Am I Changing?!

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Three hours after the attack. Rose When I heard he wanted to discuss something, I lost it. If I was an “outsider” of the pack, then why does he want to discuss anything with me? I know what he wants to talk about but still, I couldn't forget what he said to me. And it's really unsettling the way his words were piercing my heart. Why do I want to cry whenever I remember his loath-filled eyes? All of this added more fuel to the raging fire of my anger. I have never walked that fast in my entire life. I opted for the stairs, taking two steps at a time, and reached the 5th floor in 5 minutes. The Alpha and Beta reside on the fifth floor, while the common pack members live on the 3 & 4th floor. The 5th floor is more lavish. The second floor consists of a dining area, where all the pack house members eat together, a kitchen, playroom for the pups, party halls etc. The first floor is for guests, while the ground floor is just a parking area and the basement is restricted for rankless pack members. Only officials are allowed. After reaching that giant oak colored door. I opened it and waltzed inside. Now guys, waltzed is a very sophisticated word. I literally barged in and opened the door with such force it hit the wall on the other side. Big mistake. I thought there would only be Chris and him, but I was so wrong. My Pops, Bryan, Sir Joseph(ex- beta), Madam Stacy (ex-beta wife), and Luna Autumn were also present, looking at me like I was some kind of crazy girl who had run away from the mental hospital. They were sitting on the guests chairs while 'he' was settled behind his desk. On his royal looking chair. Looking so dominating and powerful. You know when somebody gasps, it is a sign he/she is shocked but when three people gasped with stunned expression capturing their faces and only one person is clenching his jaw, it's a sign you f****d up! With wide eyes, I looked at them, then I mentally facepalmed myself. I was wearing polka dot shorts that were hiding underneath my loose long t-shirt which says 'f**k YOU, b***h', it was not my choice. Elena had gifted it to me a year ago. And it is so comfy that I loved to wear it. My hair was tied in a messy bun while a few strands had glued to my face from sweating. My flip-flops were making more sounds than my heart. I surely looked like a joker. Oh please mother earth, open up the ground and swallow me. I stretched my hand a little to show everyone that I am wearing something beneath the t-shirt and looked down in shame. Luna had a flash of relief on her face after seeing my beautiful shorts, but what she said in no way indicated that she was relieved. And not to forget that shiver that ran down my spine because of the burning gaze from 'him'. I could feel his heated eyes on my body and I couldn't help myself from peeking at him. He was already eyeing my legs making goosebumps appear on my skin. Damn. Those eyes. Those lips. My throat felt dry as I recalled what he did to me in the woods. God! Nobody should be allowed to look this freaking hot. He has a devilish kind of beauty. So raw. He was still in the same clothes as this morning , meaning he didn't even get the time to freshen up. “Oh my! Is this any way to come into the Alpha's office?” Luna snarled at me, catching my attention. “Rose! What the hell are you wearing? For the love of the Moon Goddess, it's an Alpha's office!” my Pops growled at me. “I… I am sorry. I forgot what I was wearing when I got the message that Alpha Sir was expecting me here” I apologized. 'He is Alpha Sir now and not a cow dunk' my subconscious mocked me. “Yeah, and you also didn't notice that you should have knocked first before entering. Right? And of course, you didn't know we should open the door carefully. Am I right, Miss Rose?” Madam Stacy was looking at me pointedly the whole time. Both ladies have similar features, they both have dark hair but where Luna Autumn has a petite body, Madam Stacy is on the curvier side. Whoever said no matter how much sisters fight they always stick together, through the good, the bad, the best, and through the worst was indeed correct. They are the living example of it. I was so furious that I forgot that he is the Alpha, and I am just a rankless pack member. Some don't even consider me a pack member, including him but I can't just react like that. So thoughtlessly. I have to respect him and his position. “Moon Goddess! This generation, I tell you!!” Sir Joseph spoke with disappointment laced in his voice. Why the hell did I react that way? That is so not me! I behaved so ineptly. What is happening to me? I never acted like that before. I was never like this. Am I changing? “I apologize. I thought it was urgent and ---” I looked down in shame and blinked rapidly so that the tears remained behind my eyes. “ and didn't look----” “Silence” Xavier growled, making me stop what I was about to say. I flinched at his voice. Oh, I know the irony. I can't even stand his angry voice, and here I was thinking I'd give him an attitude? His expression was neutral this time, but he was fisting his hand. He is irritated but not showing it. Luna sighed and turned to look at him. “Xavier, I hope you will consider what I said” she lovingly patted his hand and left the room but not before glaring at me. “Yes, we should also leave. And yes, think about what your mother said. It is for your own good” with that Mr. Joseph and his mate also left, leaving my family, Chris, and 'him' in his office. