Chapter 52

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After Mathew came to the conclusion that Mr. Fred was trying to kill them by any chance, he warned every one to be very careful yet before, while talking each other about Mr. Fred seriously, he returned back with some fruits and sweet potatoes to eat and recover their energy back . . . "Hello every one, I am back and here I brought some thing to you all ", Fred said Mathew moved forward and took those eatables from his hand and placed in the ground. He distributed the fruits to every one and he checked that the sweet potatoes are present in the bag of fruits which Fred brought for them . . "How can we eat these raw potatoes with out cooking ?", Mathew asked "I don't know, I found these there at the place where I went to took out the fruits and so I brought these too", Fred said "Ok, it's ok I not blaming you, I am just asking for my self that how to eat these ", Mathew said "It's ok leave it Mathew, we have fruits to eat right, it's enough ", Clara said "No . . no we should waste food, wait a minute I will plan for it ", Mathew said and searching for some thing around them  "What are you searching about Mathew ?", Clara asked Mathew looked around them and collected some sticks and stones and placed at a place and arranged like a some mud stone and also collected some wet sticky mud and covered all the sweet potatoes with the wet sticky mud, lighten the fire and placed those in the fire to cook those . . . Mathew then moved a little forward and washed his hands with the help of Mack and came back to the place where every one is sitting and eating the fruits. Clara then served some fruits to Mathew to eat as he was not at all taking rest and doing some thing always for the others . . .  After few minutes the sweet potatoes were cooked and the smell was coming out from the fire and he extinguished the blazing fire over there and took out from it after those potatoes cooled down and served to every one hot with the help of Clara . . . . They took rest for some time and later they all felt asleep with out knowing them except Fred as he was cursed and did not ate anything over there. Fred then tried to kill them one by one but he fails in it as every one had lockets in their necks and he could not able to remove those as he could not even touch the lockets . . .  Fred then tried to wake up one by one by mesmerizing powers he had with him and at first he tried to wake up Mathew by doing some magic with enchanting . . But nothing works to him as he had a very strong will power and a special pendant in his neck. While he fails in waking up Mathew he then tried Mack and he successfully woke him up and asking him to remove the locket from his neck. . .  By his mesmerizing magic he turned Mack into trance and removed the locket from his neck by himself and he moved forward towards Mack very closely and trying to bite his neck by bending him aside. . .  In the mean while Mathew got conscious from the trance of Fred accidentally and saw Fred that he was trying to bite Mack's neck and he then jumped at once towards the Fred and saved Mack from killing him and gave jerks to Mack to become into conscious so that he can wear him locket back . . . "Are you ok Mack ?", Mathew asked "Yesss . . yes I am ok, what happened to me ?", Mack asked "As we thought before Fred turned into wolf like creature again and trying to kill you biting your neck by putting yourself in delusion ", Mathew said "O my god, then what happened and how did you came to know that and how did you saved me ?", Mack asking questions to Mathew one by one with out giving any gap to answer "I don't know how I became into conscious from his delusion but I came into realm and helped you to come into realm ", Mathew said "Thank you Mathew, Thank you so much ", Mack said by giving him a big hug . . . . "It's ok Mack, it's my responsibility to save you all when you all came till here by trusting me ", Mathew said "No Mathew, you are only in lakhs of people, normally don't have heart like yours. Once again Thank you so much ", Mack said "Come on Mack. It's ok and now we have to escape from here by any circumstances, come on wake them all now and we will leave from here as soon as possible ", Mathew said and the two were trying to wake up the remaining by sprinkling water on their faces . . . . Few minutes later every one woke up and asking what happened and the two explained them every thing and every one over there were shocked to hear about the news that what had happened to Mack and became alert by themselves . .  So by then every one started moving from them immediately with out delay checking over here and there whether again if Fred may appear in front of them . . . Finally after long walk, they reached to the end of the Island and it can be visible to their eyes in a far distance and some stones over there placed in a line like a fence... In the mean while every one over there heard a sound that some one is chasing them in the darkness very fast. Every one stopped talking and walking to see what was that and turned back all at once. But nothing is visible to them as there was complete dark on the back side of them so they have waited there until it came much closer and suddenly every one shocked and stood like a statue that they were not able to move even an inch from there due to the fear in their minds and also heart beat for every one gone into peaks that they can hear it themselves . . . "Come one, every one this side run . .  run . . .  ", Mathew shouted at once by fear So by then every one got out from shock and ran towards Mathew following him blindly that a ghost was chasing them on a horse with a big knife on his hands and the ghost is looking like a skeleton with rotten body and worms and insects are roaming all over the body and eating it with a very bad smell all over the location that they can not bear it . . . Every one running very fast to reach the end of the Island and the ghost was trying not to reach them over there by threatening them and scaring them by screaming very loudly. By the scream of the ghost Clara and Jean were hurt a lot and fell down on the ground . . . Mathew immediately went towards Clara and trying to lift her up by holding his hand but she could not stand as her leg was hurt very badly. So that Mathew at once lifted her up with his both hands and placed her on her shoulders and ran towards the end of the Island and asked Mack to do so too and started running very quickly to escape from the Ghost and the Island, other wise they might also be cursed like others who reached till now . . . Finally after running for 15 mins they have reached the end and trying to cross the border but . . . all of a sudden a girl appeared in front of them and looking to them very angrily . . . . "Don't look at her eyes, other wise we may fall into curse as others or she can mesmerize us to kill ourselves ", Mathew said "Ok ", said every one and bent their heads down and looking towards the ground "If you wanna cross this Island, then you have to answer my questions or else you will be cursed and stay over here in this Island for ever ", The Girl said to them in a terrible voice Every one looked into their faces each other by hearing the words of the girl . . . . "Ok, I will come to you and answer those questions, if it is wrong also curse me and leave the remaining team ", Mathew said to the girl . "That is not possible, if one of you answered wrong also every one over here will be cursed ", She said "Now what to do ?", Mr. Richard asked "Let's see and answer her questions and we have no other option for us ", Mathew said Mathew said ok to her and she started asking him in a riddles type questions to him so that he could not answer and her aim is to not to cross this Island any one and every one should be cursed and remain here forever and ever . . .  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please do not read from here and go for the next chapter due to some personal issue I am updating this here. So please go the next episode the story will be continued in the next chapter and the riddles too. . .  Thank you for supporting me . . . After Mathew came to the conclusion that Mr. Fred was trying to kill them by any chance, he warned every one to be very careful yet before, while talking each other about Mr. Fred seriously, he returned back with some fruits and sweet potatoes to eat and recover their energy back . . . "Hello every one, I am back and here I brought some thing to you all ", Fred said Mathew moved forward and took those eatables from his hand and placed in the ground. He distributed the fruits to every one and he checked that the sweet potatoes are present in the bag of fruits which Fred brought for them . . "How can we eat these raw potatoes with out cooking ?", Mathew asked "I don't know, I found these there at the place where I went to took out the fruits and so I brought these too", Fred said "Ok, it's ok I not blaming you, I am just asking for my self that how to eat these ", Mathew said "It's ok leave it Mathew, we have fruits to eat right, it's enough ", Clara said "No . . no we should waste food, wait a minute I will plan for it ", Mathew said and searching for some thing around them  "What are you searching about Mathew ?", Clara asked Mathew looked around them and collected some sticks and stones and placed at a place and arranged like a some mud stone and also collected some wet sticky mud and covered all the sweet potatoes with the wet sticky mud, lighten the fire and placed those in the fire to cook those . . . Mathew then moved a little forward and washed his hands with the help of Mack and came back to the place where every one is sitting and eating the fruits. Clara then served some fruits to Mathew to eat as he was not at all taking rest and doing some thing always for the others . . .  After few minutes the sweet potatoes were cooked and the smell was coming out from the fire and he extinguished the blazing fire over there and took out from it after those potatoes cooled down and served to every one hot with the help of Clara . . . . They took rest for some time and later they all felt asleep with out knowing them except Fred as he was cursed and did not ate anything over there. Fred then tried to kill them one by one but he fails in it as every one had lockets in their necks and he could not able to remove those as he could not even touch the lockets . . .  Fred then tried to wake up one by one by mesmerizing powers he had with him and at first he tried to wake up Mathew by doing some magic with enchanting . . But nothing works to him as he had a very strong will power and a special pendant in his neck. While he fails in waking up Mathew he then tried Mack and he successfully woke him up and asking him to remove the locket from his neck. . .  By his mesmerizing magic he turned Mack into trance and removed the locket from his neck by himself and he moved forward towards Mack very closely and trying to bite his neck by bending him aside. . .  In the mean while Mathew got conscious from the trance of Fred accidentally and saw Fred that he was trying to bite Mack's neck and he then jumped at once towards the Fred and saved Mack from killing him and gave jerks to Mack to become into conscious so that he can wear him locket back . . . "Are you ok Mack ?", Mathew asked "Yesss . . yes I am ok, what happened to me ?", Mack asked "As we thought before Fred turned into wolf like creature again and trying to kill you biting your neck by putting yourself in delusion ", Mathew said "O my god, then what happened and how did you came to know that and how did you saved me ?", Mack asking questions to Mathew one by one with out giving any gap to answer "I don't know how I became into conscious from his delusion but I came into realm and helped you to come into realm ", Mathew said "Thank you Mathew, Thank you so much ", Mack said by giving him a big hug . . . . "It's ok Mack, it's my responsibility to save you all when you all came till here by trusting me ", Mathew said "No Mathew, you are only in lakhs of people, normally don't have heart like yours. Once again Thank you so much ", Mack said "Come on Mack. It's ok and now we have to escape from here by any circumstances, come on wake them all now and we will leave from here as soon as possible ", Mathew said and the two were trying to wake up the remaining by sprinkling water on their faces . . . . Few minutes later every one woke up and asking what happened and the two explained them every thing and every one over there were shocked to hear about the news that what had happened to Mack and became alert by themselves . .  