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Were we blind to the fact that something was there all along if we hadn't been thinking about it? I'm completely spent. I'm becoming a little bored of being a human being. Someone who is completely ineffective to others. A walker in the afterlife. I can see a great deal of blackness. an emptiness that permitted my eyes to see but kept my ears from hearing from a hundred decibels of silence. My body seems to be in a battle with my head, which I allow it to do, but my body also seems to be pushing back against me, as if it were trying to escape, take a breath, and raise its hand in salute to life. What is the reason behind this? The number of fictional and quasi-factual assertions that never materialize is so great that my imagination was casually imagining a large number of fake and practically non-existent objects. The surrounding region was completely dark.  Despite the fact that it was just the beginning of a routine day, I am already feeling exhausted. The only thing keeping me from stepping out of my shell and mingling with the people around me is my disdain for what is going on here right now.  Greetings, Mr. Haim... Mr. Haim Clark, please! Mr. Rodriguez burst out laughing and started to scream.  What is it about you that you aren't paying attention, or even thinking, like the other people around you?  I responded in a snarky manner to this. That is very understandable, sir. Even though I'm still hidden by the darkness, you can make out my features.  "And what does the protagonist in our assigned narrative do?" says the interviewer. He stated it with a tinge of anger in his voice, as if he were aiming to embarrass me in front of the whole class. That is completely irrelevant to me.  To the best of my knowledge, he was crushed by the mob, hit by the bus, and subsequently died as a result of the shock. Once I've managed to get a word in edgewise, I start rambling. “You are a sociopath!” He remarked something to the effect of "This is historically important, and our key character is a female!" or anything along those lines. I find you to be an abhorrently sexist old guy. That's just what you were looking for, isn't it? to put me in a position of having to make better judgments There seemed to be no clear reason for my being in the first place. The fact that I despise school does not prevent me from attending this dreadful lesson. As I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, I became more annoyed. You have really been placed on administrative leave! You do not deserve to be among this group of people. Get the hell out of here! "Go!" Mr. Rodriguez said furiously as he pointed to the exit door of the classroom. "You're free at last!" “You are under no need to bid me that ridiculous beginning. I'll do it myself since I don't want to sit through this tedious lecture. I just wanted to let you know that you completely put everyone in this class to sleep. What you've done so far has made it very clear: everything you've gained from your dumb expedition and diary of your disgusting lifestyle is a complete waste of time!" I dashed out of my classroom as soon as I could, closed the door as loudly as I could, and began racing away from the building. The pace of my walk is quick, and I stamp my foot in the air as if I am energized. clenching my fists and crossing my arms to make it seem as if I was in agony. Mr. Rodriguez yelled my name as he forcibly dragged himself out of the room, keeping the door open for the other students. What does it make a difference? I couldn't give a rat's behind about anything. At this point, I'll go to the hallway that will take me to the school's main entrance. If you plan on coming to the dean's office to request a leave of absence, you must inform them of the reason for your suspension. Otherwise, you're behaving in an irrational manner. I'll be suspended as many times as they want, and it won't matter to me since nothing matters anymore. While strolling, I put both of my hands in the pocket of my black hoodie, ready to face the harrowing journey that this world has in store for me. It's tough to make out anything other than the irritating loudness of the crowd in the background. imprisoned birds' incessant whining and gnashing of teeth The sky was murky and uninspiring, with low-hanging clouds floating lazily across the air. Why in the world should I continue to exist on this planet if a god does not want me to be here? Is he, in fact, one of the nicest, most compassionate, intelligent, and intelligent infinite creatures there is? Because he is so all-powerful, it becomes evident why persons who seem to be highly unique in appearance have said that the construction of a world that is a complete failure and a complete mess would indicate that he lacks the required capability to do so. This covers everything that exists in the universe. The fact that the world is a fully chaotic, horrible mess defines it entirely and permanently is what defines. In the course of this routine journey, I came upon an intriguing rock, although I had nothing to do with it. I just did it because I was bored, and I utilized the kicks to accelerate the process. “No matter how different you are, you are worthless no matter how many things you do,” says the author to start things off. “Do you ever feel physically influenced by the way other people kick you?” asks the second kick. The third kick landed in such a horrific way. Simply sitting back and doing nothing will not help. However, despite the fact that you seem to be a common stone, you are really a very little part of a much larger image. Even though they do not have any feelings, it is possible that dead things will nonetheless be referred to as hard. During the fourth kick, he thought to himself, "At the very least, you've come closer to me..." Please give us a minute to process this.  