Chapter Four: Unexpected Visitor

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|Maria|   I STARED at the white sheet of paper I am holding, filled with some important information about me and to the man who was the reason behind this all. How he got that information about me was beyond me. The familiar crisped as my fingers touched the end of the paper and its familiar musky scent showed that it was kept for a long time. I didn’t know how long I was staring at the paper since Lucas showed it to me. Our Marriage Contract. I stared at my name written on it, with his name and both of our signatures below. I blinked for how many times. I am really married to Lucas Lancaster. For some reason, I could tell that this document is real. He brought me here in his office to show his evidence that he wasn’t bluffing when he said that I was his wife! With my trembling hands, I put the paper down at the center table. I squeezed my eyes shut and rest myself on the sofa where I was sitting. It seems that I couldn’t find my strength after what I had seen. I hardly swallowed the forming lump in my throat. How could this happen? I couldn’t remember anything about signing that contract! I would never ever sign that, unless... I opened my eyes when I realized something. That could happen! Yes! That could be!! I stood, causing him to look at me (even though he didn't really take-off his eyes at me since we got here). "You forged my signature!" I accused because that's the only reason I could think when I saw my signature on that piece of paper! He raised one of his brows at my sudden accusation. "You think I have time to forge your signature?" he sarcastically reasoned out. I pressed my lips together. My shoulders fell when I thought that he might be right… but... "Then maybe you let others forged my signature?!" I pointed out again, trying to find some holes in this situation. That could also be! The person who might forge my signature did very well! It looks pretty the same! He let out an exasperating sigh. He put his hands to his waist as he looked at me, looked annoyed at my unverified charges. "Why would I do that?" he said with his controlled voice. "I-Its possible! B-because I don't remember signing any contract! The last time I signed one was..." I stopped suddenly when I remembered the last time I had signed a contract. It was my last day here in Red Brooke and I was in a hurry to go back to the city. The summer has ended and school was about to start. My mom went after me, that fateful day. She said my signature was needed in a contract so she could pass it to some authority in the town. Since I trusted her and thought that it was something important, I signed it without asking her anything. I didn’t have the time to read it because I have a train to catch. My mom was there but... My body weakened upon my realization. It was a hundred percent possibility that what I had analyzed was true. I felt distraught and betrayed... again. I faced him and he only stayed silent as he fixed his eyes to mine. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I tried to push back the tears that were about to fall in my eyes. "You remember now?" he professed. I stayed silent as I lowered down my head, ashamed that he was right. I looked at my hands, both shaking. I clasped it together, for the thought it would stop trembling but it failed. Both of them trembled together. How could my mom do this to me? I could still accept that she let me became the payment to her debt to the Lancasters, but deceiving me for the second time? And she could really afford to disregard me like she can easily sell his daughter to a devil in any situation she might be in? For what, wealth? I wasn't even aware that my tears were already falling down from my eyes. I touched my face with my trembling hands to wipe it away but it keeps on falling. It wouldn’t stop. I clutched my chest and tried to stop this heavy feeling. But the pain was too much for me to handle. I sobbed as I asked myself. What did I do to deserve this deceiving and betrayal? Was there an end to this? Or should I expect more of it? My heart broke at their first betrayal, but after knowing the truth, it was shattered into pieces until it turned to dust. They were the last person I was expecting to do this to me, and yet they were the reason for my suffering. I was busy crying myself out that I didn't notice Lucas was already near me. I froze when I felt him sat beside me, and the next thing I knew, he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me without my permission. I stopped for a moment as I tried to process what he was doing. I turned my head to meet his eyes and I was surprised to see so many emotions in it. But all I could name was worry in it. "Shhh... stop crying…" he comforted. He tucked my hair to the side of my ear. I literally stopped crying as I watched him do that. He smiled a bit and pulled me close to him again making my face buried into his chest. I put both my hands between us to push him away but I stopped when I felt him kissed my head as he combed my hair using his fingers to comfort me. Instead of pushing him, I clutched his shirt and started to cry against his chest. I remembered how my father did this whenever I am sad. He always gave a hug and hums a lullaby until I fell asleep. Lucas hugged me tightly so I did the same. I don't know why but I find how comforting his hug was.   