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Would something have been there all along if we weren't thinking about it? I am exhausted. Getting tired of being a human. Someone who is useless to others. A walker of the dead. I can see so much darkness. an empty space that allowed my eyes to see, but prevented my ears from hearing from a hundred decibels of quiet My body seems to be fighting with my mind, which I allow it to do, and yet my body also seems to be pushing back on me, as if it were wanting to escape, to draw breath, and to raise its hand to life. Why is that? There are so many fictional and quasi-factual claims that never happen that my mind was carelessly thinking of many fictitious and almost non-existent things. The whole area was pitched darkness.   That was only the beginning of a typical day, and yet I am already fatigued. My distaste for what is going on here is the only thing that is stopping me from coming out of my shell and interacting with the people around me. Mr. Haim… Mr. Haim Clark! Mr. Rodriguez began shouting hysterically. How is it that you are not listening or even thinking, like the rest of us? I answered sarcastically to this. That is to be expected, sir. You can see me, even if I'm still obscured by the darkness. "And what does the protagonist do in our assigned story?" he said, his voice dripping with annoyance as if he were attempting to shame me in the entire class. That does not matter to me. To my knowledge, I believe he was trampled by the crowd, was struck by the bus, and then passed away from shock. Once I've got a word in, I then start to babble. You are a psycho!” He said something along the lines of "This is historically significant, and our primary character is a girl!" You are a disgustingly sexist old man! That is exactly what you wanted, isn't it? To shame me into making better decisions. There is no apparent purpose for my being in the first place. In spite of the fact that I loathe school, I continue to go to this terrible class. I started to grow irritated as I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. You have really been suspended! You do not deserve to be in this class. Get out of here! Mr. Rodriguez pointed angrily towards the exit door of the classroom, saying, "Go! You're free now!" “You do not need to bid me that silly beginning. I'll do it myself, I have no need for this dull class. To let you know, you really put everyone to sleep in this class. What you've done so far has made it clear: All you've learned so far is your idiotic excursion and your chronicle of your vulgar existence!" I exited my classroom as quickly as possible, locked the door as loudly as I could, and started running away. I use a brisk stroll, stamping my foot as if I am working up a lot of anger. I clenched my fists while crossing my arms as though I were in pain. Mr. Rodriguez aggressively hauled out himself from the class while holding the door, yelling my name. What difference does it make? I do not give a damn, anyhow. Now I will go on to the corridor that leads to the main exit of the school. If you are going to go to the dean's office to submit a leave, then you have to tell them why you're suspended. Otherwise, you're acting without reason. I'll be suspended as many times as they choose, nothing has significance to me now.   While walking, I place both of my hands in the pocket of my black sweatshirt to experience the awful road that this planet has to offer. It is difficult to distinguish anything beyond the obnoxious clamor of the throng. the constant complaining of caged birds The hazy, uninteresting sky, with lazy, low-hanging clouds drifting lazily in the air. Why the hell should I live on this planet if a deity does not want me around? Is he indeed one of the kindest, most compassionate, clever, and clever infinite beings? Since he is so all-powerful, that makes it clear why the individuals who seem very unusual in appearance have said, the creation of the world that is a complete failure and a total mess would mean that he lacks the necessary power. This encompasses all that exists in the world. The world is completely and irrevocably defined by its being a completely chaotic, horrendous mess. While on this mundane trek, I came upon a fascinating rock, however, I had nothing to do with it. I just did it because I was bored, and I used the kicks to make it go faster. Kicking off, “No matter how different you are, you are useless no matter how many things you do.” The second kick, “Do you ever feel physically impacted by the way other people kick you?” so horrible, the third kick landed Simply doing nothing will not help. Despite the fact that you appear like simply a typical stone, you are really only a very little piece in the greater picture. Perhaps lifeless objects may still be referred to be hard, even if they do not have any type of sensation. During the fourth kick, he mused, "At least you've gotten closer to me..." Please hold on for a moment. With my investigation of a new stone underway, my mind had drifted elsewhere and I had been unconscious of my position. I was about to find an unsettling spot when I arrived. The setting was markedly different from anything he'd ever encountered. My eyes initially opened and, to my horror, I found myself in absolute darkness. Yet, on some level, I was relieved to be in such an unknown state. My mind is telling me that I have been estranged from the Earth and ended up in a weird, bewildering place without even realizing it. My first reaction was to go and investigate the place, so I walked with no fear and had the ability to remain open to any and all possibilities. I didn't have any problems traveling about, with the exception of my dislike to the ground. I follow my feet wherever they may take me, and the sky seemed completely different to me. Discovering the perfect image to go along with that sense of tranquility when looking at photographs of galaxies on the internet was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle. While none of the symptoms of hunger or thirst were present, it was speculated that the whole world may be odd. It cannot be like way since the planet is incapable of having these properties. Only a little time had passed, and the site had shifted totally, to the point that it was no longer the same place. Anything, no matter how much or how little it desires, is destined to wind up in this cosmos. To be honest, I was taken aback to have been found out. As if it were a floating island of unique, luminescent flora and dust-like light creatures with a delicate current sliding over an illusory wind, the location had a weird, almost dreamy feel. And last but not least, there was also an alien-like kind of water that was flowing, and maybe the small, sparkly creatures could swim in it. To my surprise, amid the serene silence, the surroundings felt really tranquil. I feel completely at ease. When describing how to grow, I lie to the dazzling and huge leaf-like creature that may be a plant, as I may enjoy the magnificent world that I have discovered. But to be honest, I don't feel any signs of being fatigued. It may be that I was only dreaming, or alternatively, I may be still sleeping and would just wish to remain sleeping. My life is not worth anything to me until I can save this world. I think that this planet is designed just for me. To put it another way, I could spend the rest of my life in this domain without having any regrets. I started to speak but didn't know what to say. My thoughts were everywhere, flying from here to there. At first, I was filled with enthusiasm, but then I began to feel it once I heard the noise and the uproar was at such a decibel level. I understand that it was not just me who had noticed the gradual increase in the low, almost silent rumbling that eventually became a full-scale rampage. Everything I may have to say to this incredible, and large, group of people may eventually become a reality. I swing back and forth between my emotions and my rage, and it often ends up being unfocused and scattered. I have a sudden surge of self-assurance, telling me that I am the dominant kingdom in this business. This is most likely due to the fact that I am in control of this domain. Even though I knew that the dreadful racket was being caused by my transformation, I was unmoved. However, when I found out what was making the racket, I was very astonished. At first, all I heard was absolute calm. It was quiet, but it wasn't silent; I could hear it as I opened my eyes. My nightmares may still be lurking in the shadows, keeping watch over me. It was not a nightmare, however, it was a documented account of my horrible events I could not forget. When I was eight, a horrible semi-truck plowed over my parents, killing them instantly. Afterward, all that was left was a massive pool of blood and gore, with just bloody shreds of my parents' bodies left. I was absolutely flummoxed; all I could do was stand in shocked amazement. There was an outpouring of blood, and I was able to perceive more than one location where it was present. The blood was so extensive that I could not even determine whose it was. At first, I was scared beyond belief, but after the fact, I was still amazed. I had my tongue completely devoured in order to ensure that I would be unable to either speaking or crying out. My skin was flushed though I was still chilly, due to excessive heat generated in my body. Despite the tremendous sounds of cheering that went on around me, I could not hear anything. My eyes were becoming more and more impaired, and at that moment I collapsed. Where dream was very genuine, to the extent that I was able to perceive it. I had no other choice than to expand. Even though there was still enough money, I felt as though I was all alone with no one to aid me.
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