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Detective Laura eventually returned to the grim crime scene during the night's events when she was unable to locate any interesting facts in the previous night's results. She looked in every corner of the so-called cursed mansion, including the river of blood corridor. She remembered how ruthless the rampage had become as she moved further through the passageway, and how awful the recollection of being a corpse had become. She noticed how blood had stained the floors and walls of every room she had been. All had been flipped on its head. She walked through any shattered fragment of glass. All was jumbled up in every room, and nothing was in its proper spot. Laura could not imagine that such a large-scale crime had been committed by a single person. Yet she was dead set on finding the perpetrator because she could not stand seeing such evil roaming free in her domain. She came out of the house after looking for something interesting in the backyard. She is perplexed as to why no one has set foot on it after the crime scene, despite the fact that it was spotless. The huge yard was the only part of the building that was never tainted by any criminal activity. She had a look around and saw how quiet it was. The massive fountain was hypnotic. The birds like to chirp. She saw the polar opposite of what she had been indoors. She made her way through the labyrinth in the middle. She was initially perplexed, but she then discovered the maze's middle entrance. She was astounded at what she saw. It felt like I was in a dream world. She was both distracted from her fatigue and awestruck by the tranquility of the environment. She sat on the lovely bench, which allowed her body to relax for a while. She was transported to a beautiful place and was able to daydream about blissful matters. In the middle of grotesque violence, how will such a place bring peace? Laura certainly kept daydreaming about her youth as she became totally absorbed by the serenity. She first saw herself swinging in a happy swing in the middle of the playground, surrounded by dancing trees. Even when on the swing, the sky was so blue and welcoming that it tried to pick her up. To the chirp of the birds, she hears the chains happily tingling together. While laughing enthusiastically, she felt her father's hand driving her. She saw her mum, who was wearing a beautiful hat and wearing a blue shirt, smiling at them. It was an absolute pleasure to mesmerize. She was oblivious to her surroundings, swayed only by the utter diversion. She hummed her way through the joy. In her quiet imagination, she was really content. She did not say much, so she is in a great mood. She was in such a pleasant spirit that she seemed to think there was little to be concerned with at the time. It is as if there is nothing to be bothered with. It was pretty quiet before Laura's daydream turned into a nightmare as time passed. And all was spinning around in a tangle. There was definitely a gunshot, but it was jumbled together in silence. She saw blood beneath her foot, which was always pouring and streaming. She asks why she is no longer being pushed off the swing, and as she turns around, she sees her father shot and drenched in his own blood. She was so terrified that she turned to look for her mother, but she discovered that she, too, was floating in a pool of blood. She was transformed into a maniac. She is at such a loss for what to do. Her heart was suffocated with sorrow and terror. Everything was completely transformed into an inverse document frequency nightmare, and she awoke from her daydream at that point. She certainly heard herself weeping when she awoke. Her heart happens racing furiously and incessantly. In the middle of the scavenge, she initially found she was utterly overwhelmed and started daydreaming. She seemed rather oblivious to the fact that she was indeed in the vicinity of such a murderous rampage. Just as in such a quiet suburb, the scars of a massive killing spree will never be erased. The location drew her into her own personal nightmare of reality. Laura's parents were killed in a large public spree while she was a teenager, which inspired her to become a detective for the reason that she had been enraged by the wrongdoers. There was nothing she could see that she could use as evidence, but the garden piqued her interest. As she returned to the precinct, she collected all of the information she could about the enigmatic De la Cruz garden. She was adamant about finding out who this ruthless man was who was slaughtering so many innocent people. She found herself in Haim's shoes because she, too, was an orphan as a result of such a crime. She was ruthless in her examination of the situation. And if the case was relatively clean, she realizes there is still a way to find the perpetrator. She could not simply abandon the case, no matter how difficult it was. She is gathering more information and planning to do a background search on Haim, as well as knowing more people who might have reasons to do those things. So far, nothing has been able to discourage Laura. Laura's history and sad trauma was triggered by all that happened in Haim's miserable life. Using her own hands, she will avenge Haim and bring peace in Haim's life. Now that all is in motion, she would prepare herself to trace the man behind the silhouette with confidence. Now that she was still committed, she would devote so much time and her life to unearthing the great assassin of the people who surrounded Haim, and she would be willing to confront the hardest situation she could possibly face.
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