Chapter Five: The Ex

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|Maria|   "B-BARON?!"   I gape in shock as I stared at him, standing across me. I stared into his deep brown eyes, the shock is visible in his face as he looked back at me. "Ma-Maria!" He whooped. He blinked and his mouth opens and closes multiple times. He keeps on checking if I am real or not, and when he finally realized that I am standing right in front of him, he then stepped inside the mansion and immediately wrapped his arms around me. "It's you!” he exclaimed and hugged me tightly. “I thought I am just hallucinating!" he continued.    I blinked and was a bit surprised because of that. After a minute, he made a step backward, putting a distance between us as he looked down at me. “Look at you! Slim as always!” he mocked and laughed his heart whole-heartedly. It was that moment when I was taken aback from the surprise of his sudden presence. “Yeah,” I just said as I looked at him. But I can’t help but wonder why he suddenly appears here out of nowhere. But it seems we’re both on the same page when his smile disappeared. His brows started to furrow as he looked down on me. His gripped on my shoulders tightens. I could see confusion and wander in his brown eyes like he suddenly realized something important. "But why are you here?" he inquired, the thoughts that may be bothered him the moment he saw me here. I stay rooted in my place as I looked at him. I swallowed hard especially when his expression suddenly darkens. Oh. I know that look. I bit my lower lip and sighed deeply. Should I tell him the reason why I am here? I imagined myself telling him the truth that the reason why I am here was because of the fact that I’m married to Lucas Lancaster. Then I imagined him rampaging regarding the situation, trying to figure out some things on how he could help out of this mess. Well, he’s that kind of person. I opened my mouth, to somehow tell something when I stopped when a voice behind my back called his name. "Baron?!" a voice exclaimed behind me. I turned around only to see Aunt Helen’s bewildered face. My forehead creased as I saw her looking at the man beside me. After a minute or so, Aunt Helen smiled and immediately walked toward our direction, never breaking his eye contact with Baron. "Baron! Goodness, it's really you!" she said joyously. I blinked when she stopped beside me. I quickly looked at her and saw how she studied and looked at the man who just arrived. "Yes, it's me, Auntie..." Baron confirmed with a smile and hugged the old woman. Aunt Helen hugged him back with delight and I noticed how she became teary-eyed. I can’t help but look at them, and then I suddenly remember my parents. I suddenly missed them. I closed my eyes and heave a deep sigh. This isn’t the right time to think of them, Maria. You are now solving a question for yourself why out of sudden, Baron showed up and Aunt Helen knows him. "It's been a long time since the last time I saw you! I thought you'll never come back!" Aunt Helen said, almost crying. Baron only smiled sheepishly. Auntie keeps asking about how he has been and he replied enthusiastically. After a couple of minutes, Baron gazed at my direction curiously. I was a bit startled of how his menacing eyes looked at direction so I quickly avert my eyes somewhere. Aunt Helen seems to notice it so she turned to look at me. I blinked when our eyes met. I immediately looked away, afraid that Auntie might find out something. "Why is Maria here, Auntie?" he asked with no inhibition. He didn't even think about Auntie's reaction. I glance at her and confusion is written all over her face. I bit my lower lip and somehow wanted to smack Baron. Aunt Helen’s eyes keep looking back at me and Baron, who's still looking at me intently when I looked back at him. His eyebrow corded like I’m some kind of puzzle that is hard to be solved. I looked away when I felt sudden uneasiness at his stares and pressed my lips together. "You two know each other?" Aunt Helen concluded in shocked. Baron nodded but didn't take his eyes off of me. Auntie chuckled happily as she shook her head in disbelief. "What a small world, indeed," she only said and chuckled. "Well, it's good to know that you two knew each other already. I was just a bit curious when Maria didn't come back if it's just Lucas who arrived. So I checked only to find out that you came by unexpectedly," she explained, still smiling. I could really see that Auntie is happy that Baron is here. I wonder what’s his relationship with Aunt Helen and Lucas? "By the way, have you eaten your dinner, Baron? Join us," Auntie invited. Baron takes off his eyes from me and averts his attention to the old woman. Somehow, I'm thankful that Auntie got his attention. "Not yet, Auntie. I didn't really eat anything because I really planned to eat here," he responds smiling. "Well, that's good to hear!" she gaped and invited us to go to the dining already. She made her leave first making the two of us, me and Baron only left at the foyer. I saw how he looked at