
An Arranged Marriage With A Dragon!?

arranged marriage
magical world

In the world of Stamatoy where everything is peaceful and serene well almost serene that is. In Stamatoy they have magical creatures that can either fly or shift through walls with little to no effort. But the most dangerous yet beautiful creatures lie in the dragon nation. The most powerful family of dragons is the Dynia family, while the second most powerful family is the Orian Family while the Orian family may be human they have a very beautiful daughter who would do anything to please her family. Jean Orian is set to marry Drata Dynia but will Jean agree to this marriage and make her family happy? or will she choose her own happiness?

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Father and Grandfather called me into the underground study. I knew if they called me to the underground study it had to be important and they didn’t want anyone else to hear what was to be said. The study was beneath the above ground study hidden behind a bookcase that stretched to the ceiling and once opened it lead down a long hallway and at the end of the hallway was the winding staircase that lead directly to the underground study. As I reached the base of the stairs I heard my grandfather raise his voice defensively “you can not make Jean go through with this! That thing is a monster yet you..” grandfather stopped when he heard me opening the door. As I walked in Grandfather gave my father a mean resentful look, as he turned to me he gave me a bright smile and a big hug. After I returned the hug my father began to speak “Jean, how much did you hear just now?” My father asked me curiously while my Grandfather started daggers at him. “Papa I didn’t hear much since the walls are pretty soundproof, I admit I heard my name and something about a monster I believe” I thought it best not to tell the complete truth but Father doesn’t need to know this. After a few minutes of silence I decided to ask “Papa? Grandpapa? Why have you called me here? What’s going on?” I asked them both, as they both looked at each other I started to remember something one of the maids said last week. Last week “Have you heard?” Maid one said, “Heard what? Have you been listening in again on the master?” Maid two said while shaking her head “I admit that I did but what I heard is quite heartbreaking though” maid one said with pity on her face, “alright what did you hear this time?” Maid two said while giving up. “I heard that the young mistress of the house has an arranged marriage with…” she was cut off when she saw that I was walking into the kitchen and I smiled at them while saying my hellos and grabbing an apple and went about the rest of my day. I honestly haven’t heard from them since which is most peculiar but not unheard of most of the maids around our home are pretty secretive. I wonder what father is hiding this time I thought to myself. “Jean, just know I tried to talk him out of this but you know how stubborn your father is not to mention how bat s**t crazy his is as well!” My Grandfather said angrily while again starring daggers at him and holding my shoulder. “Does this have to do with an arranged marriage?” I asked them, they both looked at me with wide eyes yet bewildered looks, “how did you know of this daughter?” My father asked me with a brow raised. “A couple of maids were talking about it last week and I happened to notice they were talking about the young mistress of the house, so I knew they were talking about me but they didn’t say anything about who. I guess I came in a moment too soon because they saw me come into the kitchen.” I never seen my father so infuriated before I told him that “Papa please don’t punish them it wasn’t their fault that you were the one that was careless and used the upstairs study instead of down here” I said, he said and nodded his head “ alright they won’t get punished for that but it doesn’t excuse the fact that you heard of this before I or your grandfather were to tell you ourselves!, I know you don’t like seeing the maids be punished and I can understand that but daughter this was important!” father said instinctively I nodded and let a sigh of defeat escape my lips. “Jean by now you know what the maids were talking about is true, you do have an arranged marriage with someone of very high status” Father said he sure loves the sound of his own voice I was thinking not caring who he was talking about. I supposed my grandfather noticed that I was not paying attention. “Jean dear, the man your father is talking about is not human” he said a little afraid how I’ll take it, “Grandpapa? Is he a fairy? And elf? Vampire? Wolf? Am I getting close at all? Because if either one of you say dragon I’m running away.” I said and they both looked at each other “Aaaand I’m gone! I don’t do dragons! And you both know that why would you both be ok with giving me to the f*****g highest bidder!” I said storming out of the study my father was calling my name but I didn’t stop I kept going, when I reached the upper study doors I opened the door and bumped into a wall or so I thought. As I slowly looked up I saw a handsome young man with beautiful dark hair with red tinge and light gray blue eyes and he had to be about 6’5 but with an angry look on his face “are you going to just stand on my foot or are you going to move out of the way?” He said curtly I didn’t even notice I was on his foot as I got off of it and looked back up at him “are you always this rude to houses that your visiting? Or is just my home?” He looked at me with anger “your home? Then I take it you must be Jeanette?” He calmed down a little bit but I could tell he was still angry. “Now that you’ve calmed down a bit who are…” I started to say but was interrupted by my father. “Papa who is this?” I said “this is Drata Dynia the dragon and your future husband” my father said while not looking me in the eyes. All I could feel was betrayal, why would you promise your only daughter to a damn dragon!?

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