Chapter 50

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So every one looking into each other faces that how to escape from their and how did Mathew would help them and how did he planning to escape. Every one has hope only on him that their brains are gone into ideal and not working at all . . . "Mathew please do it some thing, it was coming to us closer ", Mack said "Mathew . . . Mathew . . . . what are you thinking. Come on ", Clara said "Ok, ok, let's move from here very slowly. Hold your hands each other and very slowly move now so that it can not notice us moving ", Mathew said Every one hold their hands each other very tightly and started moving from there very slowly as he instructed and moved a few distance. The wolf like creature came towards them and stood in front of them looking very angrily towards them and they all stood still with out moving from there . . .  Slowly Mathew started talking to it as, "Who are you and what do you want ?",  By that every one shocked to see Mathew talking to the creature and turned towards him looking into his face surprisingly and thinking themselves that what happened to him and why did he doing so wondering whether he gone mad after seeing the creature . . .  When Mathew asked the creature, it replied Mathew too surprisingly and the words can be heard by every one and were surprised to see a wolf like creature talking like a human and to a human . . . "My name is Fred and I am the head of this team. We came here in the search of the treasure hunt and due to the curse of this Monster Island we became Cursed like this since so many years and stuck over here ", Wolf like creature said "So, then how do you release from the curse now and how can I help you to become free from the sin ?", Mathew asked "Till now no one asked us this question. We will become free if one who asks this question with out fear and with out knowing any thing about us ", Wolf like creature said "O really then what will happen now ?",  Mathew asked "Wait for a while ", The creature said All of a sudden the creature slowly transforming into human by shrinking, the the nails becoming into normal and the body of the creature transforming into normal human body with in a fraction of seconds and he fell down on the ground n***d as he has no more stamina to stand or sit or do any thing. After all this Clara and Jean fell down unconscious as they have not seen this type before and with fear. Mathew then took out a dress of his and gave it to him to wear it and he sprinkled water to both of them who fell in the ground unconscious. After few minutes the two of them came into realm and looked into the human who transformed from wolf like creature and asking his details that when did he came here and who is he etc . . .  "I belong to the 1400 bc and from the Royal Kingdom. When I was young my Minister informed me about this temple and about the treasure which was hiding behind the oldest temple which is almost near from here and I also heard that the temple is the most beautiful temple in the world and normally no one can go there except the Priest who belongs to the same temple as a heritage . . . I am here with my Army and stuck here as this Island was going to curse the people who enters here with out proper instructions and safety. Till here we came normally by facing lot of problems and when we try to cross this Island we became sinners and I don't know how and what happened to us and also don't know who made us cursers too ", Fred explained them the whole story "So this is the danger that means ", Mathew said "Now what will happen to us, even we become cursers too here in this Island ?", Benjamin asked "Sir, could you please wait for a while ?", Mack said and asked Fred to continue explain about this Island "There is nothing more in this Island except danger in every step. One who roam single here will be cursed unexpectedly and even they don't know how they became cursed and not every one became like me. Some of them became a tree like who faced in the middle of the way, some of them as Dinosaurs and some of them as Monster Birds. I don't know whether you faced these all or not but there are more dangers hiding every where in this Island and most of those are humans like me only ", Fred said "So, do you all remember the tree where we felt asleep and went back to the desert three times with out knowing us, so this is the reason behind the tree and that was a cursed man and he was cursed to do like that who came towards him ", Mathew said "Yes exactly ", Fred said "While entering into the Island we face some hundreds of Monster birds and when we moved forward some dinosaurs attacked us ", Mathew said "Yes those all are cursed like me and I wanna know that how do you escape from those ?", Fred asked "Actually, we came here with full safety and full planned with map and other equipment ", Mathew said "Map ?", Fred astonished "Yes Map ", Mathew said "Where did you find it ?, we all tried it for several years and we could not able to find it and so finally we reached here with out the map by became annoyance ", Fred said "That's a very big story sir ", Mathew said "Ok tell me ", Fred asked "No I will tell you later, first of all we have to escape from this Island as quick as possible ", Mathew said "Yes, yes you are right. We should escape first come with me, I know the route from here and I will get you all to the end of the Island. But I could not help you reaching out because there hides the actual secret and we can not cross the border line of the Island ", Fred said "Ok, you show me that, we will plan for it and here first of all you wear this in your neck sir ", Mathew said to him while taking out a locket from his bag and gave it to him "What is this ?", Fred asked "This is a locket which saves us from any danger which we are going to cross on our way ", Mathew said Fred said ok and worn the locket in his neck and surprisingly the world he was seeing till now was completely changed and looking very pleasantly to his eyes and no ghost or soul was able to see with his eyes as there are more number of ghosts and souls are there around them and those can be seen by his n***d eyes . . . "What a Magic is this Mathew ?", Fred asked "What happened ?", Mathew asked "After wearing this locket the Island was completely changed and I could not see any ghost or soul over here and the Island looks very pleasant ", Fred said "Ghosts and souls ?", Mathew asked "Yes, there are thousands of them are present here and they will kill every one who enters into this Island and those are the humans who tried to take away the treasure with bad thoughts ", Fred said "O my God, but we have not seen any ! ", Benjamin said "Yes, after wearing this locket I could not see any thing here ", Fred said "Yes, that's all because of this locket and it has a dominating powers over the ghosts and the souls. Don't worry those can not harm us until we has this locket in our necks ", Mathew said' "Ok, come on, come with me this side ", Fred said Mathew still don't have belief on him and took out his map and saw the route and it was different from what Fred was showing and he asked the same to him with out any hesitation . . .  "No Mathew, it's a short cut route to the destiny ", Fred said "No we don't want any short cuts, we will go in direct route only ", Mathew said "If we go like this then we can reach it faster ", Fred said "No please, no short cuts and we don't know what dangers are there in that route. So we will go in the direction what this map was showing ", Mathew said "Ok, ok I understood still you don't have any belief on me right ?", Fred asked "Not mean that but our safety is important for us because there are so many people who believe me and following my route, so I have to guide them in a right way and I have responsibility to save their life's too ", Mathew said with little louder voice "Ok then your wish. No problem we will go in the way which was showing on the map ", Fred said Every one moving forward with out any words over them and walked for one and an half hour until then no more dangers there as they all have their own lockets with them and every one are in group . .  In the meanwhile Clara slow down for a while and grabbed Mathew's hand and asked him "Why do you talk like that with Fred ?",  "I don't know but it came like that ", Mathew said Every one slow down when they observed these two were slowing down and talking to each other and the remaining also participated in the discussion of Mathew and Clara to clear their doubts about the Fred and the Island and about the question which Mathew asked to Fred . . . For all the questions of the team members, Mathew said only one answer "I Don't know", "Then how did you do these all ", Mr. Richard asked "Even me too not understanding that, how did I behave like that. Every thing was coming from my mouth automatically and with out knowing me ", Mathew said "So, I think this all because of the pendant which you worn on the underground tunnel Mathew ", Mack said "Yes may be I think so and it all happening good luck for us any way and we have to be thank full to this pendant ", Mathew said "Yes off course and we are very thank full to you too Mathew ", Mr. Richard said "Why for me ?", Mathew asked "You are saving us at every time and you are taking utmost risk and care for us ", Mr. Richard said In the mean while Fred came towards them as he observed they were talking to each other secretly with out involving him and he can understand that they all are not believing him and looking like an enemy . 
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