Aunt Helen’s back as she heads toward the kitchen. And when she disappeared in our sight, Baron heaves a deep sigh violently and gave his full attention to me. "What the f**k are you doing here, Maria?” he whispered hardly. “The last thing I want is to see you being here! Especially with Lucas!" he continued as he gritted his teeth. I stay still as I looked at him. I could feel his refusal about me being in here. He stared back at me, and I could see the ferocity and curiosity in his eyes. I sighed deeply because of that. First of all, I'm not really expecting to see him here, especially to be reunited in this kind of place while I am in the middle of this crazy situation. I closed my eyes and cleared my throat. Maybe a while ago, I didn’t think thoroughly about our situation and I can tell him immediately the reason why I am here. But right now, things had changed. I don't have any plans to answer his question. And, I don't want to be questioned at this moment. "Let's just go..." I invited instead to avoid his queries. I heard his heavy sigh as I walked out first. I gritted my teeth. I have a choice to tell him everything. I know he could help get away with this matter. But it was also my choice to stay in silent and let myself handles everything. I am not a child anymore, and this stuff kind of stuff must be solved by me. It must be with my own efforts to figure out everything. I arrived at the dining first and saw immediately that a set of the plate was added on the table. I went to my seat then Baron emerged inside after a minute. Auntie let him sit across me. I looked at the end of the table, just beside me. Auntie told me that this is the usual Lucas’ position when eating. And now that I'm here, Aunt Helen said that Lucas’ wife must always sit beside him. It’s a symbol of my support for everything he does and every decision he will make in his life. We started eating without even waiting for Lucas. We've received a message that he's going be late at dinner so we started afterward. And after we started our dinner a few minutes ago, I was the only one who stayed silent while the two were busy catching up with their lives. I only answered if I was only, and either a shook of my head or nod was my answer. I found out that Baron is Lucas' cousin. So that’s why he knows both Lucas and Auntie. I stared at him. Here is a person who could tell me everything about Lucas. I wanted to know his real identity so bad, but fortunately, I stopped myself before blurting out a word. That’s too odd if I asked him right away, and they might be mistaken me as if I’m plotting something. Aunt Helen narrated that Baron has once stayed at the mansion, most of his childhood. The three of them, him, Lucas and the other guy I didn’t know of, are close to each other and Aunt Helen was the one who took care of them ever since. She even stated that the three of them are best of friends at those times! I can’t help but get curious who's the other guy she's referring to. But I remembered suddenly a picture of three boys when I first set my foot here. If I remember it correctly, I could only differentiate them with their eye-color. Their features are much alike when they were young. But now that they’re mature enough... Baron has deep brown eye-color, Lucas has silvers. Then... the other guy Aunt Helen was referring to has blue eyes, or was it green? "That's why it saddened me when you and you're family went to the metro," she accounts, a bit gloomy. I glance at Baron only to see that he's been prying at me for a long time now! Our eyes met but the bastard didn't even look away when I found him looking at me! And when I noticed that he doesn't have a plan of looking away, I averted my eyes and continued devouring my food. "You know that my father found a stable job there so we were forced to move out and just continue my study there!" Baron reasoned out. I continued eating my food. But I couldn’t help to reminisce the moment we became friends. I remember him telling me that he moves out because of his father’s work. We happened to be classmates at a certain subject and immediately clicked together. I dispatch the last spoon of food in my mouth then drink a glass of water. When I'm done, I decided to excuse myself first so I wouldn’t disturb them catching up. I washed my own dishes before walking out of the hall. Somehow, I need to get away from Baron's stares. I know he has so many questions in mind but I don't want him to feed things at the moment, especially we just saw each other after a year. I decided to walk around the mansion. It seems nice to go outside and feel the night breeze but I'm not in the mood for some reason. Even though I have slept almost of the day, I am too exhausted... mentally. It slipped into my mind to escape. I have my great chance of escaping right now since Lucas isn’t here and Aunt Helen and Baron are still talking. I don’t see any guards around. I could go somewhere and live my life with my freedom but then, I could not take the risk of the life of my family. When I decided to step inside