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. Calming himself. I looked at Bryan, wriggling my brows in a questioning manner, and he simply shrugged. What were they talking about? He sighed deeply before opening his gray eyes and ordered me in his rough deep voice “You. Come forward” Dang it. His voice. Mmm. That's it! It's crystal clear, I need a doctor. Urgently! I was so mad at him before I came here but now standing in his presence, inhaling his earthly scent with the pinch of cinnamon makes me feel those unspeakable things. I looked at my Pops, and he nodded. I stepped forward into the center of the room, not even daring to look at him. “Rose. Think clearly before you answer. Do you have any idea where they were going to take you? Have you ever seen them before? To whom he was taking you? Explain everything that happened.” Chris asked in an authoritative voice. “I was in my class when Sir informed us about the attack. As per Alpha Sir's order, we stayed in the auditorium. But they came inside and started hypnotizing everyone. He told me that he was going to take me to his leader, but never mentioned his name.” I answered as confidently as I could. I still remember how he looked at me, and how much I wanted to puke on his face at that time. Xavier growled, but I didn't dare to spare a glance at him. Firstly because of the epic embarrassment and secondly my emotions are all over the place. God only knows what I'll do next. “Were they using any code language? Any names? Anything weird that caught your eye?” he asked further. “No. No code words, but they had a mark on their heads” I replied. Why do I think I have seen that mark before and where? “Yeah, we also noticed that when we had locked them in the dungeons,” Chris said but more to himself. “Can I say something, Sir Alpha?” Bryan queried to which Xavier nodded making me frown. “I think it can't be any pack member because they are all loyal to the pack and even if they wanted to, they couldn't betray you easily and it would take so much energy from their wolf because we all became bound to you when you took the oath” Everyone was listening to him attentively. He continued “but they knew exactly where the playgrounds were and what time kids play there, where the school is and the gated passage was opened from the inside which concludes that, this person could be anyone among---” “Guests” Xavier completed while his eyes were narrowed to slits and his hands were tugging at his beard softly. “Yes, only guests are not bound by the oath and can do it easily without risking their wolves but as far as I know everybody left, right Beta Sir?” Bryan inquired. Chris's eyes widened as he hurriedly asked me "Has Jennifer left already? Did you see her today?” “No. I have not seen her since yesterday," I gasped. I haven't seen her since we came back after our mini picnic, that day I took her to the amusement park which is on the same route as the school. “f**k” Chris yelled and in the blink of an eye, everyone ran out of the room, except Pops and me. I just looked at them with my mouth hanging open. “Rose, I'll go and see where they have gone, you go to your room okay?” I nodded and with that, Pops also left. Really? Was she behind the attack? I came out of the office and was going back to my room thinking about Jenifer and the attack when I bumped into someone. “Ooh, sorry” I mumbled while balancing myself. “Can't you see, fool?” She screeched. I looked up, it was none other than Amanda. I looked into her hazel eyes. Those eyes held lots of things, lots of worries, lots of pain in them, and half of that was because of me. I looked down and started walking, not before apologizing again. I want this day to end now. She huffed and taunted, “what are you sorry about? That you betrayed me 5 years ago ---” I turned around, my eyes already welling up with tears. My lips were already quivering, my hands already turned cold. “---or what you did to our mothers 5 years ago?” Is she changing? What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments. I really like it when you guys comment. It makes my day even better and also encourages me to write better. I am waiting for your thoughts. :) Stay healthy and safe Love :)
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