Episode 8

1885 Words
EPISODE 8 If I admit that my mother didn’t tell me anything the doctor is going to wonder what kind of a dysfunctional family we are but I also don’t know what lies to tell so I start stammering...”Uh...she...uh...” I softly pinch my nose in embarrassment, my head hanging low, eyes on the ground. “He had a heart attack,” he announces. My eyes widen and my heart jumps with dread, “what! A heart attack, why...do you know what caused it...is he...is he going to be alright?” I start to panic. The doctor gently squeezes my shoulder with his comforting hand, “take it easy young lady, we don’t want you to also get a heart attack...your father is going to be okay, we are expecting him to wake up any minute from now. It’s good that you are here, he will need to see a loved one’s face when he wakes up,” he utters with confidence. I take a long deep breath to calm myself; I close my eyes and silently thank God for answering my prayer. “You are going to be alright dad,” I whisper. “Your father has high blood pressure; it’s what caused him to have a heart attack. I ran a few tests and I came to the conclusion that he has been under a lot of stress. Would you have an idea what’s causing him so much stress?” The doctor asks. I try to think of what could be bothering father besides the fact that he works too hard and yet he still can’t make enough money to give his family a decent life and of course he must feel like he has failed his wife who is clearly not happy with the life she is living. Seeing that I’m failing to respond and how deep in thought I am, the doctor asks another question, “is your parents’ marriage in trouble?” I look up at him with narrowed eyes and a displeased scowl on my face, “why would you think that?” as I wait for his answer a troubling thought creeps into my mind, could it be that my mother said something to him or worse, she made a move on him? Now I’m wishing I hadn’t asked him that question because I’m not sure I want to hear the answer. The doctor’s mouth drops open as he is about to say something in response, “Becca!” I hear my father’s powerless voice call out my name and that becomes enough to forget about the conversation I was having with the doctor. “Father...You are awake,” I squeal with delight before abandoning my seat and giving him a hug. “Let me give you a moment alone, I will be back later to examine him,” the doctor excuses himself. “Thank you,” I smile with relief and appreciation of being given time alone with my father. “Do you remember what happened dad?” “Uh...the last thing I remember is grabbing my plate to take it to the sink after dinner,” he states. “You fell to the ground and passed out,” “Oh...I can’t imagine how scared you all must have been...I’m sorry,” he apologizes with a troubled look on his face. “You don’t have to apologize...it wasn’t your fault...the doctor says your blood pressure shot up and you had a heart attack. Father....you could have died,” I pause as I realise that what I’m saying is not helping the situation, I do not want to get him stressed out. The bell rings, signalling that visiting hour is over, “where is your mother?” father asks, his voice unable to hide his disappointment. “She was here all night yesterday, I had to beg her to go home to sleep and let me be the one to wait for you to wake up,” my eyes blink as I lie to my father. I couldn’t bear the disappointed written all over his face. “Oh Vivian,” he whispers and his once disappointed face brightens up and a chuffed smile slowly spreads across his face. “I’m glad you are okay dad....I have to go now,” I give him a kiss on the forehead before trailing off. I feel so much better now that my father has awoken and the doctor confirmed that he is going to be okay, I only hope he will confide in me whatever it is that is troubling him. Does he not know that he can tell me anything and I will do whatever I can to help him regardless of whatever he needs? “Miss Cruz,” I hear someone call my name from behind me, I turn around and see the doctor running towards me, for a moment my heart thumps in my chest as I worry that maybe my father has passed out again but I manage to convince myself that it’s not the case. “Is everything alright?” I ask, “You left your bag behind,” he says as he hands me the bag. “Oh...I don’t know how I forgot it....thank you so much Dr. Greenfield,” my phone and my transport money are inside that bag, I was going to be stranded if not for the good doctor being kind enough to run after me to give it to me. All this time I hadn’t bothered to really pay attention to his looks, my eyes flutter after I take in his gorgeous eyes and his eyebrows that are somehow