this mansion, I also decided to fulfill the promise and take my part, so why escape? And maybe if I escaped, I would still be caught. I will be haunted by the guilt of consequences. Maybe I’ll just let everything falls into its proper places and see what happens next. I didn't know where my feet had taken me. I just found myself walking towards the Lanai in the eastern part of the mansion. The cold breeze of air greeted me when I went to the Lanai's edge with railings. When I get there, I saw a small area of a fish pond just beneath it. I rested my elbow on the handrail and entertain myself by staring at the fishes. The artificial lights coming from underwater make them prettier. I sighed deeply when I got bored after a minute. I raised my head to watch the moon that’s peeking behind the mountain's silhouette at the distant. Baron's confused expression slipped into my mind again, the indirect attack about the reason why I am here.   Married. I am now a married woman. I lifted my hand and stared at the gold band with a stud of diamond on my ring finger. The polished hardstone shone under the moon's light. It was last on my bucket list to be married to someone. I heaved deeply. Many things had happened at one night. One moment I was just only ordered to return a handkerchief and pay-off my parent’s debt. Then I had found out I was the payment and now, married to a man I barely knew. Can I survive this situation? All I wanted to help first my family. I would help them with the strength and knowledge I got but not in this way! Being married is responsibility and I know that very well. "Maria..." I quickly put down my hand and turned around when a familiar voice called my name. I saw Baron standing at the Lanai's entrance. He was looking at my direction sternly, and the shadows of the house added an aura to his almost dark expression. I sighed and turned my back to him, to appreciate whatever’s the night would offer to me. Then I heard his footsteps, near to where I am. A moment passed until I felt his presence beside me. "How are you?" he asked after a moment of silence. I wasn't able to utter a word in an instant but still respond to him a few seconds later. "I'm fine," I shortly replied. The silence stretched between us for the second time. But it seems he was bothered to hell so he started talking. "I went straight to your home to visit you like my usual visit whenever you’re around," he started which made me look at him. But he doesn’t seem to expect it which made him a bit surprised. I looked away again and pressed my lips together. I want to ask him about my family's condition. Now that he mentioned it, are they okay? Is Carlo fine? And...did they miss me? Because I’ve already missed them even a hadn’t passed since I’ve arrived here. "That’s why when I found out you’re not home, all I thought you just went off somewhere, so I didn't stay long. And it shocked me to hell to see you here...Maria." he continued as he faces me. I stay rooted at my place, gazing at the dark woods like there’s something interesting in it. "Why are you here?" he asked. I could take the hint on his voice that he’s getting impatient to hear my answers. I tilted my head to his direction to see him. I was greeted with his creased forehead as he looked down on me. I pressed my lips together. Don't talk Maria. Get yourself together. I remember when I was still studying, how I met Baron, how I got close to him and how I have developed my feelings to him and had a romantic relationship eventually. He was my ex-boyfriend, and our relationship lasted for almost 2 years. He's the only guy who's been with me ever since I got in college so I got dependent on him, believing that he’s the one for me. So when he courted me, I answered him immediately because, why not give a try right? It was ordinary, a relationship that is understanding and typical. It's not like what I've read into those books. No butterflies in tummies and fast heartbeat when you're both together. What we had is like a...friendship. So when I confronted him about ending our relationship and offered him friendship instead, he understood. I told him my concerns, that I was searching for something else, excitement or giddiness, and so much more. I know he knows me how hopeless romantic am I, how I believed in fairytales and happy ever after. That’s why when I told him he isn't the right guy for me and such, he agreed of being friends instead of staying at the relationship. He confessed that he was feeling the same anyway. And maybe we did the right decision right after. He was the best of my friends. "Maria... please answer me. Why are you here? Don't you know that you might be in a grave of danger if---" "Just let me, Baron," I interrupted before he could even finish his sentence. He stayed silent for a minute before I heard his deep sigh. After a few seconds or so, he continued. "But, why? What's happening? Is there something going on between you and Lucas?" he asked, almost bursting out. I swallowed hard as my heart skip a bit because of his questions. I