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Rose Why doesn't this room seem familiar? I looked around and gulped hard. The room was so f*****g big. When I was in the bathroom, I thought I could have a party in there but the bedroom was a whole different story. It was at least double the size of Christian's! It had dark grey walls, black furniture that was shiny without a speck of dust, a floor to ceiling glass door to a huge balcony from where the whole pack lands could be seen, grey carpet, a huge king-size bed in the center, and a piano beside the glass door. A f*****g piano!! Really? Does he play it? I looked at the bedside table and froze on the spot. It was his picture with his family. Picture of him with Luna and his dad. Sir William Black. He has been in a coma for 10 years. I had never seen him before but why do I feel like I have? Involuntarily my feet took me over to that picture and I lifted it. Luna never allowed anyone except Chris's family and my pops with the doctor's team to enter his room. The regular maids aren't even allowed in to clean his room. Only special ones enter his room for that purpose. And she never even let me go in that section of the packhouse where his room was. The reason was clear, it's because I am a human. She despises humans. And I am starting to think Xavier isn't fond of humans either. Nobody even talks about Sir William in the pack much. Everyone says what happened to him was tragic and so unbearable that his body gave up. But looking at him now, I know where Xavier got his good looks and physique from. He looks exactly like his father. He is like his dad in a younger version. In the picture, Xavier was looking at a dead bull with an expression of victory and happiness. He was actually smiling. Luna looked young and happy and was clapping while Sir William had an expression of pride on his face. He was patting Xavier's back. At the back, it looked like a few pack members were howling in joy. It was the picture of his first hunt. Every alpha blood in the lycan breed performs this ceremony. At the age of ten, with a team of warriors, they hunt an animal and gift it to the moon goddess as an offering. But looking at the picture, he was standing alone with bloodied hands and ruined clothes, it implies he carried out the hunt alone. The bull was four times his size. Beast from birth. But then I came to my senses. I was still in that beast's room!! Fuck I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Nobody is allowed in his room without his permission. And by his behavior, he would hardly give any, especially to me. I put the frame back in its place. It was still raining heavily and the weather was a little cold now. Just when I was about to turn, I heard the bedroom door open. The hairs on my neck stood to attention and I was able to feel the aura in my bones. Oh no please no. Gulping hard, I slowly turned around and sucked a sharp breath. He was there. Of course. His dark gray eyes were looking at me with hunger and anger, like I am his prey. At that moment I felt like I could be that dead bull any minute. But my eyes then took in his appearance and my legs wobbled. Oh sweet baby Jesus, he will be my death. His hair was wet and so were his clothes. His shirt was glued to him, I could see his abs clearly. His n*****s were visible too and seeing those, my own turned into hard buds, itching with the fabric of my t-shirt. I again looked back at his face and noticed that drop that was cascading from his hair to the apple of his cheeks, grazing by his red plumpy lips, it traveled to his neck caressing the scar on his collarbone, and went inside his shirt. I wanted to be that drop. I want to touch him like that. I want to feel him like that. Focus Rose. I looked up and saw he wasn't looking at me. No. He was looking at my legs. More like staring. And just by his look, a jolt of electricity traveled through my spine making me breathe heavily. How can he make me feel this without actually doing anything? He wasn't asking anything and just kept staring at me yet that made me more nervous, so I took that responsibility on my shoulders and tried to explain to him. The keyword was tried because looking at him my mouth refused to utter a word. Who could? He was looking so hot. Like panty dropping hot. A Greek God walking on this earth but also a devil in a God facade. "I... Umm...I am sorry. I h...had no intention to enter your room without---" I froze when he locked the door. And my heart nearly stopped. We were alone in his bedroom. The realization took my breath away. It was bad. Things were getting out of hand real fast. I shivered when he looked back at me. The intensity of his desire and need was so evident that it invited goosebumps all over my body. One thing I liked most about him, except for his God-like body, was his eyes. His eyes resemble the clouds filled with rain, and they express. He may mask emotions on his face, but his eyes speak volumes. My own eyes widened when he removed his shirt in one motion and his hair became messy. My fingers itched to touch them, feel them. "What are you doing?!" I shrieked, feeling nervous and aroused. My cheeks felt hot. The view of his body leaves me wanting something that I should never be thinking about. The view of his smooth yet hard looking chest glistening with the pearly drops wants me to run my hands on it. The abs and the curve of his waist made my hands curl into fists. I wanted to caress them. Those big arms. Damn. I was breathing heavily. "You were saying something about trespassing into my bedroom." His gravelly voice invited goosebumps on my skin. In this quiet room with only the sound of thunder, his rough voice was velvet for me. He removed his watch and put it on the table and took two steps in my direction. The way he moves, like he owns the whole damn world. My breathing hitched in my throat and I fumbled. "I wasn't transpassing. You got into my eyes, and I came into the mosquito's room but I didn't know at that time" his eyes narrowed at me and his lips twitched at the corner and one brow went up. I realized my mistake and bit my lip. "No no" I hurriedly spoke, throwing my hands up dramatically. Fuck! "Mosquitoes got into my eyes and I didn't know where I was going---" he took two more steps in my direction and his nostrils flared. His face took on a murderous expression from amusement. One moment we were fifteen steps apart and the next moment he was in front of me with his wet body glued to mine making my clothes wet too and his hand wrapped around my