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Grace woke up in her enormous fancy bedroom in a subtle way. She was mesmerized by the dawn as if the nature were gracefully welcoming her for another wonderful day. The sky basically was painted very blue perfectly in a really big way. The birds basically were chirping as if they kind of were singing in a flawless melody, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. The breeze brought the fragrance of the morning, while their servants were peacefully preparing for the whole day work. She gently rubbed her belly while humming a very familiar song for the reason that she intends to wake up her child in a beautiful hymn. She goes out to her room looking for Haim, however she could not find him anyway. “Where did Haim go?” she asked their one servant. The servant did not spit any words, yet he was so apparent of being uncomfortable. “Just tell me, where did Haim go?” Grace asked him once more. Finally, the servant spoke and said, “I am very sorry Ms. Grace, but Sir Haim told me that I must not give away to anyone where he is right now especially to you, however I just could not stand any lies, I am bad at lying though.” “Sir Haim goes to the city to find something fascinating and captivating to be a present and surprise for you Ms. Grace.” And just a minute the servant particularly spilled everything to Grace that supposed to actually be a really secret of Haim. On the kind of other hand, Grace felt bad, yet she was overwhelmed by the efforts of Haim. “Gosh, my bad. I am very sorry for interrupting your work and forcing you to spill that very secret of yours with Haim. Although, it was very sweet of him don’t you think?” Grace apologized, yet her heart just could not move on and still overwhelmed, for all intents and purposes contrary to prevalent confidence. After her conversation with the servant, she goes into their broadly vast balcony mainly facing there in particular enormous garden. She in most cases was so distinctly delighted that she honestly smiles through the pleasure of happiness. Her heart was profoundly pounding loudly, that she even could not keep it definitely silent, for it was carousing by being drunk of exceptionally extreme love. She in fact was humming in bliss; nothing could stop her. Her mother fairly saw her while in fact wandering around and she predominantly is really curious why normally is her daughter dancing in the melody with literally high spirits and euphoria. She kind of goes into grace to certainly know what is remarkably happening. “What’s with the little graceful dancing and singing my daughter? Be careful though you may slip, but I don’t think so since you were so aware by your surroundings yet swayed by the jubilation.” Grace’s mother said. “Nah, I was just again in love. I think I am flying in this pink breeze which indeed I am in hallucination. I was just moving by the ecstasy of this addicting feeling which undeniably controlling me, and I could not stop it.” Grace answered. “Is it because of Haim though?” her mother responds. “Obviously, it is about him indeed. That one servant told me that Haim searched the whole city looking for something for me, it was secret though, yet I forced that servant. Silly me.” Grace smirked. “So, when he comes, I will act like I just still do not know about his big surprise. I do not want to waste his efforts though, but I do not think I can contain it. Still, I will do my best.” Grace added and just could not stop talking about it, for she was so thrilled by the wonder of the present of Haim. Suddenly, Grace’s mother was brought by the memories of her marvelous and wondrous past. “I remember so much about my teenage times, specifically when I met your father.” Her mother said. “I still recall how he put all efforts just to make me fall in love with him, just to give my yes to his ‘Will you be my soulmate?’ question. I am already in love with him though, yet I was just playing a hard to get since I want to know how far he can go and how big can he do for me. I still remember that he makes those funny faces and suddenly shouts ‘You see her? I love that girl’ while pointing at me. We were on the bridge on the top of a swan lake that time and the crowd around us was huge.” Her mother added. “I just know, I indeed know that Haim was genuinely and deeply in love with you, and I am happy for you Grace, but I do not think that I am that much as delighted as you were right now.” “I am certainly happy indeed mom and I just could not contain it, like it was overflowing.” Grace answered. The two, kind of were enthusiastically mostly exchanging conversations about their lovely experiences that remarkably brought by love and just could not halt as if it were a drug that certainly is notably preventing them to singularly be normally interrupted by anything. Until a sort of huge ruckus generally was constantly initiated. The delightful atmosphere pretty much was kind of turned upside down. The breeze principally was not specifically cool, and it was not in most cases hot either, it usually was just an essentially terrifying ambience. The lively basically noon definitely became dead. The sun could not notably be strikingly seen because of the pretty much massive dark clouds, yet it in fact was not a warning for a notably heavy rain. A sort of vast glasses was continuously broken and the sound of it made Grace and her mother curious of what is with the swift commotion. The two were awfully terrified as they parade on the museum of corpses and blood of their servants and guards. Grace would like to vomit, yet she continues to walk bravely with her mother for they are very worried and hopeful that Victor De la Cruz was still alive since the ruckus is still resonating in his room. While the two were on their way to Victor’s room, Victor himself run towards them and gasped, “Save yourselves!” Victor was covered with blood and deep wounds. He was tremendously horrified, yet he was very worried about the two. The two asked him of what is happening but before Victor could explain, a familiar man was coming towards them. The man furiously kind of runs on the way to them, so the family deals awfully to effectively escape before him. They definitely were extremely horrified and sort of weary. Suddenly, the man managed to definitely catch Victor as he throws a mainly sharp knife in the direction of them. Victor actually caught off guard and fell. The man held Victor in his collar and the two chiefly stopped to look for him. Victor told them to elementally run away and just substantially forget about him but the two disobeys him. They were fairly begging the man to predominantly free them. “Why are you doing this?” Grace shouted in fear. “What do you want? If you want money, then we have that much to satisfy you but please just do not kill my father! We can do anything for you!” Grace desperately begs the man while she was crying. The man on the other hand did not spoke any words. He was so weird, but one thing is obvious, he wants to do a killing spree. Grace and her mother saw how Victor died. The man had no conscience to do such thing. Fortunately, the two achieved to escape. They were running nonstop until they reach the door. The house was very dark in every corner. Nothing could be seen, but a terrifying pitch black. The two were running for their lives while the man was just weirdly walking to catch them. At particularly last, the two almost reached the hallway into the main door but unfortunately Grace`s mother awfully slipped from the blood of one of their lifeless servant and could not run anymore. Their hopes to in fact escape come into an especially terrible distress. Grace somehow primarily helped her mother to exceedingly run into the door, yet another for all intents and purposes ill-fated situation interferes to their hopes. The door was locked, and they truly were literally trapped. They could not undoubtedly see any way to escape as if they must accept their time. Grace principally panicked and strikingly experienced a great pain for all intents coming from her belly. She chiefly was awfully exhausted, and her body could not move anymore chiefly due to the singularly affected unborn child. They substantially were literally hopeless hearing the man sort of coming towards them. They have no weapons to fairly protect themselves or either anything that could in general help them to survive. Their body were incredibly in general depleted that it distinctly was on the edge of shutting down. They undoubtedly were about to notably faint, yet they could not. They were just in the situation of a horrendous anguish. The man ruthlessly pulled the hair of Grace’s mother and beaten her until she was found lifeless. Grace was so terrified watching her mom dying, yet she could do nothing but to stare.
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