So by then every one started moving from them immediately with out delay checking over here and there whether again if Fred may appear in front of them . . . Finally after long walk, they reached to the end of the Island and it can be visible to their eyes in a far distance and some stones over there placed in a line like a fence... In the mean while every one over there heard a sound that some one is chasing them in the darkness very fast. Every one stopped talking and walking to see what was that and turned back all at once. But nothing is visible to them as there was complete dark on the back side of them so they have waited there until it came much closer and suddenly every one shocked and stood like a statue that they were not able to move even an inch from there due to the fear in their minds and also heart beat for every one gone into peaks that they can hear it themselves . . . "Come one, every one this side run . .  run . . .  ", Mathew shouted at once by fear So by then every one got out from shock and ran towards Mathew following him blindly that a ghost was chasing them on a horse with a big knife on his hands and the ghost is looking like a skeleton with rotten body and worms and insects are roaming all over the body and eating it with a very bad smell all over the location that they can not bear it . . . Every one running very fast to reach the end of the Island and the ghost was trying not to reach them over there by threatening them and scaring them by screaming very loudly. By the scream of the ghost Clara and Jean were hurt a lot and fell down on the ground . . . Mathew immediately went towards Clara and trying to lift her up by holding his hand but she could not stand as her leg was hurt very badly. So that Mathew at once lifted her up with his both hands and placed her on her shoulders and ran towards the end of the Island and asked Mack to do so too and started running very quickly to escape from the Ghost and the Island, other wise they might also be cursed like others who reached till now . . . Finally after running for 15 mins they have reached the end and trying to cross the border but . . . all of a sudden a girl appeared in front of them and looking to them very angrily . . . . "Don't look at her eyes, other wise we may fall into curse as others or she can mesmerize us to kill ourselves ", Mathew said "Ok ", said every one and bent their heads down and looking towards the ground "If you wanna cross this Island, then you have to answer my questions or else you will be cursed and stay over here in this Island for ever ", The Girl said to them in a terrible voice Every one looked into their faces each other by hearing the words of the girl . . . . "Ok, I will come to you and answer those questions, if it is wrong also curse me and leave the remaining team ", Mathew said to the girl . "That is not possible, if one of you answered wrong also every one over here will be cursed ", She said "Now what to do ?", Mr. Richard asked "Let's see and answer her questions and we have no other option for us ", Mathew said Mathew said ok to her and she started asking him in a riddles type questions to him so that he could not answer and her aim is to not to cross this Island any one and every one should be cursed and remain here forever and ever . . .  After Mathew came to the conclusion that Mr. Fred was trying to kill them by any chance, he warned every one to be very careful yet before, while talking each other about Mr. Fred seriously, he returned back with some fruits and sweet potatoes to eat and recover their energy back . . . "Hello every one, I am back and here I brought some thing to you all ", Fred said Mathew moved forward and took those eatables from his hand and placed in the ground. He distributed the fruits to every one and he checked that the sweet potatoes are present in the bag of fruits which Fred brought for them . . "How can we eat these raw potatoes with out cooking ?", Mathew asked "I don't know, I found these there at the place where I went to took out the fruits and so I brought these too", Fred said "Ok, it's ok I not blaming you, I am just asking for my self that how to eat these ", Mathew said "It's ok leave it Mathew, we have fruits to eat right, it's enough ", Clara said "No . . no we should waste food, wait a minute I will plan for it ", Mathew said and searching for some thing around them  "What are you searching about Mathew ?", Clara asked Mathew looked around them and collected some sticks and stones and placed at a place and arranged like a some mud stone and also collected some wet sticky mud and covered all the sweet potatoes with the wet sticky mud, lighten the fire and placed those in the fire to cook those . . . Mathew then moved a little forward and washed his hands with the help of Mack and came back to the place where every one is sitting and eating the fruits. Clara then served some fruits to Mathew to eat as he was not at all taking rest and doing some thing always for the others . . .  