looked at him and his serious-looking face greeted me. I bit my lower lip and looked away afterward. "This isn't your business anymore... Baron," I said almost whispering. I gripped on the handrail tightly. But to my surprise, Baron grabbed both of my shoulders and he violently forced me to face him. "If there's really something going on between you two, you should end it as soon as you can!” he confides. I blinked because of that, especially when his grip tightens on my shoulders. “He's not the man you'll expect him to be, Maria! He's far more dangerous than what you think!" he continued, almost shouting. I stared at him and all I could see in his eyes was the conviction of convincing me to believe him. I stayed silent and looked into his directly. “Are you listening to me, Maria?” he asked. I smiled and nodded my head. After a few seconds, his grip on my shoulders loosened, maybe he realized my decision. Well, he knows me really well. If I could really end the deal between us Lucas, I will gladly do it immediately, with at least, no one is on the line. But what about my family? They’re involved here. And to think that I'm legally married to Lucas? I don't think I can do it anymore. I respect the sanctity of marriage even though I'm not wedded traditionally. I sighed again and took his hands away from me. Good thing he didn't insist on holding me longer. I stride step back and looked deeply into his eyes again.   "I know you're concerned about my well-being, Baron. But you should also understand that this is my choice. I can handle myself and you know that I don't back down on my own words when I decide something," I said and smiled a bit to him. He only stared at me and afterward, he looked down on the floor and his shoulders fell, disappointed at what I did say. I was about to walk away from him when he grabbed my right arm to stop me. I was forced to face him again. "But... we've been together for a long time. Won't you consider that to believe me?" he asked, almost whispering. I have a deep sigh because of that. "But you should also respect my decisions and you know very well that we ended up years ago. If you're asking me to consider this as your friend or ex, I would still choose this..." He stilled at my remarks. That's why I took that chance to finally put a distance between us. But then again, his reflex is fast that he was able to stop me for the second time. I rolled my eyes out of annoyance. "But you don't know him, Maria! You barely know him! He's my cousin and I know everything about him! But the important thing is you're not safe here! Both of your worlds are different---" "Then I'll know everything about him in time! I don't care about my security! I don't care if I am really in danger if he has me. And don't judge me as you know me better Baron! You're turning to a man I hate the most!" I interrupted, a bit hurt to his reasons. I saw startled at my statement. I squeeze my eyes shut and bit my lower lip. Gosh. "No... that's not what I mean..." he tried to explain as he shakes his head. He let out a deep sigh and massaged his temple. I looked at his hand, still locked to mine. It took him about a minute before he looks back at me. I was about to pull my hands away from him but he stopped me. I glared at him because of that. "You don't understand Maria---" "Then let me understand!” I interrupted. “What's the problem with that?" I reasoned out again. He stared at me but I glared back. After a few seconds, he lets out an exasperating sigh, like he’s in a pinched situation. In fact, somehow I get what he meant to say about how different Lucas' world to mine. I'm quite sure about his identity and maybe Baron knew about it since he told me he knows everything about him. Of course, they grew up together remember? I tried to pull my hands away from him again, but for the second time around, he wouldn’t let me! I annoyingly looked at him because of that. But now his eyes are closed and seem to be in deep thoughts. Afterward, he opens it and looked directly at me. "It's... it's hard to explain..." he finally said in defeat. I stayed silent as I met his gaze. He just looked at me and in the end, he pulled me towards him. I thought he'll say something but I was surprised when he puts his head on my shoulder, almost giving all of his weight to me to support himself. I can't help but smile when I realized his sudden action. He always does this especially when he's stressed at something, and especially to me. I heard his heavy sigh while he still holds my right arm. "You still hard-headed as ever, Maria..." he whimpered. I chuckled because of that and shook my head. The tension between us instantly disappeared because of it. "God, you're really so hard to convince," he overacting swore. My smile widens and lets him a***e my strength to support himself. Somehow, I missed him. Like what I said, we became friends after our relationship. And we really got close to each other after that. I stilled in shock when his hand holds my left hand. He distanced himself. At first, I don't know why he