Chapter 2

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Amber’s POV “Please.. please let me go” I begged helplessly, realizing that now there is no other way for me except begging. But he ignored me again as if he didn’t hear me and kept walking, roughly dragging me along with him. “Please… who are you people? Where are you taking me?...” I requested again but it’s as if all of my pleadings are falling on deaf ears. “What in the hell do you want from me?” This time I shouted getting frustrated and angry with his silence. If not for what he said earlier in my room when he came to kidnap me, I would have thought he is mute. But I clearly heard him talk to me earlier when he said, 'We have to be somewhere. That someone was waiting for me'. ‘What did he mean by that? Where exactly is he taking me? And who the hell was he referring to when he mentioned someone was waiting for me?’ All of these questions are giving me headache. I am sure that they are not the members of Blue moon pack. The fact that I am with someone unknown who dared to enter into the territory of one of the biggest and powerful pack in this kingdom and was able to reach my bedroom in the pack house, without being noticed by anyone is making me anxious. I again looked around at my surroundings and all I can see is trees and darkness. I am in the middle of a dense forest. And it’s a part of the forest that I have never seen before in my entire life of Twenty three years. It’s not that I have been to each and every part of the forest in our kingdom. But I don’t know why I feel like, I am not only out of my own pack but out of our kingdom’s territory. And even this thought alone is making me scared. Right before I fainted earlier, this man told me where he is taking me, but no matter how much I try, I can’t recall his words. ‘Try to remember Amber what place he mentioned earlier. You must know where you are or where he is taking you, if you want to help yourself get out of here’ I told myself. I gained consciousness a little while ago and found myself sitting in the backseat of the car, which was parked here in the middle of the forest. But before I could grasp the situation and make any move, this man opened the car door and started dragging me in this particular direction. That’s when I noticed that he wasn’t alone here. There are two more men with him. They are walking right behind us right now. I tried everything that I could in order to get out of their hold and run away from them. But nothing worked in my favour. I tried fighting with them even though they were outnumbering me. And by the way they were just trying to avoid my attacks while making sure that I am not getting severely hurt, means they are not planning to kill me. ‘Are they planning to use me against Alpha Liam and his pack? Is that why they are not killing me immediately? What could be their motive?’ these thoughts are making me even more anxious. When I realized that I can’t fight against them and win, I tried to run away but they caught me. I have finally stopped trying to get out of his grip. It’s because the more I am trying to struggle, the more mercilessly he is dragging me. And it’s resulting in nothing but more pain. That is why I am trying to beg right now. Hoping they would show some mercy. “Please let me go… my family… my mate… they must be worried about me” I begged again with tears in my eyes. They must really be worried about me. My father would have been so shocked when he would have entered my room to take me so that he can walk me down the aisle and didn’t find me there. My mom must be crying her eyes out due to concern. My mate… just the mere thought of him right now is squeezing my heart in pain. My Alpha Liam and his wolf must be going crazy right now after finding that their mate got kidnapped on our wedding day. More tears started flowing from my eyes, thinking about them. I have to go back to my pack, so that they won’t worry about me. I again tried to pull my hand out of his hold but he tightened his grip even more causing a whimper to leave my mouth. My arm is already bruised and is in pain because of his tight grip. I tried to mind link my pack members again, but again I couldn’t reach them. I know if I am not in the my pack’s territory then the mind link won’t work. I still tried hoping that just for a second, just for a moment, it would work. But my hope was crushed again. ‘Amelia… are you there? Can you hear me?’ I tried to reach my other half who can definitely help me in this horrible situation, my wolf. But I got no response. I can’t reach her since the moment I woke up and I know the reason why. I lifted my eyes up to look at my kidnapper. The smoke ball he used to make me unconscious earlier before k********g me, also works as a Wolf’s bane. That is why I can’t reach my wolf Amelia. This is the reason why I can’t shift. The bleeding wounds on my palms and elbows which I got in attempt to fight with these three men in order to get out of their hold, are not healing either. My strength right now is that of a mere human being. My energy is decreasing because of all the struggles. But still, I can take down few lower rank wolves even in this condition, without my wolf, as I am still very strong because of my beta blood. Also I am not one of the best warrior of my pack for no reason. But the problem is that my opponents are three uselessly tall and masculine guys. All three of them are almost double of my size. Also unlike me they don’t have any trouble in shifting whenever they want. And if that happens, I will without a doubt die in their hands. And I don’t want that. Especially when I know that if I die, it would cause immense pain to Alpha Liam. The pain of losing your mate. Even in their human form these men look very strong. The aura around them is very powerful and dangerous. But the thing which is making me confused and slightly scared is that I am not able to guess their rank. It should not be difficult. It’s very easy to