throat. I yelped when he tugged my hair back and bare my neck to him. He leaned in and traced his nose on the slope of my neck. Inhaling my scent. His chest rumbled. I liked this sensation, his nose on my warm skin. He looked back into my eyes with lava in his eyes, golden and gray was switching back and forth and he barked out loudly in my face. "Why the f**k are you reeking of Christian?" His eyes were dark resembling the clouds of a storm yet like a blazing fire. His jaw was clenched. I can see the muscles near his eyes twitched. His voice took on baritone notes showing he and his lycan both were speaking at the same time. I bite my lip when his hold tightens on my neck. My heart was beating so fast, banging on the walls of my chest to come out. "Wh...what are y...you are talking about?" He pressed my back against the wall and growled, and I closed my eyes in fear. "Didn't I tell you that you aren't allowed to be touched by anybody except me? Are you that desperate to be touched? Tell me if there is any ache" The room was dark, with only thunder and lightning illuminating his face from time to time. Tears burned in my eyes and I punched him but due to his fast reflexes, he turned his face resulting in the punch grazing over his jaw. My knuckles hurt so bad yet I still want to do that again. I want to punch his nose which he always pokes in my life, in my sanity. And I didn't even want to acknowledge the shudders in my body due to his aura. "Just because you are a lycan, an Alpha doesn't give you the right to degrade me!" I yelled. How could he? Insensitive bastard!! Fear and anger were accompanying in my heart like best buddies. His grip tightened on my hair. His lips curled in an evil smirk and he leaned in. His soft, petal-like lips were almost touching mine. "But don't forget that I can very well tell you what you will or won't do. You stay the f**k away from any man or..." He left it incomplete and bit my chin hard. It hurts. It f*****g hurts but not just where he bit me but also in my heart too. I punched his chest and yelled. "Why?" I was hella confused. I was crying. Why was he acting like this when he hated me? Why is he trying to stake his claim on me when he despises me so much? And at this f*****g time also when he was insulting me, degrading me, my body was slowly succumbing into the warmth of his body. His closeness was affecting me, the sparks I was feeling making it so hard for me to stand on my grounds. I tried to wiggle out of his arms but gasped when I felt his protruding bulge on my stomach. My eyes widened as he grabbed both my hands in one and slammed them above my head, making my breasts press firmly against his chest. "Because you are mine!" He gritted and his hold tightened even more on my neck, to the point of pain yet I still felt the urge to curse him out. "I hate you. You are not a protector. You are a devil." I hissed, but he leaned down and licked my tears on the cheeks and said in a lower voice but firmly. "You haven't seen my dark side yet my little gem but soon you will" and he kissed my eyes softly, contradictory to his cruel words. My stomach fluttered at the contact. Despite his terrible words, my traitors body reactions , I feebly asserted. "I can never understand you. One moment you are an unsympathetic cruel bastard and in the next you are...." I left it incomplete when his eyes showed a dangerous and malicious glint and he spat. "That's why it can't f*****g work. We will never know what is going inside each other's f*****g heads!" He moved away like my touch burned him, taking his warmth away with him and I felt cold. He racked his fingers through his hair and my eyes betrayed my sane notion and shamelessly fell on his flawless, broad and at the moment wet back. I gulped hard when he turned around and his eyes racked my body like a heated touch. My t-shirt was wet, and I was very sure that my n*****s were visible. My shorts didn't hide much of my legs either. "Tomorrow you will be ready at 9 am at my office." He looked as if he was mind linking someone. "Why?" What was his crazy mind up to now? But I kept my voice soft now. "The way you behaved in my office, wearing these inappropriate clothes--- " he gestured towards my clothes. "And now you entered the Alpha's room without his permission, not watching your mouth and being disrespectful, all added to your punishment. For three days you will be my full time secretary. Personal secretary, I may add. The other four days you will assist me after 1 pm." His voice took on a formal tone. "What?! That is not acceptable! I didn't come here deliberately. Someth---" I tried to prove myself innocent but he growled. "Shut your mouth, or I know ways to do it. It's an order and you. will. bloody hell. follow. it." he gritted out the latter part. I sometimes wonder about, how he grits his teeth so much and yet they are intact. How? "B...but what about my school?" This was my last resort to save myself. He will eat me alive in those seven days. I tried to come up with an excuse to stay away from him and from his weird punishment but... "Your school is closed for three days because those bastards sabotaged it and it needs to be amended. So for three days, you are absolutely free. And if you are then make yourself useful for the pack. Besides, my PA is going out of the pack tomorrow," he remarked. I looked down and sighed. There is no point in arguing with him. I started to come out of this devil's cave, but he stopped me. "Wait." He ordered me and went to his walk-in closet. Of course, he has a walk-in closet too. He came out and brought a jacket. "Put this on and get out," he spat. I took it from his hand harshly and with a polite smile, I pointed at my t-shirt. 'f**k you, b***h!' Was written in bold letters over the front and then I came out and didn't even dare to look back at him, not even when I heard a loud growl that the shiver went down my spine and when I heard the shattering sound. Hello everyone! First of all, I am sorry. I am genuinely sorry for not updating and also for not informing you all about it. My whole family went to meet our family members. There was some network issue so I couldn't upload any chapter. And yes thank you, especially to you. You asked me about my health and that deeply touched me. I am perfectly alright. Belated Merry Christmas Everyone!! And as a sorry and Christmas gift, I wrote The longest chapter and will upload the next chapter on 2nd Jan and maybe on 3rd Jan too! Stay safe and healthy love
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