With my research of a new stone well begun, my thoughts had wandered elsewhere, and I had been completely unaware of my current location. When I arrived, I was on my way to a very unpleasant location. He'd never seen anything like that before, and it was a refreshing change. When my eyes first opened, I was shocked to see that I was completely enveloped in darkness. Despite this, I was pleased to be in such an unfamiliar environment. My subconscious is telling me that I have been distant from the Earth and have ended myself in a strange and perplexing location without even recognizing it. My immediate instinct was to go and look around, so I wandered about with no fear and with the capacity to stay open to any and all possibilities that presented themselves. With the exception of my aversion to the ground, I had no difficulty getting about when traveling. I just follow my feet wherever they may lead me, and the sky seemed to me to be utterly different from what I was used to. When searching at photos of galaxies on the internet, finding the appropriate picture to go along with that sensation of tranquillity was like discovering the missing piece of a jigsaw. Despite the fact that none of the signs of hunger or thirst were evident, it was thought that the whole globe may be strange. Because the planet is incapable of exhibiting these characteristics, it cannot be the same as the Earth.   After just a short period of time, the location had completely changed, to the point that it could no longer be considered the same location. The universe is meant to contain everything, regardless of how much or how little it wishes. To be quite honest, I was taken aback by the fact that I had been discovered. The place had a strange, almost dreamlike sense to it, as if it were a floating island of unusual, luminous flora and dust-like light animals, with a delicate current slipping across an imagined breeze. Finally, but certainly not least, there was a stream of water that seemed strange in appearance, and it was possible that the little, glittering animals might swim in this water. To my amazement, even in the midst of the perfect calm, the surroundings seemed to be really peaceful. I'm entirely at peace right now. So that I might take pleasure in the amazing universe that I have found, I lie to the dazzling and enormous leaf-like creature that may be a plant while telling how to develop. But, to be really honest, I'm not experiencing any indicators of exhaustion. In other words, it's possible that I was merely dreaming, or that I'm still asleep and would want to continue sleeping. So long as I am unable to rescue the planet, my life is not worth anything to me. I believe that this planet was created just for me. To put it another way, I could easily spend the rest of my life working on this domain and not have any regrets about my decision. I opened my mouth, but I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind was all over the place, flitting from one place to another. At first, I was giddy with excitement, but as soon as I heard the noise and realized that the ruckus was at such a high decibel level, I started to feel apprehensive. Understandably, it was not just me who had been more aware of the slow growth in the low, almost imperceptible rumble that ultimately turned into a full-scale rampage. Any and all of the things I may have to say to this fantastic, and very huge, group of individuals may one day become a reality. I oscillate between my emotions and my wrath, and as a result, my writing is often unfocused and disorganized. Suddenly, I am filled with a sense of self-assurance, as if I were the ruler of the kingdom in this enterprise. In most cases, this is owing to the fact that I am the only owner of this domain. Despite the fact that I was aware that the obnoxious cacophony was being generated by my change, I remained unaffected. However, when I discovered who or what was causing the commotion, I was completely taken aback. At first, all I could hear was complete and utter silence. The silence wasn't quite deafening, though; I could hear it even as I opened my eyes. It's possible that my dreams are still lurking in the shadows, keeping an eye on me. It was not a nightmare, but it was a written description of the horrifying events that occurred in my life and that I could not forget.   When I was eight years old, a terrible semi-truck drove into my parents, killing them on the spot. After that, all that was left was a big pool of blood and gore, with only gory pieces of my parents' corpses clinging to the sides of the pool. I was completely taken aback, and all I could do was stare in stunned awe at what had happened. There was a massive outpouring of blood, and I was able to detect it in more than one spot at the same time. The amount of blood on the floor was so enormous that I couldn't tell who it belonged to. At first, I was terrified beyond belief, but thereafter, I was still in awe of what had happened. I had my tongue totally consumed in order to guarantee that I would be unable to talk or scream out for fear of being discovered. My skin was flushed, despite the fact that I was still cold, as a result of the extra heat created by my body. Despite the thunderous applause that erupted all around me, I was unable to discern anything. My vision was getting more compromised, and I finally succumbed at that very time.   This is an instance when the dream was quite realistic, to the degree that I was able to recognize it. I didn't have much of an option except to elaborate.   Despite the fact that there was still enough money, I felt as if I was on my own with no one to turn to for assistance.
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