Chapter Six: Jealousy

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|Maria|     "WHAT?!"   "Baron?! Can you please calm down!?"   Instead of listening to what I said, he stayed standing in front of me, looking stunned and baffled from what he just heard from me. I sighed deeply and stared at him. He stared back. Okay. I was really expecting his shocked reaction when I told him the reason why I am staying at Lancaster’s mansion.   I ended up telling him the truth. He was so persistent in asking me about what is really happening. He even told me how upset he was when he knew that I know now how to keep secrets from him. So I considered telling him almost everything since he's one of my trusted friends.   "H-How did it happen? I-I mean, your parents a-agreed to this?!" he exclaimed as he put his hands on his forehead together. He even grasps his hair and made started walking back and forth again.   I sighed again. He just couldn’t believe that my parents agreed to the deal. He said that it was the last thing he thought would happen. Well, we were on the same page but still, where I am? But I defended them against him since they have reasons.   "It's a long story..." I said resting my elbows down on the table, clasping my hands together and resting my chin on the back of my palms.   We're currently at the side yard of the mansion. A gazebo is found in the middle, encircled with different colors of roses and overlooking the lowland at the distance pompous forest and the high mountain behind it. In the middle of the gazebo was a complete set of modern design chairs and a table, with a portion of food and drink in front of us. I chose to drag him here to tell my story.   Baron finally sat down across me but his face still looks shocked and serious. When I thought that his mind processed everything, I concluded it was already okay. But suddenly, he looked at me with worry and concern. He reached for my hand, which he usually does whenever he wanted to comfort me or something. I let him and stared at his hand on mine, and like I usually feel every time we hold hands, I can't feel any tingling sensation like from what I've read to romance book whenever you held hands to your right one.   Call me hopeless romantic, but I do believe in love. I wanted to have a love that's assuring and kind like what my parents have. That's why it’s a big deal to me when I found out that I am married! It hasn't even crossed my mind to marry in this manner!   But then with Lucas...   I blinked and immediately cursed myself silently when he popped into my mind. Why did I suddenly think of him?   I remembered what happened last night. After he dragged me out away from Baron, we went straight to his bedroom, which is much way bigger and prettier than mine. Well, I'm expecting that since he's the owner of this household. I thought we'll talk, but he ends up leaving me there and told me to sleep.   I felt agitated at that time and to think that I'm sleeping in his room. I wasn't able to sleep immediately so I busied myself thinking of things until I slept.   I sighed in annoyance, especially when I woke up this morning, it's not that I wanted to see him beside me at his bed, but I woke up without him being there. The side of the bed showed that he didn't really sleep inside his room.   I went straight to the kitchen, where I usually find Aunt Helen, to ask him about Lucas and only to find out that he's at his office for the whole night. That's where Baron popped in the scene.   "I'm all ears, Maria..."   I went back to reverie when I heard those from Baron. He looked directly into my eyes. I looked back and saw his small smile when our eyes meet with each other. I sighed again. What can I do if he's this persistent? I'm sure he'll know it sooner or after. He will find a way until he can find the answers he wanted.   I sighed heavily and started to tell him about it, from the very start until now. And I saw how his face changed the reaction to every story I spill to him. He can't help but chime in between which made him interrupting the story. That, why did my parents agreed to the deal? Why they didn't respect my decision? That, I still have the right to decide for myself.   Yes, I do have the right to decide for myself, but still, it's my decision to just concede to my parents, because they're that important than to myself.   "Will you not... regret this?" he asked when he thought he can't convince and change my mind. I didn't utter a word and think about what he said. Will I really, not regret this? I looked at him thinking about what he just said for about a couple of minutes. I sighed in defeat after that.   "I don’t want to think of what might will happen right now. Let everything fall into its place.." I only replied, smiling and assuring him that it is fine. He stayed silent and then sighed heavily.   "Well, what more can I say? It's your decision," he said and just directed his attention to the food in front of us. The topic immediately changes after that and somehow, I'm thankful because of it. Goodness, he stressed me out. But I know that Baron is the person who'll not insist once you made up your mind.   We decided to go back to the mansion around lunchtime. He has so many stories to share stories with me! He told me his life story after the last time we saw each other in the city and what happened to some friends of ours. And I can't help but laugh at each story he's telling because it seems so exaggerated!   "Then when we saw our dear friend, Marie, at that bar, do you know what she did?" he asked in between laughing.   "What?" I asked, almost laughing as we head to the dining. I can't help but hear for more!   "We saw her in the middle of the dance floor! She got all the attention of everyone at her some extraordinary dance! We took a video and showed it to her when the morning came and when she saw it, she threatened every one of us!" he tales.   I laughed whole-heartedly because of that. I almost cried myself out because of it. Goodness, I can't help but miss my college friends! I wonder what they are doing now.   We exchanged jokes at each other as we continued walking. Both of us were laughing when we finally arrived at the dining hall. I entered first and seem that all the humor in my body eventually disappeared when I felt the heavy atmosphere around. My eyes instantly stopped to someone who's at the end of the table. I stopped in the middle of walking.   Our eyes met. His hands crossed to his chest as he looked at my direction with his serious eyes. His eyebrows almost corded together. I swallowed when suddenly I felt unease.   "Hey, I have still one--" Baron stopped beside me when he noticed my attention to Lucas. I saw in my peripheral view that he looked at his cousin.   "Good that the two of you are already here. Take your seat so we can start eating," Aunt Helen bid as she put down the last dish on the table.   I wasn't able to move at first because of how Lucas looked at me. I saw how his jaw clenched as he looked at the person beside me.   "Maria..." I jolted when I heard Baron whispered my name into my ear. I turned to him and saw him smirking at me. He then put his arm around my shoulders. I squinted at him but he only smiled widely.   "Let's eat already. It seems that Aunt Helen cooked deliciously today!" he invited happily and escorted me toward the table. I noticed the glint in his eyes as he said those. My forehead wrinkled because of that. He's up into something, I need to be prepared. For the past years we've been together, I could tell which thing interests him the most. And that is annoying other people!   Yes, because I'm his number one victim, always!   It seems that Aunt Helen heard him and joked about his compliment. We just laughed at it and my eyes wandered to Lucas and was a bit shocked when I saw his expression grew darker and grim. His jaw clenched together for how many times and glared at the thing that surrounds my shoulder. I gasped when I realized Baron's hand was still there!   I immediately took it away which made Baron a bit surprised. He eyed me at me but I only gave him a meaningful look. Then his attention settled to his cousin who's now giving him death glares. Instead of looking down and be intimidated, Baron smirked to Lucas and seems to enjoy the glares he's receiving.   See! I know it!   "Where do you want to sit?" he asked and ignored Lucas completely. Oh my gosh, he's starting already!    Barooon?!   "She'll sit beside me," Lucas interrupted before I could ever respond to Baron. His voice is so deep and controlled. He pushed the chair at his side, it squeaked which made everyone fell into silence. It was Aunt Helen's laugh who broke the heavy atmosphere!   "Shall we start eating?" she said as she pulled a chair just across Lucas' pulled for me. Baron agreed and was about to sit at the chair Lucas' pulled out but he called my name.   "You know where your place is, Baron." he deeply said to Baron. I don't know why but somehow, it has another meaning in it. I saw Baron smirked and just shrugged.   "Oops, I forget," he said devilishly as he looked at me. I widen my eyes to him, to somehow tell him that he needs to stop and be silent all the time. Because I don't know where his talkative mouth could bring him, especially that there's a great chance he'll involve me!   "Then I'll sit beside you also," Baron said merrily. We both take our seats. I sat where Lucas wanted me and on the other hand, Baron sat beside me.   I looked at him again, hoping that somehow, he could read my warnings or signs or something that he needed in order to be aware of his action because Lucas is looking at the both of us! But instead of reading my supposed message, he just smirked and smiled at me widely. I know he got what I intended to inform him, but he seems to find the situation amusing and entertaining so he didn't take my warning seriously! Argh! This man! He even smirked at Lucas before he finally focused his attention on the food!   I noticed how Lucas threw him consecutive death glares, but this crazy guy beside me didn't mind it like it was nothing. I sighed in annoyance. I wanted to hit him.   I glance at Lucas, whose face is still dark and serious. I saw him looked at Baron before finally looking at me, and for a moment, my breathing hitch when our eyes met.   I looked down at my plate and only to be surprised when I found a portion of food there! My eyes widen as I looked at Baron, who's still putting different dishes on my plate!   "You should eat a lot, Mars! I know you eat like a pig," he commented as he continued what he was doing. "And I noticed that you became smaller!" he said as grab my arm and study it. After a while, he let it go and continued putting food on my plate. "Are you in diet? Which is by the way, not good for you," he added. He finally stopped when he was satisfied with the amount of food on my plate. I gawked at him.   "You--My stomach can't handle this Baron!" I cried in protest.   "What do you mean you can't? I know you're just stopping yourself. Don't you know that Aunt Helen cooked the best?" he said as he started to eat. Aunt Helen seems happy at Baron's complement, but I looked at Baron unbelievably.   "I know that! But, I'm not a heavy eater anymore!" I said pouting. I looked down on my plates. Can I consume all of this? Wait, is it still possible?   