After few minutes the sweet potatoes were cooked and the smell was coming out from the fire and he extinguished the blazing fire over there and took out from it after those potatoes cooled down and served to every one hot with the help of Clara . . . . They took rest for some time and later they all felt asleep with out knowing them except Fred as he was cursed and did not ate anything over there. Fred then tried to kill them one by one but he fails in it as every one had lockets in their necks and he could not able to remove those as he could not even touch the lockets . . .  Fred then tried to wake up one by one by mesmerizing powers he had with him and at first he tried to wake up Mathew by doing some magic with enchanting . . But nothing works to him as he had a very strong will power and a special pendant in his neck. While he fails in waking up Mathew he then tried Mack and he successfully woke him up and asking him to remove the locket from his neck. . .  By his mesmerizing magic he turned Mack into trance and removed the locket from his neck by himself and he moved forward towards Mack very closely and trying to bite his neck by bending him aside. . .  In the mean while Mathew got conscious from the trance of Fred accidentally and saw Fred that he was trying to bite Mack's neck and he then jumped at once towards the Fred and saved Mack from killing him and gave jerks to Mack to become into conscious so that he can wear him locket back . . . "Are you ok Mack ?", Mathew asked "Yesss . . yes I am ok, what happened to me ?", Mack asked "As we thought before Fred turned into wolf like creature again and trying to kill you biting your neck by putting yourself in delusion ", Mathew said "O my god, then what happened and how did you came to know that and how did you saved me ?", Mack asking questions to Mathew one by one with out giving any gap to answer "I don't know how I became into conscious from his delusion but I came into realm and helped you to come into realm ", Mathew said "Thank you Mathew, Thank you so much ", Mack said by giving him a big hug . . . . "It's ok Mack, it's my responsibility to save you all when you all came till here by trusting me ", Mathew said "No Mathew, you are only in lakhs of people, normally don't have heart like yours. Once again Thank you so much ", Mack said "Come on Mack. It's ok and now we have to escape from here by any circumstances, come on wake them all now and we will leave from here as soon as possible ", Mathew said and the two were trying to wake up the remaining by sprinkling water on their faces . . . . Few minutes later every one woke up and asking what happened and the two explained them every thing and every one over there were shocked to hear about the news that what had happened to Mack and became alert by themselves . .  So by then every one started moving from them immediately with out delay checking over here and there whether again if Fred may appear in front of them . . . Finally after long walk, they reached to the end of the Island and it can be visible to their eyes in a far distance and some stones over there placed in a line like a fence... In the mean while every one over there heard a sound that some one is chasing them in the darkness very fast. Every one stopped talking and walking to see what was that and turned back all at once. But nothing is visible to them as there was complete dark on the back side of them so they have waited there until it came much closer and suddenly every one shocked and stood like a statue that they were not able to move even an inch from there due to the fear in their minds and also heart beat for every one gone into peaks that they can hear it themselves . . . "Come one, every one this side run . .  run . . .  ", Mathew shouted at once by fear So by then every one got out from shock and ran towards Mathew following him blindly that a ghost was chasing them on a horse with a big knife on his hands and the ghost is looking like a skeleton with rotten body and worms and insects are roaming all over the body and eating it with a very bad smell all over the location that they can not bear it . . . Every one running very fast to reach the end of the Island and the ghost was trying not to reach them over there by threatening them and scaring them by screaming very loudly. By the scream of the ghost Clara and Jean were hurt a lot and fell down on the ground . . . Mathew immediately went towards Clara and trying to lift her up by holding his hand but she could not stand as her leg was hurt very badly. So that Mathew at once lifted her up with his both hands and placed her on her shoulders and ran towards the end of the Island and asked Mack to do so too and started running very quickly to escape from the Ghost and the Island, other wise they might also be cursed like others who reached till now . . . Finally after running for 15 mins they have reached the end and trying to cross the border but . . . all of a sudden a girl appeared in front of them and looking to them very angrily . . . . "Don't look at her eyes, other wise we may fall into curse as others or she can mesmerize us to kill ourselves ", Mathew said "Ok ", said every one and bent their heads down and looking towards the ground "If you wanna cross this Island, then you have to answer my questions or else you will be cursed and stay over here in this Island for ever ", The Girl said to them in a terrible voice Every one looked into their faces each other by hearing the words of the girl . . . . "Ok, I will come to you and answer those questions, if it is wrong also curse me and leave the remaining team ", Mathew said to the girl . "That is not possible, if one of you answered wrong also every one over here will be cursed ", She said "Now what to do ?", Mr. Richard asked "Let's see and answer her questions and we have no other option for us ", Mathew said Mathew said ok to her and she started asking him in a riddles type questions to him so that he could not answer and her aim is to not to cross this Island any one and every one should be cursed and remain here forever and ever . . . 
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