And to be honest, this was the first time I felt comforted since this turn of events started. And to think how ironic it was because the person who comforted me was the reason for my family's suffering and why I was at this situation. I wasn't able to tell the time when I finally composed myself back to normal. "Feeling better?" Lucas asked when I pulled away from his hug. But he didn't let me go that easily. His both hands were still on my waist stayed and locked there. I bit my lower lip as I raised my head to meet his eyes. I could feel how my cheeks started to warm as his deep silver eyes looked intently to mine. I looked away and immediately noticed his wetted shirt, maybe because of what I did. I blushed and felt ashamed because of it. I felt his fingers on my chin, putting pressure in it which made me lifted my head to look at him. His small smile greeted me, maybe he found everything amusing. "Your shirt…" I pointed out. He stared at me for a couple of seconds before he sighed deeply. "Don’t worry about it," he said as his face became serious and concerned. "I hope this will be the last time you'll cry," he continued. "I hate seeing you cry..." he whispered as he tucked my hair that had escaped on my ear back to its proper place. I stared at his silver orbs. For some reason, I  was starting to feel something weird in my stomach. I hate seeing you cry. I remembered him said. Why... why would he say that? "Why... why are you so concerned to me?" I couldn’t help but finally asked. He was taken aback at my sudden question. I thought he wouldn’t answer but I was surprised by his response. "You're my wife. I am entitled to be concerned at your being..." he explained. I pressed my lips together after hearing that. Of course, he was entitled to be concerned. But we just met and he didn’t know anything about me. And I’m the same as him. Maybe, it was his conscience talking, maybe that was the only reason why he was so concerned to me, nothing more because his concern was too good to be true. Don't assume too much Maria. I looked down as I closed my eyes to compose myself. But then I remembered something. It was the thing that I had discovered about him when we first met. If I am really married to him, then, I am... married to a… werewolf? But how can I be so sure about what I saw that night was true? What if... I was hallucinating? But I was chased also by those werewolves! Not just one but seven! And I concluded that Lucas wasn’t different from those beings! I bit my lower lip because of those thoughts. If I needed to know about the truth, all I needed to do was to ask. I needed to ask someone about it, or maybe I could ask Lucas directly. But, would he answer me? I was in the middle of having second thoughts about his true identity when I felt his fingers on my chin again. He put pressure on its tips to make me look at him. Questions are visible in his silver-eyes. I silently cursed myself after I saw myself being hypnotized by his eyes again. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked again. I blinked for a couple of seconds and was about to answer him I’m fine but a knock interrupted me. "Lucas? Are you in there?" Both of us looked at the door when we heard Aunt Helen's voice outside. When no one tried to answer her, she knocked again and called the name of the guy who was in front of me. "Lucas?" "I'm here, Auntie. Why?" he answered. I took that as a chance to cut the distance between us. I just realized what I did a while ago. Gracious! Is there still any shame left for me? I let him see me in my weak state! "Ellie called. She wanted to talk about you," Aunt Helen explained. I blinked and stared at my clasped hands. I bit my lower lip, hoping for Aunt Helen to finally enter the room. At least with her inside, I could feel less awkward between me and Lucas, I could divert my attention toward her, I could control myself from doing reckless things. But I was immobilized in my place when I felt Lucas’ hands on mine. I looked at his hands and couldn’t help how big it is against mine. I sighed and looked back at him. "Stay here..." he said as he looked into my eyes directly, "Or you could go back to your room and wait for me there," he suggested. He paused for a moment as if he’s waiting for my response. Too anxious to reply, I stayed silent. But his eyes looked hopeful so I cleared my throat and was about to answer him when Aunt Helen knocked impatiently outside. We both sighed because of that. In the end, he stood up and went toward the door to open it. Aunt Helen immediately emerged from outside. She looked at my direction the first hand she got inside before she turned her attention to Lucas. She made a few steps toward his direction before she whispered something to him, making Lucas nod afterward. Then, both of them direct their attention back to me. I looked away when I felt a sudden uneasiness. "Can you entertain her while I'm away, Auntie?" he asked which made me look at him. I saw how Aunt Helen nodded in agreement, but my eyes still locked to him. He looked back at me and smiled. But my forehead creased at his last statement. Away? Why? Where is he going? Lucas smiled guiltily and walked toward my direction. He stopped in front of me and sat on the coffee table in front of me to level his eyes to mine. He then reached for my hand squeezed it together. "I'm going somewhere,” he said like he’s just read my mind. “It's somehow important