I felt Baron glance at me. I looked at him and kicked his leg under the table out of annoyance. He's really annoying! Like what I've said, I was always his victim when he's having fun!   "Ouch!" he grimaced in pain and shock. Uh-oh, maybe I kicked him too hard. He turned to me and gave me a death glare. But I only stuck out my tongue to him. Tss. Serves him right. But to my shock, he kicked me back, but much stronger from what I did! This guy!   "Hey, stop that!" I said in displeased, but he only smirked at me. I kicked him again but he kicked back. Argh, this guy is so impossible! I faced Aunt Helen.   "Auntie, Baron's kicking my leg.," I complain. Instead of amending him, she laughs at both of us.   "Is it me who kicked first?" Baron blamed back.   "Well, that's because you put too much food on my plate!" I exclaimed.   "And that's because you don't eat like that! You eat a lot as I far as I can remember and you ask always for an extra when we dine together!"   I chose to stay silent about what he said. Does he need to blab it out? Well, that is definitely true, but for a reason that I always get hungry! College life is so stressful that my only way out was to eat and eat! It's different now!   "Stop the both of you, you're in front of the food and eating..." Auntie amended in joy. So I ended up slapping his arm to get my revenge.   "Ouch! Have mercy on me will you!" he overacting grimaced and laughed his heart out. I eyed him as I continue eating. He did the same.   "It seems that you two are very much close to each other. Are you two friends ever since?" Auntie asked. I stopped chewing my food and turned to Baron. I felt anxious out of sudden especially when I looked at my right and saw Lucas so focused on his food. I swallowed and looked back on my food.   "Well, we started as friends then turned into lovers!" Baron started. I slapped his arm for the second time which made him grimaced for real this time and made Auntie laughed again. I looked at Lucas' direction, but his reaction is still the same, expressionless. I should feel relief right? But why does my heart beats faster this time! I feel so nervous for no apparent reason! Why, oh, why?   "But we became friends again in the end. Because of her!" he accused which made me look at him, eyes wide open.   "Why me!?" I exclaimed.   "Tss, stop denying. You break up with me for some reason I didn't know!" he explained. I eyed him but he smirked at me. "So who am I to fight for my love when your eyes held conviction when you said, 'It's not you, it's me...' and can't give what I am asking to you!" he dramatically continued. My eyes widen at his tale! That is so far from the truth! Except at the last part though... But he has no right to tell lies about our relationship!   "Stop recreating the reason Baron--"   I wasn't able to finish my sentence when Lucas stand on his chair suddenly which made all of us look at him.   "I'm done," he said, almost grumbling. I could feel how the chill suddenly went down on my spine. I swallowed hard as I looked down.   He violently pushed back the chair as he went out and walked away. I thought he'll go outside the hall straight ahead but he stops beside me. I bit my lower lip as I glance at him but looked down again and stare on my halfway food.   "We need to talk. In my room," he said shortly and walked out ahead.   I immediately raised my head and my eyes followed him. I wasn't able to move as my mind processed everything that just happened. Damn! For sure he heard Baron's not-so-true tales! Argh!   I menacingly looked at Baron, and for the third and not the last time, I hit his arm, harder this time, enough to make a mark on it.   "You're so stupid and talkative!" I remarked angrily.   "Argh! This is the third time Maria! Auntie, will you not save me to this sss!" he said in hurt but laughing.   I hit him which made him screamed in pain. I'm not sorry! I looked outside the hall, the stairs are visible inside the hall. I sighed and looked at Baron, who seems didn't mind my hitting to him. He's grinning widely like he achieved his goal for this day.   See, I told you! He has a plan to annoy his cousin! This devil!   I sneered at him but he only laughed at me. I decided to finish my food. Good thing I consumed it all. Baron just finished his third plate. So who's the pig now?   I presented in cleaning the table after we eat. Baron helped Auntie in washing the dishes. The two of them talked to each other as I wipe the table, maybe catching up for their lives. When I'm finally finished, I bid my short goodbye to them went after Lucas! But I stopped when the ever-annoying Baron asked!   "Where are you going?" I let an exasperation sigh as I turned to him and rolled my eyes.   "Lucas' room," I sneered shortly. He stared at me before he nodded. He grinned again. I faced my back to him and walk out of the hall. But before I could walk away, I heard him say again.   "Tell your husband not to be jealous too much..." he said and a bark of laughter echoed the hall. I stopped again and turned at him, only to find him talking happily to Auntie like he never said anything stupid.   Jealous? Lucas is jealous? Impossible!   I felt light-headed as I ascended up to the second floor. Baron's remark stayed on my mind. Lucas is jealous?! But how could he be possibly jealous? Why is he jealous? And what's the reason for him to be jealous?   I swallowed hard. My heart continued to beat erratically as I walked through the hallway. I'm trembling but not in fear. I passed my room before finally arriving at the front of his room.   