Mini picnic!!

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Rose I was going back to my room thinking about how I should persuade Pops to convince the 'Alpha' to change his order. Indeed, the idea was good, but I don't want to leave my cozy and comfy house where there is no noise or disturbance. Yes, I was the one who gave Sir Beta the idea for people to come on Sundays to stay the night and have lunch and dinner here as well but that was just for one day and those who shifted here permanently after that rule, it was their own choice and was not enforced by others. I was in the lobby that leads to my room when I kicked the wall in irritation, saying "who does he think he is!” forgetting that if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck because instantly a reply came from behind me in a rough and deep voice. “Your Alpha”. I froze and closed my eyes tight, cursing, and mentally preparing my apology speech. A shiver ran down my spine when he said, "turn around” in an authoritative voice. I slowly turned around but refrained from opening my eyes. Bracing myself, I opened my left eye and took a deep breath of relief. He was not who I was expecting. It was Christian. The new Beta of Redmoon pack. 'Thank, God!' But why is he smiling? And why did he refer to himself as Alpha? "Relax. I just like to pull that reaction out of people" he chuckled seeing my reaction. When I properly looked at him, he had blond hair, deep blue eyes that held a mischievous glint, a light beard, and a charming smile. He has more of an angel looking face while Xavier was a devilish beauty, in which you want to lose yourself. God, why am I even thinking about him? “Like what you see?” Suddenly, he asked with a teasing smile and my cheeks turned red thinking I was openly checking him out!! “Ah, no need to be embarrassed though I like that blush on your cheeks, by the way, what are you doing here?” he asked me and I gave him a puzzled look. Huh? I looked around and bit my tongue when I realised I was in the lobby for the Alpha and Beta. Shit! “I... I was going to my room, but it seems like I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't see where I was going” I laughed awkwardly. He chuckled while shaking his head then he put forward his hand, and with a wink, he introduced himself. "Although the entire pack already knows my name, nevertheless... Hello! The name is Christian or you can call me Chris.” I shook his hand and put a smile on my face. “Hey! I am Rose” “Nice to meet you Rose, but just so you know, your muttering skills will get you in deep s**t” he again chuckled and as a habit, I bit my lips. His expression changed to a bit more serious one and queried firmly "I can smell you are not a wolf but a human. Are you the pack doctor's daughter?" I smiled and proudly stated. "Yes. I am Dr Richard Stone's daughter" he nodded. “By the way what was bothering you so much, that the poor wall had to pay the price, and you didn't get the idea where you were going?” he queried while drinking water from his bottle. From the look of his outfit, it looks like he came here after a heavy workout. "Umm... nothing" I stammered like always when I am embarrassed or shy or lying and this time it is from embarrassment. “Come on, spill the tea, after all my work is to ensure everyone feels good within this pack" he urged me and I sighed in defeat. “I am moving into the packhouse permanently, it's the Alpha's order” the words softly tumbled out my mouth while I fidget my fingers, sighing deeply. “That's great! There will be many people here to give you company. So many rules have changed. Don't you like this place?” He frowned. “No! No, it's not like that. In fact, I love this place, but I like my house too. Whilst here, it's a little crowded” usually, it takes time to open myself up to others but with him, I didn't face that. I felt comfortable. “It's okay Rose, you will get used to it. Besides, everyone should always be ready for changes. You never know when and how destiny will play its tricks and yes if you want, you can go to your house as well sometimes." He assured me smilingly. "Besides, your training is starting again from next week, so it will save time," he said while drinking his water. “I can't train, I am under 20” he started walking and I followed him. “Didn't you attend the ceremony?” He questioned me, stopping in his tracks and bringing me to a halt too. "I...I did but left I was not feeling well" the memory came back of yesterday and I blinked rapidly to stop myself from tearing up. He narrowed his eyes at me and then nodded. We stop at the end of the lobby, and he pointed towards the window saying “See some warriors are still training with Xavier and I just finished mine. We train together with the warriors and one will be assigned to a bunch of new trainees as a trainer." He explained. When I looked down only one thing came to my mind 'Holy Jesus sweet baby, he is Jesus sweet baby, he is looking damn hot'. He was not wearing anything but his trousers that were hanging dangerously low on his ass, showing his V-line. Sweat was dripping from his whole torso and forehead. The way he dives from attacks and his hair flicks every time he jumps makes my heart skip a beat. He was so fast, not giving any chances to his opponent to calculate his moves. As if he sensed my perverted eyes on him, he turned around and looked up. My breath got caught in my throat when his gray orbs looked directly in our direction and again I felt like I was being pulled towards him, the feeling of maze again started to engulf me but his death glare that he was aiming towards us pulled me out of the fog. Somewhere I felt, it was because of mine and Chris's close proximity so I took two steps away from him. When I looked back at him, there was some sense of relief for a few seconds before he masked it. What happened to him? And why did I feel like that? When I first felt like that, it was in the ceremony. Can he be --- I was jerked out of my thoughts when he did something unexpected. He took a bottle and poured water all down himself. My legs started to wobble and my mouth watered as I watched the water cascading down from his soft-looking hair, then down to his chest and then going under the waistband of his trousers. When I looked back up at his face, he smirked at me. Unable to withstand this torture, I turned around and started walking to my floor when Chris called me making me stop in my tracks. “Where are you going, Rose?