and my presence is really needed," he explained as he looked at my eyes deeply. I didn't utter a word. He sighed because of that and chose to sit beside me. I was surprised at his sudden action, especially when he let go of my hand and hugged me from my side instead. "Just tell Aunt Helen about what you want to do while I'm away. I'll be back before dinner," he whispered to my ear. I inhaled deeply which made me scent his smell. After a couple of minutes, he pulled away and looked at me with his forehead creased. "Is it okay though..?" he asked. I frowned when I realized that he was talking to me awhile now and all I did was to stare at him. Wait, why did he sound like he was asking for my permission? Afraid that he might postpone his plans for me, I immediately nodded. Who am I to stop him right? He smiled and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. My eyes immediately shut closed by his sudden action. I wasn't...expecting that! My mouth protruded to stop myself from smiling. I swallowed hard and my hand immediately held my forehead where he kissed me. I’m so sure that I’m as red as a tomato right now.  I put my both hands together on my cheeks and felt how warm it is... Good gods. I heaved a deep sigh as I closed my eyes. I could hear the loud beating of my heart. I suddenly remembered the first time I was here. He was crashing everything in his room. I haven't seen him doing it but I could really tell at those actions that his patience was too thin or maybe he was in a foul mood at that time. And it was so far from his attitude right now. I wonder if I could see more of him as I stay here. I didn’t know why but I wanted to know... more about him… I just can't help it. If we’re really married, and I am his wife, it’s only a logical thing to do to gradually get to know my partner. Lucas bid his short goodbye after that. I watched him disappeared as the door closes. I didn’t know how long I was staring at the doorway when I noticed Aunt Helen walking toward my direction and a smile plastered on her face. "It's good to know that you two seem comfortable to each other already," she commented. "Your husband is an honorable and good leader Maria. You are safe with him," she added. She got my attention to the 'husband' part. I frowned and looked at her intently. So, she already knew about Lucas being my husband? Was it because it wasn't a secret to this family? I was about to ask her about it when she suddenly turned her back to me and went out of the library. I was left inside but she peeked from outside and invited me to go with her when she saw I didn’t follow her. I stood from my seat and went after her immediately because of that. She waited for me outside and she was the one who locked the door. We walked through the hallways as my eyes not leaving her. "Ahm. Auntie, can I asked you a question?" I started. I need to confirm Lucas' identity. I didn’t know why but it bothered me somehow. I knew I had witnessed it already, but it was better to be sure if I confirmed it from someone since I couldn’t ask Lucas directly about it. "Yes, what is it?" she asked back. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat to compose myself. "Uh--It’s about Lucas, Auntie," I said, a bit hesitant to what I had to ask. "What about him?" I pressed my lips together. Should I ask her about it? But what if I was wrong? What if she suddenly found it absurd, ridiculous? What if... I stopped myself before I overthink the situation. I sighed and took a deep breath. Why not start with the basic, Maria? "How many years you've been working for him?" I asked which made her stopped from walking. Ohh…kay? Is it much for the basic? Aunt Helen turned to my direction and looked at me. I immediately saw her reaction. The shock was evident on her face but it disappeared like a bubble afterward. She cleared her throat and tried to think of some answers. I frowned because of that. "Hmmm. Let's just say that I am already working to the Lancaster family before Lucas was born in this world," she replied. She looked at me, studying. "Why?" I swallowed the lump forming on my throat because of apprehension, thinking that she might somehow saw through me. I cleared my throat again. Act normal Maria. "So, does it mean, you probably knew all about Lucas?" I asked. She nodded, now seems interested in my questions. "Yes, you could tell that." she smiled at me knowingly. "Why? What is it you wanted to know about your husband," she stressed out the last word to me. I smiled in uneasiness. We continued walking through the hallways, I followed her as usual. But before I could formulate my question for her, we stopped in front of the familiar door. I sighed when we arrived at my temporary bedroom. She opened it and walked inside. She went straight towards the bed and fixed something in there, same as to the night table just beside it. I keep on biting my lips as I watched her from my position. But I feel so agitated at this moment! I wanted to know the truth but… I sighed deeply. I took a couple of steps forward, enough to make a distance from her. I inhaled a deep breath before I fired what’s bugging me. "Is Lucas... a wolf... or something?" She was busy fixing things on the night table so it was obvious when she suddenly stopped. Stunned at my sudden question, she turned to look at me, studying if she heard me right. I thought she would laugh about it but she stayed serious until