Chapter 59

1743 Words
Every one keeps running until there stamina get down fully, but the creature still following them with anger as the humans had entered into their world. Even though the humans running very fast, they could not able to escape from the creature as it was very big in size and it's feet is very large, so if it places one step means the humans are running a 2 kilo meters far . . . But an advantage for the humans is it was moving very slowly as it's nature is very slow as of like Tortoise and with a very huge body. The creature no need to kill them but the humans can die if the body part of the creature may fell on them . . So they were running very hardly to escape from the creature and almost they have gone next to the gates of the hell. . . All of a sudden every one became slow and stopped running due to lack of stamina as they could not run more because they are humans and could not run continuously with out taking some rest and every one there feeling fatigue . . .  The creature coming towards them and they were not able to move an inch forward and stood still like a statue with fear by looking at it. Mathew got worried a lot and not understanding what to do the next moment and he could loose them by seeing next to it.  Suddenly Mathew got strike with an idea . . .  "Every body hold your hands and come closer to me, hold me ", Mathew shouted at them and took out the pendant from under his shirt, shows it to the sky and a large protection layer surrounded them all over the area where the humans are standing . . . The creature came forward very closer to the humans and hit the protection layer very hardly with it's hand and the protection layer got damaged a little and Mathew hurts badly that is his stamina gone completely from his body and fell down on his knees because the creature power is more than the pendant power . . Mathew again stood straight by gathering the whole stamina in his and raised the pendant towards the sky.  The creature again raised his hand to hit the protection layer, but this time Clara too hold the pendant very tightly to help him as he became weaker and asked Mack too to help them. By so Mack also hold the pendant tightly and shows it to the sky . .  All of a sudden the protection layer's power gone to peaks and it became more stronger than the creature because accidentally the pendants over the Clara and Mack's neck too shown to the sky with out knowing them as those pendants were stuck to their shirts they worn and accidentally the face of the pendants shown towards the sky which they worn for their protection found in the desk of Clara's father . . . The creature hit the protection layer with a big force using his hand again, but this time it fails to damage the layer as it was more powerful than before and the hand of it's burnt due to the power it was producing from their stamina of the three . . . It tried again and failed to damage the protection layer, it tried a several times and fails. Finally it stamped it's foot on them by gathering it's complete energy. In the mean while Mathew shouted on the team to hang on the pendant every one to generate more power and the same did the team.  When the creature stamped on the protection layer, by the same force it flew away in the air from the layer and fell very far away from them by the the power of the protection layer like a bouncing ball. By then Mathew's stamina was completely down, he fell down on the ground unconscious. Clara then immediately sat beside him and trying to wake him up to know what happened to him . . .  Not only Clara but also the remaining too sat beside around him and giving jerks to wake him up . . Mack immediately ran far away from the place to search for the water as the water in their bottles are empty . .  "Mack, where are you going ?", Clara asked "In the search of water, now Mathew is in need of some water ", Mack said "I think we have water in our bags ", Clara said "No, I have already search for it, but no water in our bottles. Please be calm I'll be back in a few minutes, in the mean while please don't let him go into unconscious, try to wake him up continuously ", Mack said and ran a little far to search for the water Accidentally he met with a pond in which the water in it was very pleasant and shining for the sun light and the water is very clear with out any dust or mud, but he did not understand that from where the water is coming and it looks very fresh. While he was thinking he got strike with the condition of Mathew, worried about him and filled the water in the bottle and went back to him . . . Mack sat on his knees, lifting Mathew up, lying him on his lap and pour the freshly filled water on his mouth and also sprinkled some water on his face to wake him up . . . Few minutes later Mathew woke up very freshly that even he did not got hurt any where like a magic and sat on the ground . .  "What happened to the monster creature ?", Mathew asked "I think it was dead and not came here since then ", Mack said "That's ok, what about you, how are you feeling now ?", Clara asked "I am perfectly alright, I think I loose my stamina that's it ", Mathew said "No Mathew it's beyond that, some thing happened to you, Come on think once ", Clara asked "Shhh, Clara let him settle for a while, he is perfectly alright and don't bother about the past ", Mack said "What happened to me, nothing and what are you talking about ?", Mathew asked "Don't you really remembered what happened ?", Clara asked "We all fought with the monster creature and got successful in it, by the force of it I fell down unconscious, a few minutes later I woke up again, that's it right ?", Mathew said "Clara, he remembered every thing, don't worry, he is alright ", Mack said "Ok, it's enough and we got to move, we are already late. Come on  move on ", Mathew said, stood up and gave his hand to Clara to lift her up . . Clara surprised by his behavior, hold his hand but uncertainly she did not stood up but Mathew pulled her with new force like he had a 1000 elephant's stamina . .  Still she was surprised and doubted the water in the bottle beside her. He then took the water bottle immediately and stored it in her back bag . . . While moving forward every one discussing about the monster creature how they fought and what a brilliant idea by Mathew, etc., but Clara was completely silent this time . . "Clara, why are you so silent this time, you used to talk continuously with out any break and what's the problem with you now ?", Mathew asked "Hmm Haa . . . nothing . . . nothing Mathew ", Clara said "Are you ok ?", Mathew asked "Yes, I am ok ", Clara said Every one walking continuously since one and half hour and so they remained no stamina with them, so they wanted to rest for some time. They sat under the tree which gives them a pleasant air with pure oxygen and every one feels very relaxed there . . Since Clara was very thirsty, he took out the water bottle from his back bag, sipped it and drank the water completely which contains in it . . After drinking the water she encountered some huge changes in her body and relaxed completely and feels a very huge stamina with new a complete different feel . . . Then she remembers that what she drank was the water which Mathew drank when he was unconscious and cured completely with out a small blow on his body and the same happens to her too . . Even she hurt while fighting with the monster creature and his leg paining a lot that she can not even move forward, but now she was perfectly already that no pains in her body and filled with new great stamina and she did not understand what was happening to them while they drank the fresh pure and shiny water . .  In the mean while Mathew came back with some fruits and water in his hand with the help of Mack who went long back to gather those for their hunger . .  Mathew sat behind Clara after serving the fruits to every one and with some of them in his hands to himself and to Clara . . He gave those to Clara to eat and he ate too . . "Mathew, I wanna share with you some thing ", Clara said "Yes Clara ," Mathew said "I noticed a huge change in you after you drank the water which was filled in the Island when you were unconscious ", Clara said "What was that ?", Mathew asked "You are now with complete huge stamina like . . . like a monster. Opps sorry to say that, but it's true ", Clara said "Yes Mathew, me too noticed that change in you, when you lifted Clara up ", Mack said Every one there shocked to here that and remained like statue by hearing their words . . . "Stop the non sense Clara. There is nothing like that ", Mathew said "No Mathew, it's true. Ok we will test it ", Clara said "What testing !! , what do you wanna try to do ?", Mathew said "Mathew and Mack, you both come with me, I'll prove it right now ", Clara said
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