You snore!!

1809 Words
When I wrote this chapter I really enjoyed it but was really nervous to publish it. Lol. I hope you like it! Rose "What happened five years ago? You were mumbling some words in your sleep. Like Mama... Attack...5 years ago....spell?" Oh, God! I didn't know he was going to ask that! I looked at him, his eyes were curious. He was frowning, clearly showing his concern and confusion on the topic but what should I tell him? That I couldn't save my mama? But it was true, I couldn't save her. It wasn't in my hands but things that were, I didn't perform that either. Taking a deep breath, I started narrating the story that everybody knows within the pack. Half truth. "Five years ago, in an attack my mama, Stephanie Stone, and Ami...Ahem... Amanda's mother, Destiny Brown died" my lips quivered thinking about that day and her. My mama wanted her daughter to have the same initials she had 'SS' so she named her little girl 'Sophia Stone'. She always said 'it's like my daughters were handwritten by the Goddess herself'. So beautiful. So pure. So honest. My eyes welled up. If only she had known... "Amanda? If I am not wrong, she is a wolf. Right? Daughter of Alpha wolf, Peter Brown?" Chris inquired, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. He was still holding my cold hands which I was grateful for. "Yes." I nodded. My reply was short, clearly not wanting to talk about her. I don't know if I'll be able to control my emotions or not. "How?" He asked in a low voice, but his blue eyes were unwavering, looking deep into mine. I know what he was asking. How did this happen and why isn't he aware of it? They were ranked pack members and if any attack happened in the pack then he would have known. Even residing in boarding, Xavier made sure he got updates about the pack and its members. This is why Sandra used to visit his school every quarter. Also, It's not like our pack usually faces attacks. All I know, after ten years, is that an attack took place. "We were outside the pack borders and ---" I started telling him what happened but he cut me off and asked. "We?" "Yes. We. That day they weren't alone. Me, Sophia, Amanda were also there with Mama and Destiny. We were not on the pack grounds. I wish I could change that day or remove it from my life. We were coming back after attending a wedding in the Blue Moon pack when the attack happened. A group of rogues attacked us and.....and they killed my mama in front of my eyes. They killed Amanda's mother too who was pregnant---" I couldn't complete it. I couldn't because by that time I was crying. The last threads of my control snapped and I couldn't stop my sobs anymore. I had to conceal the major part from everybody, even from my family and that thing was eating me from inside. Maybe, I will never be able to tell anybody. I am afraid, what will happen to 'her' if I reveal everything. That day everybody fainted except me and somewhere inside I felt that Ami was just in a dizzy state and saw the whole exchange. The deal. Christian was rubbing my arms consoling me. "Hey hey! It's okay. If it's tough for you, you don't have to." I nodded and was thankful to him for not going into the Beta Sir mode now. He was reluctant to drop the topic. I knew from his expression, however he let it go. When he offered me a glass of water, I chugged it down in one gulp, thanking him afterwards. I hadn't realized I was this thirsty. After a few seconds, seeming hesitant he asked, "I know it's tough for you but can you just tell me if that bastard is dead or not?" in response I just nodded. I told a half lie. "How long have I been sleeping in here?" I queried, just to change the topic as I was starting to feel really awkward. "For about four hours," he answered while looking up as if he was mind linking someone. "Oh my God! I troubled you for four freaking hours?! I am so sorry!" I felt so embarrassed. Jesus Christ! What will he think of me, that I am a modern day walking, talking panda who is completely oblivious of its surroundings and sleeps all day long? "OH Rose, it's okay. Now, what can you do if you snore a little too loud," He tsked. "Really, I am so--- wait, what? Excuse me, I don't snore!!" I gasped. I was still catching up with me sleeping in his bed but then his words sunk in and I defended myself in a little high voice completely forgetting that just a few minutes ago we were having a serious, heavy confrontation. "How do you know? You were sleeping at that time." His lips were pressed in a thin line, clearly trying to hide his laugh. "Well...umm...I just know! My soul told me okay!" This time he couldn't hold back, and he laughed out loud. "Hahaha...Really? You came up with that? Your soul!?" He was laughing hard, completely enjoying this. My jaw hit the floor listening to him but couldn't hold off from giggling myself. His rich laugh was addictive. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he asserted. "No little Rose, you didn't trouble me. You slept like a baby and looked like one too." He tapped my nose again and smiled at me. I looked at him. His face was showing that he was relaxed, his blond hair was messy, his lips were stretched in a smile, his light stubble was clean complimenting his bright blue eyes. Taking his hand in mine, I sincerely expressed. "Thank you. Really it means a lot!. You are the Beta of the pack, still you helped a common human girl. You bring her into your room and let her sleep in your bed! Thank you so much, Christian." I spoke every word with utmost honesty. I was really grateful to him, but who was I kidding he was after all Christian the great Black. He touched his chest showing his fake hurt and was appalled. "Beta? Common girl? Seriously?! Aren't we friends? Oh, Rose! You broke my heart and besides you are talking like an Elder. So cut it. I will always help you." I chuckled at him but he again looked up and his expression changed from relaxed to as if he had been caught cheating in an exam. "Oh s**t! I have to go,Rose. My mum is calling me and you know when Madam Stacy calls you, you better be there in an instant or she'll use her infamous techniques for punishments. And she is calling me for the second time in a not so polite way" he gulped and then he ran like he was running for his life. And I laughed so hard. Can you imagine? A Lycan, a Beta for an infamous, strong pack, was afraid of his own mother. How cute!! I was still laughing when he came back and just peeked inside the room and yelled. "You do snore!" I gasped and threw a pillow on him, but he was already out of his room and the pillow landed on the floor. That lycan! Shaking my head, I got up from his bed and stretched. Whoever said that after crying you get a good sleep was indeed correct. I felt so fresh. I went over to the huge window and parted the curtains. It was raining heavily outside. Hmm, the weather was nice. I like rain. It makes me feel connected to nature. The smell of wet sand and the clear environment after the rain feels so good. Moving towards his bed, I made it properly, slipped on my flip-flops, and left his room. My flip-flops were the only sound in this quiet lobby of the Alpha and Beta and I sighed. What an adventurous day it was. First the sudden decision of training by 'him' that left me hellishly tired, then that whole kidnapping drama at the school and on top of it all, the betrayal of my body in the woods. But that wasn't enough, my destiny had more plans for me. The epic confrontation in that psycho's office which was followed by... Ami's hurtful words and now waking up in Christian's bedroom. I really don't know what God is planning for me. I want this day to end. God only knows what tomorrow will bring for me. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts when suddenly something went in my eyes. "Ahhh" I shrieked. It was burning so much. I can't even see anything. Fuck! I think mosquitoes got in my eyes. God! Seriously!!? Mosquitoes...nothing but mosquitoes now?!! Every animal, every insect is afraid of these LWB communities but these little monsters aren't? What do they think of themselves?! The little buzzing creatures. I was not able to see anything but somehow with the support of the wall, I reached a room. Thinking it was Christians, I went inside. The room was dead quiet which confirmed my doubt that it was his. Never again will I take the gift of sight for granted, after only a few seconds I feel completely disoriented and the panic is rising steadily within me. I don't know how many times I collided with the furniture or the walls, I'm sure my limbs were cursing me, however I eventually made it to the bathroom. I found the washbasin and washed my face rinsing my eyes out before drying off with a towel. When I looked around, I gasped. The bathroom was freaking huge! Black shiny tiles, a walk-in shower, and a jacuzzi too! After ogling it for 5 minutes, I came out and froze on the spot. Why doesn't the room look familiar? Gray walls, black furniture, a floor to ceiling window, gray carpet, a huge king-size bed in the center. When I looked at the frames on the wall, I gulped hard. Realization hit me and before I could run for my life, I felt a presence just behind me, boring holes in my body which erupts goosebumps on my skin. I turned around and found a certain pair of gray eyes looking at me, filled with anger and desire. His hair was wet and so were his clothes, looking smokin' hot. Oh God please make me a mosquito now!! I hope you all liked it. Do comment to let me know your thoughts. And thank you so much whoever promoted my book on It really means a lot!! Stay safe and healthy Love
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