Heave a deep sigh, Maria. Stay in tune and be calm. I raised my trembling hand as I knocked on the door. Three knocks before I heard his voice inside.   "Come in..."   I heaved a last deep sigh before finally opening the door of his room. The familiar interior of his room greeted me. I can't help but be amazed by it again. The floor is carpeted and the pieces of furniture looked vintage. The walls are painted in monochrome of brown, same as to its other furniture.   My eyes seek for Lucas but I didn’t find him inside. My eyebrow rose, where is he?   "I'm here," I heard him say outside his balcony like he heard my silent query. I was about to walk out there but he suddenly went inside so I stop midway. Our eyes immediately met together and as always, I was the first one to look away. I remained from where I am.   But he walked towards my direction making myself look at him. I gulped as our eyes meet again. His face is expressionless as he eats the distance between us. I stride backward but he immediately caught my arm and pulled me close to him. The familiar tingling sensation immediately spreads throughout my body. This feeling...   He pulled me again and tried not to gasp in shock as I closed my eyes at the uncontrolled collision of myself to his body. When I felt my face buried to his chest, I distance myself even for a bit to save myself from shame.   "You and my cousin had a relationship?" he started. His voice was husky and inviting that I found myself to nod as an answer.   I lifted my head and first to notice his eyebrows almost corded together at my response. Jaw clenching, his gripped on my wrist tighten but enough not to make me hurt. His other hand found its way from my back to my waist. I immediately put both hands to his chest to stop myself plastered to him. I tried to push him but he didn't even budge at my bidding. Goodness, his chest is so hard. What kind of exercise he's doing?   My eyes wandered down from his neck to his biceps. His tan skin really suits him. I can't help but swallow hard when I feel so hot suddenly. What?   He stayed silent and let go of my wrist but only to find its way to my back, finally locking myself to him. He pulled me closer until he's almost hugging me. My face buried to his chest again and he rested his chin on my head, showing how tall he is.   "I thought--fuck." he didn't finish his sentence and just pulled me closer to him to hug me tightly.   I ended up taking away my arms between us and found myself hugging him back. I felt him froze at my sudden action but immediately composed himself. I buried my face into his chest; at least he can't see how red I am right now. Goodness, do I have no shame in my body and I hugged him back?!   "What does he mean about--" he stopped again and cleared his throat. He puts a distance between us as he held my both shoulders and stared deep into my eyes. He looked bothered at something. I swallowed and waited for what he was about to say. But instead of continuing, he suddenly looked away as his mouth protrudes. My forehead creased at his reaction...   "Mean about what, Lucas?" I asked.   I tried catching his gaze but he did his very best to avoid his without letting me go. I stopped myself after a few tries. I don't want to force him in telling me what's bothering him. He sighed in defeat and looked back at me. My heart skips a beat at how he stared, and his eyes wanted to tell me something but I can't comprehend what is it!   "About you... not able to give the thing he wanted..." he continued to what he was about to say. I wasn't able to utter a word because of it. My mind processed what he said and realized the meaning behind it. I looked away because of it.   I cursed Baron in my mind multiple times for being so talkative! Hell wrath to a woman scorned! He must prepare himself!   "Maria, tell me..." he caught my chin with his fingers and made me look at him. I stared into his silver orbs and pressed my lips together.   I hope he couldn't hear how loud my heartbeats.   "What does Baron mean about it? What is that thing that you couldn't give him? My mind haywire at the possible answers to know it! Is it... Is it something important to you? Is it something... that should be mine?" he said almost whispering.   The only thing I've done is to stare at him. I wanted to tell him that it's not a thing Baron asked for. So I don't know why I can't even tell him about it.   He ended up hugging me and felt him kissed my head. I swallowed hard when I smelled his fragrance again. I really like it. Tss. Here I am, not answering his complains but enjoying his attention. Goodness!   "I hope it's not the thing I've been thinking that he wanted from you," he said. He put a distance between us again and I was a bit disappointed. He looked at me again and gave me a small smile.   "Because I'm f*****g jealous. I'm so jealous especially when I saw how close the two of you to each other. One evidence is the way you two talked to each other, you're comfortable with him... that's why..." he didn't finish his sentence again. I blinked and looked back to his eyes.   I don't know what to react at his sudden confession. Oh, gods, he is really jealous of his cousin! How can Baron know about it! And why would he be jealous of his stupid cousin? And it's just because of our closeness! Well, that's because we've known each other for so long!   I was taken back to reverie when he hugged me again. He's so touchy and clingy. I hated that attitude towards guys but I don't know why when it comes to him, I find it cute.   "That's why I am afraid that you'll choose to be with him instead of me..." he continued which made mouth fell in shock.   What?!    ____
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