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I... I am going to the pack library as I have nothing to do, so I'll read” I lied and avoided looking at him. “If you are free today, then can we go out? For the rest of today, I have nothing to do either” somebody spoke from behind. I turned around to see, it was Jennifer. "Oh! Hey !!" I greeted her with a smile. "Hii!" She smiled back. She is beautiful with red hair and green eyes. "Good morning Sir Beta" she smirked at Chris. "Morning. I have some work to do. I'll see you later Rose. " he left abruptly. What happened to him? "Sorry I heard your convo with him but I am also free and since I have nothing to do, I thought let's go out and you can show me around the pack as well?" She suggested while twirling her hair through her fingers. Hmm, thinking about it like that, it would be a great idea, I have nothing to do anyway, and it would be good if I stayed away from him. Yeah, I know it's a temporary solution but something is better than nothing. “Yeah!! Sure why not! Where do you want to go?” I asked her, showing the excitement I was feeling. “Wherever you like,” she shrugged. “Umm... How about an amusement park and then a movie? Today is Monday so there will be less of a crowd” I gave a suggestion which she seems to also like as she nodded vigorously. I giggled at it. “Cool,” I took out my phone and checked the time and said "It's 10: 35 am so how about if we meet at 11, at the front gate?” I asked. “Fine,” she said and went to her room. I also made my way towards my room. I quickly changed from my black skirt and white top, into my blue high waist jeans and yellow off the shoulder crop top. I put on my silver hoops, made a French braid, and put on white shoes. Satisfied with my look I made my way downstairs. When I reached there, the taxi was already waiting for us. *********************************************** It is 9pm and we are going back home. Today I enjoyed myself to the fullest. We ate a lot, we danced a lot and we had great fun. While we were enjoying our mini picnic, I messaged my friends to come join us after school but my friends being the way they are!!, they ditched the school and joined us. Lake and Elena said there was no fun without me in the school. Sweet isn't it? We went on lots of rides and we discovered that Sam is afraid of heights so, being the good friends that we are, we made him sit on the Ferris wheel Yup. Then we watched a movie in the cinema and while we were watching the film, Sam dared Jennifer to dance right there in front of everyone and guess what, she did it while standing in front of the screen and everyone's attention was on her!! We all got up and joined her too, although we were kicked out of the theatre after that but we didn't mind. It was hilarious. I was out with friends and enjoying it a lot after so long!. We were not in the pack's borders, we were in the city and Sam's beauty worked when we had our dinner in a Chinese restaurant. There was a long queue, so Sam convinced the receptionist lady to seat us first and she happily obliged. But Lake doesn't seem to like it one bit. There's definitely something going on between them. Will definitely ask them later, I thought to myself. Right now, I am in the car going back to the packhouse. We already dropped Sam at the pack borders as he is a werebear and werebears live on the pack borders to guard it. It's basically their job. His father is the pack guard chief and he lives with him. Maybe next year or so he will also join him. We drop Elena and Lake in front of their house as both of them are werewolves and live around the packhouse since it's in the centre while all the Lycans lived in the packhouse. Now it was just me and Jennifer and the music in the car. We both were lost in our thoughts. My mind was also replaying the memory of what I had encountered today. Who was he? Why was he hiding? I am sure it was a male. When I was in the amusement park I felt as if someone was looking at me but this time there was no warm feeling engulfing me, rather it felt like some negative energy. An energy which makes me shudder in cold shivers. When I had looked around, I found some brown orbs looking at me but they were hiding behind the bushes. They were cold, boring holes through my body and I hated the way it felt. It was prickling and unwelcoming and extremely intimidating. Suddenly, Elena called me and when I looked back at them, it was gone. I came out of my thoughts when the car came to a halt in front of our packhouse. "Come on baby girl, let's go. I'm sure you are hella tired" Jennifer said while opening the door. Yeah in just a span of 11 hours, I became a baby girl from Rose. I figured out she came as a guest but has some unfinished work to complete. I was really confused as it was her first time here, but I didn't press it any further. I nodded tiredly and we came out of the car and started walking towards our room just to stop dead in our tracks when I met him giving me an ice-cold glare. "In my office now," he said in his usual deep, rough voice in which anger was evident but still it was hitting secret places of mine that I never knew existed.
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