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Grace despair turns into a great hallucination. She saw a massive white blur light. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed to one of tranquility. She saw herself enjoying a fantastic ecstatic time. She was holding her baby, who was giggling and had a lovely smile and charming eyes. She saw Haim certainly in love and caring for her. They were in a completely unfamiliar home, but it might be the one that everybody else fantasizes about. They are overflowing with ecstasy. Her parents were also there. It certainly felt like paradise. Grace was lifeless. Haim’s reality is hell. Everyone around him is dead. He is in a great despair. He could swallow his tongue from the distress where he is right now. He was just in so much jubilation, yet everything was turned upside down. He could not even hear the commotion created by the throngs of eager onlookers. He tried to scream, but he had no idea what to cry for. He was enraged. He was in excruciating pain but could not say something. He wanted to scream, but he kept his mouth shut. He was unable to breathe normally. His heart was bursting at the seams with feelings. Haim's shadow, which devoured him in his dream, is hungry for him. Despite the fact that he sweats profusely, the night was not very humid. The air was deafeningly still and bitterly cold, stinging his eyes. The sky gleams with anguish. The owls were waving their wings and screaming. His night was over in a flash. He was down substantially on his knees as he watched the police officers remove three bodies from his wife's home. As the last corpse rests entirely its hand further than the white cloth that protects its corpse, he is completely stunned. It belonged to his wife. So many of his sacrifices had been in vain. Many of his high expectations had been dashed. All was devoid of any meaning. There is purely and simply nothing about him, because in his vast array of realities, he was selected to be in the most wretched of circumstances. The house of De la Cruz was no longer effectively a house. It was a pure morgue with a large and growing grudge with such as various corpses. Being a big house has the aura of being a total nightmare. All was in a total state of disarray. An ominous pitch black who hungers with terror and pain devoured the property. Detective Laura, on the other hand, had never actually expected such a large case to come from her. She portrays the crime scene as a huge rampage started by a great beast, not a frail individual. She is genuinely perplexed as to who the perpetrator is. She was concerned about Haim at the same time either because she realized how dangerous his condition was. She also claims that Haim was in grave danger as this perpetrator was on the loose, and that he could commit a major offense again and target Haim. As a result, the detective suggested that Haim be held out somewhere safe while he is still traumatized by reality's great nightmare. Haim could not really speak or see, and he could not even see any stuff. He was completely and utterly taken aback. The officers grabbed Haim and led him to the ambulance, where he was delivered to the station to be properly processed regarding his legal protection. Haim was little more than a shell. He had completely lost his mind. The officers attempted to obtain his unilateral declaration but were unable. On the other hand, the detective analyzed everything in order to locate a temporary shelter for Haim to allow him to settle. “The police officers will guide you to a safe house and they will be there also to guard you from further threats and danger.” Laura said to Haim. Haim on the other hand did not respond, yet he was just moved by the officers. Haim was also lost for words though on the mobile. He was simply looking at the same thing over and over again. His eyes were weeping, and he did not blink. His cries are the product of a great deal of anguish. His face could not speak, but his suffering eyes revealed his tormented soul. And then, the officers maintained a polite demeanor. They arrived at the safe house and at last. It was not great, but it was not terrible either. It was purely and simply a plain. It is not big enough for Haim and the three officers, but it will suffice. The moon shone brightly through the window of Haim's bedroom balcony, but it was not pleasant. The trees that surrounded the house were grief-stricken in the same way Haim was. All was not pleasant, but it was sufficient to ensure Haim's safety. Haim again suffered. Everything was hurting. Haim began daydreaming. The desolation he is in brought him back to the days where everything was just fine. He recalls how he sees a glance of his mother's face, happy to be able to see her youngest son's shining eyes and tiny little hands for the first time. She delights in picking up on his singing chortles and is alarmed by his every whine. Haim was overcome by the sensation of being held by his mother with affection. When grasping his mother's smooth divine face in his tiny palms, he was mesmerized by her stunning grin. “I love you to the moon and back, my sunshine,” she told her baby. He recalls how he particularly spotted his father and siblings, that he for