was doing it, but when he raised it and stared at the ring on my finger, I froze. I swallowed hard as I look at his reaction. Brows almost corded together, he looked at me. He was about to say something about it when we both heard someone clearing his throat behind me. I turned around to know who it is and only to be surprised when I saw who was standing at the entrance of the Lanai. "What the devil are you doing, Baron?" Lucas asked lethally to his cousin. I swallowed hard and I felt a chill running down on my spine after I heard his deep growl. I blinked when I noticed how dark Lucas' face was. Aunt Helen is just behind looking at me and Baron in shock. I looked back at Lucas, now walking toward us. He glanced at me and saw his sharp look before looking at his cousin and menacingly glared at him. Then he lowered his gazed and his eyes instantly stopped at something and only to realize that he's staring at my hand in which Baron is still holding. I noticed how his jaw clenched together as he stared at it. I immediately withdraw my hand to Baron's hold which made him look at me. At the same time, Lucas finally arrived in front of us. Baron immediately grabbed one of my arms and pulled me behind him. He stood in front of Lucas, facing his cousin’s dangerous aura. I blinked when I realized what just Baron did. Is he protecting me against Lucas? "Stay away... Baron." Lucas sneered menacingly but Baron didn't even move a bit. I panicked, thinking that these two might get into a fight! That’s the last thing I would want to happen! "Baron--" I called to somehow stop him. "Stay there... Maria." he interrupted before I could say anything. I pressed my lips together. I looked at Lucas who's now looking at me. I looked down and sighed. "Give her to me Baron..." Lucas threatened. I lifted my head and looked at Lucas. His attention is now at Baron. For some reason, I could see his control of his... temper. I saw how his jaw clenched and how his aura darkens... Dios Mio... "Baron, L-Let me---" "Maria..." Baron interrupted again. He turned to me and smiled at me like his assuring my safety if I am with him. He mouthed 'I got this' before finally looking back to his cousin. I panicked because of that. Why do I have this feeling that the situation will only worsen after this?! But when I heard what Baron said, it made me gaped in shock. "Break up with her Lucas!” he dispute which made me startled. “You do know that she's in danger if she stays with you. Your world is far more different!" he continued. I blinked when I was taken aback at the last thing Baron said. "What are you saying, Baron!" I asked flabbergasted. I went away from his behind and went immediately in between them. I saw how he jolted to my sudden action. He looked down at me and confusion is written all over his face. "Why, Maria? This is the only way I could think---" he wasn't able to finish his sentence when Lucas interrupted. "And who are you to conclude that Maria and I should break up?" Lucas said with a controlled voice. I quickly step forward to his direction, to somehow calm him down. I didn’t know what to do but when I reached for his hand, I felt his rigid body became at ease. He looked at me because of that and all I could do was to stare back at his silver eyes that drown me into somewhere else. I only came back to reverie when I felt his hand on my wrist and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him because of that and saw how he looked serious as his eyebrows almost corded together. "Why Lucas? Maria and I had a serious relationship. I knew her more than you do and you know well that she'll always be in danger if she stays with you, right?” Baron said meaningfully. I can’t help but think that there’s another meaning at what he said. Lucas looked at Baron because of his statement. I looked up, only to saw his dark expression at this distance. I swallowed hard and inhaled deeply. I could feel my heart hammering inside my chest. Calm down, Maria. Calm the f**k down. “And why, my dear cousin? How long have the two of you been together? Because a year hadn’t passed when our relationship ended---" "So you're just her ex?" Lucas slashed to cut what Baron might say. His hold tightens on my wrist. Baron fell into silence. I swallowed hard and slightly turned my body to see him. I was expecting the confusion in his eyes because of that. Of course, he has so many questions in his mind right now. "Well dear cousin,” Lucas suddenly said as he pulled me closer to him like he’s yet contented of our distance. I pressed my lips together when the tip of my nose touched his chest. His scent lingered in me because of that, and I can’t help but close my eyes. “Sorry to inform you but Maria is my wife..." Lucas suddenly declared which made me open my eyes and looked up at him. Wait, did he just say that?! And when he did, I gasped in shock because of that. I was about to ask him why'd he told it told Baron when he suddenly dragged me out of the Lanai with Baron only looking at us.
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