Episode 53

1055 Words
The ghost's main aim is to curse every one who enters the Island and no one should to go out of it and to take their life's into her hands. So she started asking the questions . . . . "So, whom should I ask first ?", Ghost asked Every one looked into their faces each other that what was happening for them the next moment . . . "I'll go first and every one be careful about what the ghost is going to ask and every one be prepared, discuss each other and then answer the questions if I am not available the next moment when the first question was asked to me. Clara please take care of yourself ", Mathew said and moved forward towards the ghost to answer the questions  . . "Ok Mr. . . ", Ghost said "Mathew ", Mathew said "Ok Mr. Mathew, you are the first person to face me with out hesitation and fear. I am impressed and I wanna tell you some thing about your mysterious journey ", Ghost said "Oo sure, Thank you. What is that ?", Mathew said "What I am going to ask you will be useful in your future journey and remember the questions very carefully ", Ghost said "Ok, Thank you for your concern on me and I wanna ask you some thing too ", Mathew said "Yes, you can ", Ghost said "If for suppose, I answered your question correctly then can I help my friends too in answering their questions please ?", Mathew asked "No that's not possible ", Ghost said "But why, Please give me this option every one over there are equally important for me ", Mathew said "That I can't help you any thing. They have to answer their own questions by using their IQ and that's the rule of this Island and also one has to cross this Island by answering the questions one by one individually not by taking one's help or helping others ", Ghost said "Ok then, I will move back and come to you at the last after my friends completed answering the questions you asked to them ", Mathew said "I got your point, but that too not possible. Once you came forward you have to cross the Island or otherwise you to become cursed ", Ghost said "Oo I see, is there any other option for me. Please show me concern on us Miss ", Mathew said "See I wanna tell you some thing that what you are discussing to me could not be heard by other members when you or some other came forward to answer my questions ", Ghost said Mathew then all at once turned back and looks over the remaining team so pity that he could not able to help them this time by any chance as either by this Island nor this ghost. Clara was in confused state that why Mathew turned back to them and looked over them in a sad mood and the same were discussed with Mack and the others also listened to the words of Clara and the same felt by others too . .  "I think Mathew is in danger now ", Clara said with tears in her eyes "No don't worry, nothing will happen to him and I have a lot of trust on him. He can solve it and will save us definitely ", Mack said "Yes you are right, but the look of Mathew is different from saving us. He is worrying about some thing and it was very clear on his face ", Clara said "Yes me too observed the change in his face ", Mr. Richard said' Over to the ghost . . . "Ok, can you do me a favor please ", Mathew asked "What is that ?", Ghost asked "First you swear me that you will do favor for me then I'll ask you ?", Mathew said "What the hell you are, I am the queen of this Island and you are demanding me !! ??", Ghost said by getting angry and shouted on him "Ok ok, sorry Miss. Please understand my problem and my girl friend too over there, I have to save her too. Please understand my problem and imagine your boy friend or your hubby is in my position and you are in the position of my girl, then what would you do ?", Mathew said The ghost thought for a while by went into complete silent and gave him permission to ask what would he like to do now and what would he want to ask to her . .  "Actually I would go them once and wanna explain the situation once so that they will become alert ", Mathew said "No that's not possible. Ok, ok I will give you two options for you ", Ghost said "Yes please ", Mathew said "One is to take your girl friend with you by answering my question and the other one is to become cursed for others that means only you will be cursed and the remaining will be saved ", Ghost said Mathew thinking about the options very seriously that what is the better option. If he took Clara with him then what about the remaining, if he taken the second option and become cursed for the sake of others then who will save others in the future as he only knows the complete solution for this mysterious journey and how to go there and solve the problem of others with the help of the pendant in his neck. He is in lot of confusion that what option to consider and also if he taken the first option and took Clara along with him then what others will think of them. Do they think that he is selfish ?. He sat down on the stone over there beside him and thinking a lot about the options and every one watching him and thinking that why he was behaving like that i.e., like frustrated or some thing like depressed . . . "I am giving out only 10 minutes to think about this, as I had no time to wait for you long ", Ghost said Mathew said ok and again started thinking over very deeply about the options.  
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