in a sexy shape, his masculine body is visible underneath his white coat and his face is worth looking at twice or thrice. Why am I even bothering admiring how good looking this man is, he is far off my league, girls like me can never be asked out by men like him, I’m sure he is married to a gorgeous woman and they have four children together. My eyes quickly dart down to check his hand and there is no ring there but I know that doesn’t mean he is not engaged to someone. Gosh why am I even thinking about all that just because he ran after me to give me my bag? “Are you okay?” he asks after I spend more than thirty seconds staring up at him and not saying anything. “Yes...I’m okay....I should go,” I quickly turn around to walk away but he stops me, “Miss Cruz...Wait!” I stop right in my tracks and turn back to face him. “I have checked on your father, he is good to go home. I prescribed some medication for him to lower his blood pressure and to strengthen his heart muscles,” he informs. Great! Now we have extra costs of purchasing medication, I sigh. “What’s the matter? I thought you would be happy to hear that?” Doctor Greenfield is confused. “No...it’s not that...of course I am happy that my father can now come home...I just wasn’t expecting it to be this soon,” I answer. Well, father coming home will save us on transport costs of having to visit him at the hospital as well as reduce the hospital bill. It is best for father to recover while with his family at the comfort of his own home, although the home is not so comfortable because of its condition. “It will be best that you get him a comfortable ride that will take him straight home,” he suggests. “But I don’t have a car and I can’t afford hiring a cab it’s very expensive, we can only take the bus,” I dejectedly say. There is a moment of silence as I feel troubled about the situation and what I can do about it. “I’m about to head out, I can give you and your dad a lift back home if you don’t mind,” he offers. I peer up at him stunned by his unexpected generous offer which I feel I cannot accept. I’m about to turn him down when I’m reminded of Pamela telling me that there is nothing wrong with accepting gifts, if I need help and someone offers to help then I should simply accept it. But what is dad going to think of all this? How will it even look? “Becca?” I feel the doctor’s warm hand cover mine and it sends shivers down my spine, I don’t recall the last time I felt a man’s hand on mine except my father’s. If his touch makes me feel warm and fuzzy in the inside then how am I going to manage being next to him for the next thirty minutes while he drives me home? “Are you okay with me driving you home?” he asks. “Yes...thank you...that is very kind of you; I will go and help my father get ready,” I simper before trailing off. My father wears a suspicious and uncomfortable expression after I let him know that doctor Greenfield will be driving us back home but he says nothing to protest. The doctor’s car is a fancy blue SUV with leather seats and a vibrant dashboard; I have never been in a car this beautiful before, it even smells nice. After helping my dad to get settled at the backseat, Greenfield realises that I too want to sit at the back, “why don’t you sit in the front so you can direct me to your house?” he proposes. I glance at my dad and he throws me a disapproving eye, I ignore him because what the doctor is saying makes sense to me, he can’t drive with an empty front seat as if he is a taxi driver. “Sure,” I simper. He walks ahead of me and opens the door for me. ‘Perfect gentleman’ I think to myself. He turns the key and the car doesn’t start, we exchange uncomfortable glances before he tries again and it still doesn’t start. Oh no...this can’t be happening, my mind has already adjusted to the idea of being driven home in style I do not want to think of going to catch a bus now. He notices my worried look and he taps my shoulder lightly, “don’t worry I’m sure it’s a minor thing that can be fixed, let me just check the battery terminals,” he jumps out of the car and opens up the hood and starts touching things there. “Can you try the car for me now please,” he requests. I’m not comfortable with the thought but I have to help him out, I only hope I won’t touch or press anything I’m not supposed to while at it. I hop out of the car and move to the driver’s seat as I touch the steering wheel with my left hand whilst preparing to turn the key with my right hand, I can’t help fantasizing about one day having my own car even if it won’t be as fancy and beautiful as this one just as long as it is mine.
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