Chapter 60

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"Will you stop it Clara and please stop playing with me ", Mathew said "No Mathew, I am very serious. You both come with me, I'll prove it ", Clara said "Come with us Mathew ", Mack said to Mathew too by standing up over there "Ok, what do you want to prove ?", Mathew asked Clara grabbed Mathew and Mack's hand and pulled towards a tree near to them and asked Mack to break the stem of the tree which was looking very heavy and strong . .  "Are you crazy Clara ?, this stem is very strong and how could I break it with the help of my hands ?", Mack asked it very seriously not knowing the reason behind Clara's words "Nothing happens, just try it once ", Clara said Mack then tried to break it, but he could not do that, not even he did not move it an inch . .  "Mathew, now you try to break that ", Clara said "I can't Clara, it's very strong enough rather then us and we could not break it ", Mathew said "Just try it once Mathew ", Clara said Mathew then hold the large stem with his left hand and tried to break it, Unexpectedly the stalk broke and came into his hand and he is able to carry it with out much effort. Every one once again shocked by seeing it and came forward towards them by running . . . Even Mathew had no words and became silent . .  "What is going on here ?", Mack asked "Wait I'll explain it to you all clearly, let me do it another experiment first ", Clara said "Still remained some thing yet to clear us ?", Mack asked "Yes, now again to break this stalk once again Mack ", Clara asked "This is for what ?", Mack asked "Come on Mack do it, I'll tell you ", Clara asked Again he fails to break the stalk and this time Clara moved towards it and break it with her hand with out giving much efforts. By so every once shocked and asking one by one the reason and stamina hiding behind them . . . "What's going on here and what's the power passing on you and Mathew ?", Mr. Richard asked "Actually I drank the water which was left in the water bottle after he had drank and saved the water bottle in my back bag. But when I accidentally drank that water, something clear energy entered me with it and from then onwards I and Mathew got powers ", Clara explained "I think the monster creature was keep protecting the Island for the sake of the magical water may be ", Mathew said "Yes might be so ", Clara said "Ok then, let's go and have the water for ourselves too, so that every one can be protected  and had more stamina to remain safe ", Mr. Richard said "I think we could move back wards after we have started a journey ", Mathew said "You got the powers and you will speak in this way only, we have to suffer in the future not you right. Don't worry we will suffer ", Mr. Richard said "Mr. Richard now you started torturing Mathew and you took the position of Mr. Benjamin ?, Mack asked by irritatingly "Not mean that Mack, imagine once you don't need the powers for the rest of the future to save our life's and to protect ourselves ? Mr. Richard asked "See Mr. Richard, we have to be lucky to have it and the two got it. It's purely a luck and if you word hard also you may not have a chance to get the luck, it's only by God's grace ", Mack said Almost the two started quarreling each other and Mathew went in between the two and stopped them before it becomes severe and instructed every one to move back wards . . . . But they did not know what happens to them in the next moment while moving back wards to the Island as it was not good for them as they may suffer many problems and can loose their life's too. . . . Every one started walking back wards towards the pond slowly as they don't have much stamina to work except Mathew and Clara . . . "Mathew, we are not able to walk more as we did not have much stamina, can you two do us a favor ?", Mack asked with curiosity  "What is that ?", Mathew asked "We all wait here and you both go there, collect the magical water and come back, will wait for you until you return ", Mack said "No Mack that's not fair, even now they are doubting me about every thing that what I did for safety of us. Imagine if it happens some thing there and I came back to explain you about happened there then 'did any one willing to listen to words ? ", Mathew said "Yes you are right Mathew, it's not correct and not at all safe for us to travel towards the pond with out our team ", Clara said confidently So every one moved very hardly towards the pond by the words of Mathew by taking some rest in between and moving again. . . So they have reached the place again where they fought with the monster creature and Mathew asked Mack for the pond that where did he found before ?. . . . But unfortunately they did not found the pond where Mack collected the magical water before and searched for it here and there and surprised a lot for it and this Mr. Richard doubted Mack that he was lying for it and hiding some thing that he don't want to drink the magical water for themselves . . . Mack got much anger on them and warned them that, "I am not soft like Mathew and won't bear the words of yours and hold your tongue please. What do you think for yourself, whether I am a god or monster to hide a pond like thing not to visible to our eyes ?",  "Then where did the hell it gone ?", Mr. Richard asked "I don't know and you go for a search in the pond and become strong enough like Mathew and Clara, we won't stop you any more. Go to Hell ", Mack said "Stop it Mack, please behave yourself and come we will search for the lake by forming a team ", Mathew said by comforting Mack .
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