all intents and purposes rushed up to them, clutching his basically little arms. Regardless of their hate and rage, he never let actually go of his mostly hold. Through his imagination, he welcomes his family until the pride of those who hate him disappears and they hold him back as if they truly literally missed him, or so they particularly thought. The atmosphere was magical, and there really was an outpouring of joy. He mostly recalls how Grace’s heart was racing as she specifically spoke with Haim. When he speaks, she generally finds Haim incredibly sexy. Haim's glistening locks, reddish cheekbones, and manly voice captivated her, or so they definitely thought. She had just discovered that Haim was the ideal man for her, with his pride and thoughtful demeanor. She kind of was already falling in love with him, while Haim was only releasing all of his exhaustion from life's resentment, and he literally had no idea what feelings Grace had for him. Also, when it was his birthday, as well as his wedding day in a foremost avenue. It literally had a particular meaning for him in a largely good manner. The heavens particularly join in the celebration, declaring, "I will for the most part make this the most happy and blissful day for them." The sun is shining brightly, birds generally are humming, the air generally is still, and trees and flowers really are dancing. All was welcomed to the wedding, which took place at Greenstone Park. Grace and Haim exchange vows on that day, swearing to each other in front of God that they will be together in joy and sorrow, in life and death, which absolutely is fairly substantial. All will generally see how they kissed before saying their positively vows in a really big way. It was true passion, nothing else, which is pretty considerable. Haim really was in ecstasy at the time. The great humid air of hallucination likely carried him away, assuring him that all was still fine. He hopes he could always be in his loved ones' arms and embrace. In his completely fictitious bliss, he was sadly laughing. He was somehow real content with the passion and enthusiasm that had vanished. He was enslaved by those good memories, and he refused to let go of them. On the other hand, the three guards were exchanging conversation and they were very curious about the case of Haim. “Just what do you think the criminal's motivation is? Even though Haim's life has become too difficult, he goes on a killing spree with little mercy toward Haim's relatives.” One of the officers said. “Don't quite you think there's something about Haim's past?” his comrade replied. Come to think about it, the perpetrator appeared out of nowhere and began a massive homicide campaign, with Haim as his primary target.” “However, I am always perplexed as to what is going on, and I'm astounded by how astute the perpetrator is. He commits a brilliant homicide, but his identity remains a mystery. Whoever is to blame, I am guessing he is not only a killer, but a highly skilled assassin.” According to the third officer. “But however, how come he left no sign of motivation or evidence?” And I am curious as to what's going on with Haim. Is it because of the sudden excess money, but I doubt it because Haim actually comes from the poorest background, and even if he didn't have any, the offender massacres his family.” He went on to say. “One thing is certain: Haim's life is a living hell, and anyone who comes too close to him will become the next victim of Haim.” “Nah, don't think that; after all, you can't forecast the future.” The perplexed officer responded. “Even so, I believe the culprit's current motivation is to see Haim die in vain.” “Maybe we had probably gone too far and were all babbling nonsense,” the one who started the talk said, stopping the two. “I suppose we should just go back to patrolling the border of the surrounding area.” Haim notices a lot of shadow. His vision could see noise, but his ears were deafened by a hundred decibels of silence. It was merely attempting to devour him, and he allowed and encouraged it to do so, but his body fights back, as if it were struggling to breathe, catching breath, and raising its hand to life. Haim's hallucination is once again thwarted by the blackout. It reminds Haim's torment and his isolation. It was depriving him of the will to live and breathe, and besides, there was no future for him. All was hanging upside down, soaked in blood and bruises, Haim noticed. The rope that bound the foot of the corpses to the fingertips of a giant shadow of a man in silhouette that was haunting him as he was playing on the corpses was connected. The shadow had an evil grin on his lips. Its domain was growing in size. Haim was tormented by a terrible agony. Haim is willing to let the shadow devour and kill him, but the shadow, on the other hand, has never done so and proceeds to torment Haim until he drops. Haim was unable to scream. He could not breathe, and his eyes were not blinking, and he could not help but see how something was falling apart. Again, the darkness torments him and is determined to carry out such heinous acts in his life. The shadow, on the other hand, had no intention of killing Haim.
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