Chapter 5

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AILA   One subject left for today and I’m good to go. Tomorrow will be the first examination for this semester. Since last week, I already did some readings so I won’t cram and it will be easy for me to study calmly. “Ugh, this sucks!” I complained as I open my Biology book. Of all my subjects, this one is my most hated one. “Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia or ‘brain-freeze’ is a painful condition similar to a migraine, that arises due to your body’s natural reaction to cold temperatures,” I mumble. “Okay, next… When you get cold, your body undergoes a series of changes designed to prevent heat loss. One of these adaptations is the constriction of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. With less blood flowing near to your skin, less heat is lost to the surroundings and you stay warmer for longer.” “Brain-freeze or Speno… sphenopatine.. s**t… again. Seno..” I got so frustrated because the term was hard for me to memorize. “s**t, relax, Ai.” I said to myself. Hours have passed, but I only read almost 5 pages. “I think I need to go downstairs and get some cookies to feed my brain” Books were scattered above my study table, but I didn’t bother to fix it before going out of my room. I brought my phone with me and headed to the stairs. My two brothers were on the dining table and I can see that Ivan just woke up and eating eggs and ham. Wow, eating breakfast for lunch, huh? My brother’s body clock is s**t. They sleep at 2 or 4 in the morning and wake up at 12 in the afternoon. Crap, right? “You eat so early, Ivan. It’s just 12 in the afternoon. Why not wake up at 3?” I sneered. Ivan looked at me while chewing his food. “And why are you still alive?” he answered with no emotion on his face. I heard Mino’s laugh, and I know he will add fire to my argument with Ivan. The two of them really love to torment me. Ugh! “Aww. Lil’ sis just keeps your mouth shut or else Ivan will annoy you for the rest of the day that you won’t able to study. Hahaha” yes, he’s right. Ivan will bother me… forever. I went straight to our pantry and get the jar of cookies and got disappointed when nothing is left inside it. How come? My brothers don’t like cookies, and it’s also impossible for mom to eat those because she’s so conscious about her sugar intake! Unless…. I went out of our pantry while bringing the empty jar and faced my brothers who are now busy eating the leftover cake from last night. “Who the hell emptied my cookies?!” I shouted to get their attention. Ton looked at Ivan with guilty eyes. “What?” I asked again. I know they’re keeping secrets from me! “HAHAHAHA” a loud laugh from Ivan covered the whole dining area. I looked at them sharply. If my eyes can kill, the two of them must be on the floor and lifeless already! “Mino gave it to the girl she’s courting!” Ivan said while laughing that made Mino throw him the fork he’s using. This isn’t the first time my brothers took the cookies I bake and give it to someone they like! Fudge, it looks like I was the one who’s doing efforts for them! Shame! An idea entered my mind. “It’s okay, I used expired flour by the way. Good luck to your girl, Min!” I smoothly put the jar on our table and left the two of them looking at each other astounded. Of course, I didn’t use expired ingredients! Am I stupid to do that knowing that I would be the one to eat those? I just said it for them to be startled. I went back to my room and just ordered food online. It’s already 8 in the evening and I also ate dinner, but I’m still here studying for Biology. Actually, I’m done reading all the pages that are covered for the exam but I’m not that confident if I can perfectly answer it on the day of the test. “I need to rest my brain, so this will be enough.” I murmured and closed the books in front of me, including my laptop because I also watch YouTube videos regarding our topic for me to have additional knowledge. I tucked in my bed and slept early to have a conditioned mind during the examination for tomorrow.   I woke up at 4 in the morning and had some review. Fortunately, everything is doing good, so I readied myself and fix my things for school. I arrived 30 minutes early before the exam starts and saw Ynna in our classroom reading some of her notes. And…. Sandro, who’s busy using his cellphone. “Hi, Ynna. You ready?” I asked her while I get my notebook inside my bag to read. “I think you should ask yourself. Are you ready?” she asked back while looking at Sandro. What? Do you consider him a threat, Aila? Duh, no way! “Of course, I’m always ready,” I answered confidently. Ynna just smirked and continued reading her notes.   Our teacher has arrived and me being nervous is still focused on the exam. It took us almost 1 hour to finish the first subject, which is Math. I didn’t really have a problem with that subject because it was my forte. The clock ticks faster than usual, maybe because everyone is almost looking at it every second. Another subject after the other. Some were just easy, but some needed more time for you to think deeply to get the correct answer. Here comes my nightmare, Biology. The last subject. The teacher distributed the test papers and as I saw the questions; it made my heart beat so fast. s**t, this is not good. I looked at my right side unconsciously and saw Sandro coolly sitting with his legs crossed like he doesn’t have any problem. He’s staring at the questionnaire intently, but after a few seconds, he started writing on it. He’s fast! I came back to my senses and focused on my own test paper and answered everything that I know. I’m still at number 45, 15 more questions, and I’m done when the sound of a chair being scratched on the floor got my attention. I looked up and to my shock, the great Sandro is already passing his paper to our teacher! Fudge! He’s so fast! I got so conscious that I read every question quickly to reach Sandro and to submit my test paper quickly. After almost 5 minutes, I finished it, and with no second thought; I passed my paper to the front. “Wow, only you and Sandro finished the test before the given time limit.” The teacher proclaimed while smiling. It stunned me when I realized that I didn’t review any of my answers on the last part of the test! f**k, what have I done! My classmates were still busy answering the test papers that no one is looking up, all of them were slouching in each of their armchairs when Sandro stands up and went to where I am standing. “Any problem, Miss Rivas? Why are you standing like a tree there?” He said while smirking. After what he said, he headed straight to the door and went outside our classroom.   FUDGE! WHAT WAS THAT AILA FELIZ?! YOU ARE SO CARELESS!!
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