Chapter Three

1176 Words
***Kat's POV***     After my shift ended, I did my best to just forget about the email in my pocket, as I drove over to the daycare where Lily was at.  I was thankful to have found this particular place, the women were extremely nice and they adored Lily and all her silly little antics.  I'd moved back when Lily was about a year and a half old, and before too much longer she'd be two, a very spoiled two since she was currently the youngest kid of all my friends, so she tended to get a lot of attention.     I pulled up and entered the building, one of the ladies spotting me right away, as did Lily who giggled and decided to hide in the playcenter that had been built into the room there.     "Hello Kat!  Is it that time already?  Lily is just such a lovely child and time just seems to fly by with her!"     "She's a bundle of energy that's for sure, but she did get a nice nap in today so she might be running around for a while"  The other had spotted me and added her two cents in as well.   We continued to chat for a moment longer while Lily continued to play and run around like the little monster she was.  I may have been a little tired from work but I was still going to be polite as possible to these ladies that probably had a far crazier day than mine.   Lily was always well cared for her, and they were always nice to me, so it was easy to be polite and friendly with them as well.     Eventually Lily came over for loves and I was able to get her out of the building, her gabbing away as we drove home while I occasionally corrected a word or two, I did not need any repeats of the fish incident.  I listened to her stories while remembering the email and tried to distract myself with thoughts of dinner.  Really I needed to get away from those thoughts of him, I kind of felt like a creep at this point, but I couldn't seem to help it, maybe it was just something similar to how some women would fan girl over a movie star or a musician.     When we got home, Lily went barreling into her room to play with her toys, which left me with a moment to go check out the email before I could talk myself out of it.  Opening my computer, I listened for Lily while waiting for my spotty DSL to decide if it wanted to work today or not, which thankfully for my already crazy heart, it was working and  I was able to get into myspace.  I entered the email that he had there, searching for him, and when the profile came up for the email, I wasn't sure it was him as the name matched the email and there was no regular picture, just art, and his friends list left me feeling exceptionally self-conscious, there were a lot of beautiful women showing as his friend, I couldn't help but wonder which one was his girlfriend.  Scrolling through the page, I saw a few things that were things I enjoyed as well, but mostly he didn't have a lot of stuff up, it was mostly comments from others.  Going back to the top, I hesitated for a few over the button to send a request for a friend request, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before I clicked the button to send the request and then locked my computer back up.  Even though he gave me the email, I wasn't sure that he would actually want me as a friend.     "Lily bug, wanna come help me with dinner?"  Calling out to my daughter, she came running towards me and we headed up to the kitchen to cook together.  Well, cook and dance, since I loved to listen to music and dance in the kitchen, Lily had picked that up to, doing little stomp dances that would knock her over, or being in my arms as we danced together with her sitting on my hip.  We always had fun and it made the day so much better.         Between dancing and a full stomach, Lily was falling asleep quickly after dinner, and I had to try and keep her awake long enough to get ready for bed and tucked in.  Sleepy children still wiggle and suddenly have a dozen arms and legs that flail around to avoid jammies with sleepy giggles, or at least Lily did.  Finally we finished and I got her tucked in, with her quickly dozing off.  I headed back to my room and unlocked my computer, intent on checking out any new games I may want to play, until I noticed that I had new messages that I needed to check out, and when I clicked the link my heart about stopped, Nightfall, the name that had been on the email, accepted my friend request, poked me, and sent me a message.      :Hi :) Thanks for the request!: Nightfall sent.     :Hello, well thank you for accepting.: Great work self, totally don't sound like a goob....not.  Well I have my good points, talking to people is not one of them though.     :Of course, that's why I gave you my email.  ;)  Took you a while though, thought you might have lost it.:     :No, just had some other stuff to do and take care of, dinner doesn't make itself after all.:     :OOOOH really...and what did you have for dinner?  Food is always good.:     Neutral territory, just like the book, I could talk about food, and explain what I had made for dinner.  I was starting to relax again, and laugh at how animated he could be while he was typing things up.  We did end up talking some more about music and books, seemed we had some very similar tastes in those,  but I felt myself getting tired and since I knew I had a morning shift the next day I knew I needed to go to bed.     :Sorry, but it is getting late and I need to go to bed cause I have the opening shift tomorrow.  Thanks for talking with me though, it was fun.:     :I had a lot of fun too!  Sweet dreams beautiful.:  My eyes almost popped out of my head at that last part, and I had hope for one moment, before I reminded myself of the truth I had lived with, I was just plain and normal, not a beauty,  and I was certain he was just one of those nice guys that saw the good in others all over, my father had been similar, able to see the beauty in everyone, but for a brief moment, I allowed myself the dream that he was flirting with me, that he was interested.  Maybe it would be a nice dream for the night.
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