Terms of the contract

1839 Words
I walked into the room. It wasn’t huge like you would expect from a place like this. It was decorated in dark green and red shades, inside there was a queen size bed and chest of drawers. It had a door leading, to what I guess is the bathroom. I made my way to see if my prediction was right. And I was right, so I used the toilet, washed my hands and face. As I looked at myself in the mirror, the reflection wasn't really appealing. Most of the makeup has smudged off and it looked a little pathetic, so washed what was left of it and fixed my hair. With nothing else to do in here I returned to the bedroom. I thought about laying down on the bed or sitting down, but that wasn’t an option right now, I felt a little to wired up to just sit, so I walked around, checking every nook and cranny. As I pulled back the huge black curtains covering one side of the room it opened a wall of the windows. The view from up here was great, mabe even breath taking. I could see way beyond the fence and into the thick forest soround the whole place. It looked dangerous and so thick that everyone who would try to walk in it would get lost. And so I stood there for the remaining time, lost in the dark dephs of it. I only understood that I had been standing here for that long when I heard a knock on the doors and the sound of them being opened. My instinct told me to turn around immediately and not leave my back open for a predator to attack me, but I knew that there wasn't anything I could to stop him. Damien walked into the room like he owned it… well yeah he owned it, but what I meatn by it was that he always walks this. I used to see him walking around the pack town like he was the alpha and everything belonged to him. His eyes were concentrated on me for a few moments, it was like he was traying to read me. Annoying bastard. Well good luck with that. No one ever could read my face, ever. I mastered this skill when I was little, because showing them emotions, especially the ones like pain or fear, was like narcoticks for them. I couldn’t stop them from hurting me, but I could stop them from feeling satisfaction from it. “Have you settled in?” “I guess…” He looked serious for a moment and then busted out laughing. “Well as you have nothing with you there is nothing to settle into, but I see you found the best part about this room. Come on, let's get something to eat and we will discuss your situation.” He turned around not waiting for my answer and walked out of the room. This left me nothing else to do but just follow him. He walked down the stairs and turned left. It was hard to keep up with his long legs and my high heels, but I managed somehow. It took me a little longer to reach the kitchen so when I entered it he was already sitting there, like a king in his throne, if my situation was different I would probably be drooling over him, but now I have other things on my mind, like the problem of me surviving this s**t show that was my life. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm the mess that was breving inside of me, but it was getting harder with every moment... but I pushed all of it in a dark metal box for now. Fuck, it will be a mess latter, but it was future me problem. Now I have to seal the deal with him, to make myself as safe as possible. “You must be in great pain, going through the separation usually kills most of the wolves that do decide to leave their pack.” His words almost made me laugh. If only he knew what my wolf felt right now, not only I was separating from the pack, but I also was turned down by my destined mate. The fact that I was standing here right now was a surprise even for me. He walked to the bar and pulled out an expensive looking bottle of what I guess was scotch. “... the pain is described as your soul being ripped out of your body.” “It’s survivable. You said we are going to discuss how I will be paying you back?” He turned to me with a vicked look on his face as a playful smile apeared on his face. “Oh my little half breed… you know how the saying goes… no fun and play makes a little half breed a dull girl.” I looked at him with one of my brows lifted in question. Was he serious right now? I sighted, kikcked off my boots and walked to the bar barefoot. I poured myself a glass and chucked it all down in one gulp like it was a shot of vodka. The familiar burning calmed me a little or maybe it was the strong alkocol. “Yes, drink three hungred year old scotch like it's some cheap booze from the liquor store.” I poured myself another shot, but this time I turned to him while pouring down my throat again. f**k, he looked as annoyed as he sounded. Shit… heavy alcohol wasn't the best idea. I thought to myself, because the idea of kissing the annoyed look off his face seamed like a great one. “So… are you ready to tell me what you want from me? What do you think I can give you that you would risk pissing off the whole pack?” His face changed from annoyed to laughing again. His mood changes is making me dizzy... or maybe it was the alkohol. “Maybe I want you as my s*x slave so much, that making a few wolfs mad is nothing..or maybe it was my plan from the start, to piss off your alpha and getting you is just heppens to be a lucky coincidence?” I looked at him with one of my eyebrows lifted. “So this is just another game for you?” Shit, could I be this lucky? He was chuckling again. “And why are you ruling out my first answer so fast? Maybe I’m madly in love with you or maybe I am burning with lust for your curvy little body?” He suddenly stood next to me as he was finishing his statement. I forgot that he moved this fast. I looked him in the eyes with as much cynicism that I could muster up. “Well first thing first. There is very little chance of that, because if for some crazy reason you did crave me, I would probably be on my back with you f*****g the s**t out of me.” My answer made him laugh so hard that he was holding his stomach. “And I don’t think that I’m your type at all, especially when you probably have a harem of all sorts of creatures waiting to warm your bed and feed you…so?” He brushed off the last few tears and his face looked serious the next moment. “I have a plan to humiliate your alpha. The reason for it is between me and him, but you, my dear, you made this easier for me and a faster way to achieve it.” He brushed an escaped strand of hair behind my ear. “... and I wanted to help you, so we will make a deal. For three years you will be my right hand woman. I will flount you as a trophy in front of him and anybody else, just to spite him. Tellin everyone the story how I took one of his wolf right from under him... wolf that was fated to mate with his son.” How the f**k did he know that? But I didn't have the time to think more about it, Because he leaned in close. His mouth was right next to my ear when he spoke again. “And if you will be loyal to me, I will set you free and even help you settle in a new town. Find you a secure place where you can be free." I swallowed hard. I really hate my traitorous body at this moment, because all I could think about right now was his mouth on my body. But I pushed those urges down and thought through what I just heared. “Fine. But I want all of this in writing sealed by a spell and you swearing over it.” He stepped back a little and looked me straight in the face and started to laugh again. “You are full of surprises my little wolf. Fine, I will make arrangements tomorrow and now it's probably time for you to go to sleep. I think you need some sleep after all of the exitment of the last few days. Feel free to use everything here and on the second floor and if you need my help with anything I will be on the third floor.” He whispered the last part to my ear and walked out of the kitchen leaving me alone with a glass full of scotch. I chugged it down and walked up the stairs to the bathroom he told me to stay in. I walked straight to the bathroom. It was decorated in dark green and black colors and if not for the light it would be boring and creepy, but with the way lighting was placed around the room it looked cool as f**k. I stripped off the clothing that I have been wearing and stepped into the massive shower. I let the hot water rush over me. It relaxed my stiff muscles and only then did I let my wolf side out for a bit. The pain… there was so much pain... it rushed to me like a speeding train. It gripped my chest, the emotions were pushing every last bit of air out of it. I curled up on the floor again, holding myself in… Shit… Shit… Shit… I don't think I can hold it in any longer… Fuck… I jumped out of the shover, pulled the black robe that was hung on the door and ran. I ran… And I ran… Until I was outside. Until I reached the edge of his fenced property. And then I broke down. My chest exploded. Fire rushing out of me. Out of my hands… And finally out of my mouth…. I burned everything around me, my body covered in flames. It was so bright and hot, until everything went black.
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