she put down the thing she was holding and finally giving me her full attention. She let out a deep sigh before she started talking. "I don't have the right to tell you about it. Maybe you should ask your husband directly. I know he could answer and explain that" she said and gave me a small smile. Oh. A bit disappointed at what Auntie said, I just nodded when I didn't get the answer that I needed. "What do you want for lunch?" she asked instead, with her usual cheery voice like I didn’t ask a question that was out of place. I blinked twice before telling her that I could eat anything edible. She just nodded and bid goodbye so she could start preparing. I offered help but she immediately refused and told me to rest. She wasn’t yet convinced that I was fully healed. I stood beside my bed for how many minutes before I finally let myself fell into it. When the soft mattress crashed my back, I looked at the ceiling and tons of questions started to form inside my head. So in the end, Aunt Helen suggested that I needed to ask Lucas directly about it… about being a werewolf. But would he answer me? I closed my eyes and as I let myself eaten by my own questions. And maybe I was mentally and physically worn-out; I didn't notice that I fell asleep.   I WOKE up when I felt someone shook my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, Aunt Helen's slightly annoyed expression greeted me. "Goodness, you’re so hard to wake up! You're the same as Lucas when he's in deep slumber!" she shrieked out. She straightens up when I pulled myself up. I held my head when I felt sudden dizziness by my sudden rise. "Now, get up in there and be with me at the dining in five. Food is ready," she said and walked out of the room. I sighed and went out of the bed to follow her. When I closed the door, I saw her turned to right from the hallway before disappearing. I walked through the hallways with familiarity even though I was still new to this mansion. I was the kind of person who could easily remember things at first glance, maybe the reason I got top in my class always. I turned right and the grand staircase immediately greeted me. I descended slowly and couldn’t help but to look at the high glass wall in the living area. I looked at the picturesque view of the pompous forest and mountain at the vast through the glass wall. It was visible to my bedroom from home, like here. I stopped midway and looked at the view. If ever, I didn't adhere to my mother's request at that time, maybe I was in my own room right now. Maybe I was killing my time by overlooking the magnificent view of the forest and mountain in front of me. I sighed deeply. But I'm in reality. I continued walking downstairs and went straight to the dining. I stopped and was a bit shock when I saw the prepared food on the table! Is someone celebrating a birthday or something? "Auntie, it seems that you cooked too much for both of us," I commented which made her look to what I was indicating. She seems to notice and realized what I meant. She mouthed 'Oh' as she stared at the foods. "Oh my!" she agreed and chuckled! "I wasn't aware that I'm cooking too much for us! I was too excited that I am not preparing for two now!" she said in glee and put the last dish she cooked on the table. I just smiled at her remarks. I pressed my lips together as I started to the dishes displayed. I remember the first time I ate here, it was a devastating one. Argh, will you stop remembering Maria? I suddenly felt famished when a familiar scent started to linger on my nose. My mouth started to water and Aunt Helen invited me to dig in so I immediately pulled a chair across her and sat on it. We happily ate the food she had prepared and for the whole time being, I was only listening to her stories about her and her family. It was my first time hearing those and found out that she wasn’t married to anyone. But then, she still supports her family and relatives. Also, I really thought that she was the only one who works here at the mansion, but only to find out that the other workers were given a week of vacation and was about to come back Sunday afternoon. I presented my help to wash the dishes but she declined again and said that I still needed to rest. She wasn’t still convinced that I am fully healed and okay. I didn't insist myself into it and just let her. I went back to my bedroom but stopped when I looked at the paintings hanging on the walls. I was fascinated by looking at it one by one. A scene of war, some were animals and some were abstracts. But I stopped at a specific one. A painting of an... animal? A silhouette of a howling wolf, behind it, was the proud full moon. The wolf was sitting at the edge of the cliff and below it was a vast forest. A small bare land was in the middle with a small silhouette of a lying body on the ground. "Maria?" I jolted in shocked and turned around, only to see Aunt Helen beside me. I frowned because of that. How long has she been here? I wasn't able to feel her presence nearing me! I stopped when she seems to notice that I was looking at the painting in front of me. She smiled a bit as she looked at me. "This is one of Lucas' favorite," she said, referring to the painting I was staring a while ago. "He said that this scene was where he first saw you..." she explained. I ended up staring back at the painting. Her last account caught my attention. Where he first saw me? What does she mean by that? I looked back at her with my forehead creased, too confused at what she meant. "What do you mean, Auntie?" I asked. It seems she was taken aback at my question so she immediately directed her attention somewhere else. I tried to catch her eyes but she wouldn’t let me. Her discomfort was so obvious. And there, I concluded that she was hiding something. And it has to do with me. "A-Ah. I j-just remembered that I needed to clean the garden!" she exclaimed. "You should rest first," she said and walked away from me, almost half-running, without even glancing back at me. I gritted my teeth as I watched her vanished from my sight. It took me about a couple of minutes before I was able to compose myself.  