guess the ranks of fellow werewolves. But these three, there is something mysterious about them and that is causing my heart to pound in fear. I just wish that I could shift right now. Then probably I would be successful in running away from them. ‘Amelia please… I really need your help’ I tried again desperately but no response. I sighed in defeat. ‘I’ll have to try something else’. “Do you think you will get away after doing this? Just wait until my family members and Alpha find out about you” I tried to threaten hoping this might work. He suddenly stopped walking making me shocked. This is the first time that this guy has reacted to my words. He turned around to look at me with a smirk on his face. The look on his face told me that anything that will come out of his mouth is not going to be pleasant. “You know what, you are being delusional right now. No one is coming for you” my eyes widened upon hearing his words. It’s not that I believed him. But the way he said those words, it felt like he was not kidding or wasn’t just saying that to scare me. I shook my head, “I am not being delusional. Just wait until they find out that you kidna…” Suddenly he took a step closer to me causing my words to die in my throat. He was staring right into my eyes. “You want to wait, huh?” He chuckled. “Okay then, first let me get you out of that delusion of yours”. He took one more step closer making me lift my chin up to look at his face because of the height difference. “Your family, your friends and even your mate know where you are right now. But look around, can you see anyone coming to save you, huh?” he mocked making me gulp. “This is not a place where anyone can come and go at their own will. If you want then wait and see, who comes here ‘at this place’ to protect you” he said with a smirk as if he was challenging me. Without any other word, he turned on his heels and started walking again. On the other hand I was completely dumbfounded by what he said. It couldn’t possibly be truth right? I could not understand what he meant. But at the same time a weird kind of fear got settled in my gut. “What… what do you mean by that” I asked once his words registered in my mind. But as always he ignored me. “I asked what do you mean?” I repeated but this time with gritted teeth. He is getting on my nerves. He just chuckled at my reaction without any word but didn’t stop walking. ‘Why did he say they won’t come for me even when they know where I am? Why did he put more emphasis on the words ‘at this place’? What is this place?’ the questions started clouding my mind. I shook my head, ‘Don’t listen to him Amber. He is just trying to make fun of you and scare you’. I know my family and Liam must be trying to find me. I just have to keep myself safe and alive until they do come to save me. And for doing that I have to run away from these three bastards at any cost. Right at that moment an idea popped in my head. I glanced back at other two guys behind us. Then I looked at the person who is dragging me. I closed my eyes for a moment and inhaled a deep breath to gather all of my strength. Then I fixed my eyes on the hand of that man which he was using to grab me by my arm. Inhaling one more deep breath, I brought his hand near my mouth in one swift movement and bit on it harshly. His hold loosened on my arm and I took the opportunity to push him away using all of my strength. It actually worked as he stumbled back on his feet and fell on the ground. He was not expecting that I would do something like this, especially after how I begged earlier after failing in every attempt to free myself. I didn’t wait for even a second and started running as fast as I could. I couldn’t run in the direction from where we were coming as those other two were walking behind us. So I decided to run ahead, in the same direction where he was taking me. I was planning on changing the direction after running for some time. I kept running for a while but surprisingly this time I couldn’t feel them trying to run after me in order to catch me. It shocked me a little. Still I couldn’t stop running now. I just turned my head around to check if they are coming after me or not but they were not there. I sighed and increased my speed hoping that this time I will be successful in running away from my kidnapper. I ran for few more minutes when I tripped on my floor length wedding gown and fell on the ground. A low scream left my mouth when my knee landed on a sharp stone and I felt blood gushing out of my wound. More tears started stinging the back of my eyes. It’s aching like hell. ‘No Amber, it’s not the right time to cry over small wound. You have to run’ I reminded myself. I wiped my tears and was just about to get up on my feet when my eyes fell on the pair of feet which were approaching me and stopped in front of my eyes. I didn’t notice him coming closer. Is it because I am relying on my human senses right now? I gulped in fear and lifted my eyes up to look at the face of the person. My blue eyes met with the pair of green ones which were staring at me with curiosity in them. ‘Who is he?’ I wanted to ask but before I could do that he crouched down beside me while keeping his eyes fixed on my face. I heard footsteps and he shifted his gaze to look at someone behind me. My heartbeat increased knowing too well that the footsteps belong to my kidnappers. “Is she the one?” the green eyed man’s deep but cold voice fell on my ears and a shiver ran down my spine. “Yes, she is the one” the same man who was dragging me earlier spoke and my eyes widened. ‘What are they talking about?’ He again moved his gaze to stare into my eyes and I knew that once again I failed to run away from these people. I tried to scoot away from him but he held me by my ankle making me freeze on my place. I felt my heart dropping in the pit of my stomach when he said, “As the bride is already here, let’s start the wedding ceremony”.
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