine started and before he will be out of the premise, the car will pass by on the bench where I am sitting. My chest fluttered for no apparent reason. The car is already a few meters away from me so I busied myself by using my phone. “Any problem, Ai? His car passing you by was inevitable. As if that is a big deal” I said to myself. It startled me when a loud sound of car honk reigned. I lifted my gaze and my breathing hitch when I finally saw Sandro's car in front of me. A seconds passed, the black tinted window of his car opened. I was gritted by his serious face as he looked at me. A hesitant smile crept on my face to lighten the mood between us, thinking that he needs something from me. But this ill-bred guy avoided me, looking intently to the road in front and stepped his speed accelerator! I feel embarrassed for what I have done and irritated at what he did. I smiled but got nothing in return! That man is a snob! 30 minutes has passed before my dad arrived at the campus. I went out already and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. I saw two black SUV that accompanies my dad’s car. Maybe they are his bodyguards. My father is a lawyer that enters the world of politics. His work is dangerous especially now that the election is near and he’s running for a much higher position, we can’t ensure his safety so having a bodyguard with him is the best option. When I got home, I saw my brothers playing basketball on our court. I headed straight to our house and didn’t even greet them. They will just pester me, I know them! I changed my clothes in a simple white t-shirt and denim shorts. Our teacher didn’t give us any homework, so I still have time to scan my social media sites. While I'm busy on f******k, Sandro’s face is still vivid in my imagination. I don’t know why am I like this. My hands got its own life that it typed ‘Sandro Hugo Espada’ in the search bar. The first one to show is Sandro profile and guess what?  He’s already friends with Ynna! My goodness! Ynna’s radar is faster than our internet connection! I opened his profile, but everything was in private. It showed only his recent profile picture and cover photos on the page. My mind got back to its senses and realized what I just did. Why am I stalking him? Am I that curious about his life? Of course not! I am just making sure if he’s really an achiever and maybe if he is, I would make sure that he can’t beat me! That’s all! Am I afraid that he might overpower me? Or I just really want to see his profile? “Fudge, Ai! This is ridiculous!” I said to myself and get myself a book and just read it. A week passes like wind. I sighed especially that today will be the start of the proper classes. Last week was full of fun because we have our acquaintance party, and the same as before, the great Sandro was always serious. I got up early in the morning. I can’t take it if my tardiness will be the reason for Sandro to have time to beat me. I am now in my school uniform and quickly get inside my dad's car. He asked his usual questions along the whole drive. I kissed him goodbye before I find my way to my classroom. It’s just 7:30 in the morning so there are just a few people here in our classroom, including Ynna… and of course, Sandro... the great. I unconsciously rolled my eyes as I went to my seat.  “Wow, early-bird!” I said to Ynna while putting my bag at my back for me to be comfortable while sitting.   “Sandro, Aila said your bird is early!" my friend teased. My eyes widen in shock as I look at my friend. Fudge! I’m not referring to him! “s**t, Ynna! Watch your words!” I whispered annoyingly at her. I’m a bit ashamed, even if I really didn’t say it. Ynna giggled but my eyes look at Sandro's direction. But I was greeted by his brooding eyes looking at me.  Ynna? You are really amazing. I thought sarcastically. “You said it, right?” Ynna said, lacking with malice.  What the? I looked back at her with my face showing how irritated I am for at what she did! “You’re the one I’m referring to, Ynna! Sandro and I aren't close for me to… to… greet his bird?!” My eyes accidentally passed by his crotch area! This is insane, and guess what, Sandro’s eyes is still glued to me so I knew that he saw me watching his…. Oh my god! That wasn’t even a second! I hear Ynna’s giggle. “Forgive me, my mind was occupied by some evil spirits early this morning! Hahaha. Are you sure you’re really talking to me? I thought you’re talking to Sandro’s pe—“ Before she could continue, I covered her mouth with my hand and pinched her waist. Fortunately, after a few seconds, our teacher walked inside the room. The crowded room settled and the class started right away. The teacher discussed our lesson and some of our classmates at the back are obviously not listening. While I, at this moment, is busy copying notes that she wrote on the blackboard. Biology. I sighed as I scribbled the lesson in my notebook. This is obviously my most hated subject. I know it since I didn’t get the Best in Science award back in high school. I study hard, memorize everything that was needed to be memorized, but this subject is not just my forte. I wandered my eyes inside the room and saw Sandro just looking at our teacher. No notebooks or any things above his armchair. Is he really serious about beating me to be on top? Seriously, Sandro the Great? I was interrupted when our teacher caught Sandro’s attention. “Mr. Espada, I can see that you are not taking down any notes at this moment. So knowing if you’re really listening, I have a question for you.” Sandro stands proudly as if he knows everything the teacher will ask him. Huh, let’s see. I was already grinning and waiting for the great Sandro to just keep quiet after the question. “About what I have discussed a while ago; when Pasteur heated the growth medium, he indirectly showed that enzymes were important to cells because?” her eyes were already chinky as she tries to test Sandro. “Because the functional enzyme structure depends on H bonds.” He answered that made our teacher awed and after a while, she smiles. I blink in surprise. So he’s right? H-how on earth did he answer that? 5 seconds didn’t even pass then he already has an answer? How come? I realized that my mouth was already slightly opened because of amazement at what I heard. How did he do that? If I will be asked the same question, I might scan my notes first to make sure if what I will answer is correct. But for him, everything was so easy to memorize on his mind. He glanced at me with showing his proud smirk before he sat back on his seat.  “A restriction enzyme is one that?” the teacher asked again and waited for some students to answer. I remember that the answer was already written in my notebook so I raised my hand and she just smiled at me. “Breaks or digest DNA in a sequence of specific manner,” I answered confidently. “Correct, Miss Rivas.” She happily said. “Okay let’s proceed, now, what are the differences between a Bacteria and Viruses?” I raised my hand again and confidently answered the question. “They both have the capabilities to make us sick but bacteria are living organisms that produce energy and are capable of independent reproduction. While viruses are cells that possesses all the characteristics of living organisms.” “Is that your final answer, Miss. Rivas?" she asked. I smiled as I sat back down because I am sure that my answer is right.  "Any objection to Miss Rivas’ answer?” the teacher asked the class. But to my dismay, Sandro’s voice overpowered the room. “Miss Rivas’ answer about bacteria is correct, but she said about viruses was wrong. Viruses are not cells but particles of DNA or RNA encased within a protective shell. They do not possess all the characteristics of living organisms. Viruses must rely on other organisms in order to reproduce because they do not possess the organelles needed to replicate.” WHAT THE FREAKIN’ FUDGE?! I looked at Sandro and immediately noticed the smirk he was trying to hide. I gritted my teeth annoyingly.  “Good Mr. Espada and Miss Rivas.” Miss Hilary said seriously and continued her lecture. “I can smell a silent war here,” Ynna said while laughing silently. I glance back at Sandro and now, the smug in his face is evidence.  Calm down, Aila! This is just the first time. Just do better on the next days and let Sandro know that he can’t beat you with just a simple definition of Bacteria and Viruses!
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