I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut. I wasn’t in the position to ask for more. Tons of questions may have bothered my head but I didn’t have the right to seek answers this early. I looked again at the painting and glower it. How could this scenario be my first meeting with Lucas? There was only one body lying on the ground. I studied the painting again and saw the small detail of the wolf surrounding the lying body. I remember our first meeting when I was chased down by those wolves and he popped there out of nowhere. Well, a bit the same at this painting. Wait; did I really conclude that he was a werewolf? Well, setting that aside, how come this was painted fast? Was he a painter or somebody painted it? I looked at the bottom part of the painting to look for the title and the year it was made, but I found nothing. I stared at the canvas and the only place I could find that info was at the back of this… painting. I reached and tried to move it but it was like purposely pasted on the wall. It wouldn’t move. I surrendered after a couple of minutes and decided to go back to my room. I didn't notice that I'm already in front of it. I looked back at the canvas. So it hangs just beside my room’s door. I entered my room and went straight to the bed and lie there. I didn’t know why but when my back hit the soft mattress, I suddenly felt exhausted for some reason. I just woke up an hour ago and now here I am, still feeling sleepy. My first plan was just to lie there but in the end, I ended up sleeping.   I WOKE up when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. Aunt Helen greeted me again. I smiled when I saw how annoyed she was as she looked down at me. "What's in you that you're hard to wake up?" she pointed out. I couldn’t help but to chuckle at her remark. I wasn’t a heavy sleeper, back when I lived in Metropolis, I slept lightly. I woke up early than my alarm. Maybe this sleeping habit just started when I went back home and maybe I felt more comfortable and relaxed in here so I sleep so soundly. "We're having dinner already, goodness. Just go to the dining okay?" I nodded and looked at the clock. To my shock, I've been sleeping for straight six hours! I immediately got up from the bed and followed Aunt Helen who was walking out of the room. She was about to close the door when I called her. "Auntie, wait!" She stopped and peeked inside. "Hmm?" I rolled my tongue over my both lips. "Ahm. Has Lucas returned?" I asked shyly. I could feel the blood rushes to my cheeks. I saw Auntie smirked at my question, so I couldn’t help but grimace to hide the smile forming on my lips. But then, she shook her head. "Not yet. But maybe he's heading home already," she said as she closed the door. I sighed in dismay because of that. I didn’t know why but I was a bit upset that Lucas wasn’t home yet. I thought he would be here before dinner? Argh! Maria? Hello? It’s only way past seven! Gosh, what am I even thinking?! I fixed myself up before I went out of the room and walked straight ahead to the dining. When I arrived there, I saw how busy Auntie was. She was doing something at the sink. I looked at the table, and the food displayed were some remains from our lunch. It was better instead of cooking some other dishes again. "Oh… you're here," she said when she noticed me. I looked at the tray she was holding it contained a different kind of dessert. She put it down on the table and went back to the sink. I sighed and stared at the displayed dishes again. Could we handle this? I wasn’t really a heavy eater. I trained myself not to eat much. I was planning to wait for her to eat but then we heard the doorbell rang. For some reason, I stood from seat in excitement. Wait, why am I excited? Aunt Helen stopped from what she was doing and was about to present herself to open the door when I stopped her. "Auntie.. uh--continue what you were doing there, I can attend and open it," I presented. She stared at me for a moment before she nodded in agreement and went back to what she was doing. I bit my lower lip and I was almost half running toward the main door. When I arrived in front of it, I looked at my reflection at some glass beside me. I fixed myself, combed my hair with my finger and flatten my disheveled dress. The doorbell rang again. Why am I even doing this? I cleared my throat and walked near the door to open it. I prepared my small smile as I opened the door. But when I opened it and saw who was outside, the smile faded on my face. I was literally expecting Lucas, but not him! "M-Maria?" he called to my name, a bit shock. Tongue-tied, I asked myself. What is he doing here?! ~*~ Proofread.
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