We. Are. Not. Done. Yet!!

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Rose With shaking legs, I was running to my room on the third floor. Reaching it, I shut the door , with unsteady breathing and in a hazey state, I sat down on the floor with my back and my head firmly resting on the door whilst I catch my breath and think about what the f**k just happened?? How could I do that?? For God's sake, Rose, he is an Alpha! And not just any random old one but the infamous Alpha who kills without thinking twice!! And how the hell was I able to withstand his aura. I facepalmed, worrying about what I had gotten myself into... **Flashback** “In my office now,” he said in an angry, rough voice, that touched place's in me that I never knew existed. He turned around and started walking inside the house. My eyes widened and my palms become sweaty not because of his order or at the possibility of me getting an earful for only God knows why, but because the realization hit me. Hard. He was him. Psychopath. But how?? And WHY?? How could he do that? I was hauled out of the storm that he stirred in my mind when Jennifer's phone rang and she went to take the call. Someone nudged me with their elbow and when I looked, it was Chris. He smiled at me and tried to reassure me, “I am with you, don't worry Rose. Let's go” I hadn't even noticed him before now, he was here with him. I nodded and we made our way inside the house and followed him up to the 5th floor. It was the Alpha and Beta's floor which solely belongs to them. They have their own separate playroom, TV area, hall, and whatnot. An oak colored giant door opened, and he went inside first. My heart was beating fast knowing I'll be in there with him but my subconscious consoles me that Chris is also here, so he surely wouldn't do anything inappropriate. “Come on Rose, he doesn't like to be kept waiting,” Chris said in a hushed voice, standing just inside the room. Standing at the door, I took a deep breath and made my way inside his office, and closed the door behind me. I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. There was a big wooden table with lots of files piled up on it. A large king-size chair was placed behind it, one big window was directly behind his chair, on the right wall there was a glass door leading to the balcony whereas on the left side there was a bookshelf and on the shelves, files were stacked neatly. Not a single speck of dust could be seen. It was a clean and tidy room with gray walls and a black carpet. Without even looking at him, I was aware that his burning gaze was on me. Not to mention, his scent was driving me crazy. Instantly, I could feel the tension in the air, and power was oozing out of him in waves. Goosebumps spread across my skin and the hair behind my neck stood to attention. Why is no one speaking? I looked up and frowned as both of them looked at each other. Eye to eye. There were hard glares from both sides initially then Chris rolls his eyes, but Alpha c.um psycho continues his hard glare at him. This made me realize that they are talking through their mind link, and by the look on their faces, they are probably arguing with each other because of me. Sorry Chris. Then his face softened a little, and he showed his smirk. God!! Why is he so beautiful? “Okay, I should go now. Good night” Chris said to him and winked at me, which earned him a deep growl. When I looked back, he was giving Chris a murderous glare, but Chris seemed to be unbothered and smirked in his direction and left the room. I couldn't stand here anymore, so I started following Chris but a rough, hard voice stopped me, making me shudder. “Where do you think you are going?” I turned around and looked at him. His grey eyes were dark and his right eyebrow raised with his lips pressed in a thin line. I licked my lips, and he followed this action and immediately his eyes turned a shade darker, and he gritted his teeth. “I a..am going t..to.....my room” “Who told you to leave? I am not done with you” he bit out. "With whose permission did you leave the pack's land?" His voice was so cold and louder than before. "I...I didn't ask anybody's permission, I've never had to before." I frowned. What is he talking about? Since when did pack members start having to ask permission from the Alpha to leave? "But it's not like before!" he slammed his hands loudly on the table and I flinched. What in the world? What's the issue? I wanted to ask him and give him the same attitude but the power that was oozing off him in waves didn't allow me to speak. I was trembling and my breath quickened. I was surprised to find that even though he was angry his heated, dark eyes were like warm sun rays in winter. And that's the main reason I wanted to hide from him. He plays with my mind. Maybe I took too long to react as he stood up, making his way to me at a slow, steady pace. He was looking at me like a piece of meat that he could eat any minute. I shivered when he raked his eyes down my body like a soft caress and I watched as his eyes were switching back and forth from gray to golden. I started moving backwards. My feet halted when my back touched the door, and he smirked. I wanted to confront him about what he did to me in the washroom or tell him I am not afraid of him or to maintain distance from me. But my mouth didn't acknowledge my command and denied uttering a single word. My breathing became raspy when he settled both of his hands on either side of my head on the wall. I gulped down the nervousness that formed in my throat and overpowered the urge to caress the scar on his neck. “What are y...you dd…doing?” I asked with all the strength I possessed at that time. “Why? You liked it when Chris was near you. Now, what's the problem?" He said in a low husky voice. And oh boy! "You liked it when that pup you called a friend was near you, then what's wrong with this?" He whispered while clenching his jaw. He was not looking at me. Not in my eyes but my lips and he started leaning in. I turned my face to the right side and his nose touched my cheeks instead, making patterns with it. I felt my cheeks turning hot and sizzling with the sparks I was feeling, forcing me to submit and to lean in too, but I held strong on my grounds. What he did came back to my mind and I looked him in his eyes and with a pointed finger, I gritted “Listen, and listen good, I know it was you who did...who did that to me in the washroom. Stay away from me. Otherwise...” I don't know where I got the confidence and didn't stutter once, but he stopped me speaking any further when he held my waist and came impossibly close to me with his lips touching my earlobe as he said in a hoarse voice, filled with desire. “Otherwise what Rose? Hmm. And what did I do in the washroom?” He buried his face in my neck and breathed in my scent while his soft lips trailed along my neck. I bite hard on my lips to refrain from moaning. I put my hands on his shoulders to push him away. Till this moment I hadn't touched him but now, feeling him under my hands, I wanted to crush myself in those arms. God!! Why am I thinking like this? It's wrong!! My eyes widened and I tried to push him away as he started trailing feather-like kisses down my neck. He started nibbling the flesh. Sucking and licking it like it's his favorite candy. I moaned and eventually half gave in as my hands trailed to his chest, feeling each muscle. I was growing wetter down there. An unmistakable protruding bulge poked me on my lower stomach. A low hiss escaped from his lips. “f**k, I can smell your desire Rose,” he said in a raspy voice which I found soothing, like music to my ears. Even if he behaved like that with me, I wanted more of it. He moved his face back to look at me, cataloguing every nuance on my face, and I did the same. His eyes held some warmness, he was truly the embodiment of beauty. His earthly scent with a tinch of cinnamon was driving me crazy. His lips looked so soft and delicious. My senses were blurred. Suddenly, somebody knocked on the door and I came out of the fog that he had formed in my mind and I pushed him back and stepped away from him. He gritted his teeth and barked out, "What?” “Sorry to disturb you Alpha, but Luna Autumn wants to have a word with you,” the messenger said in a jittery voice. He weaved his hand in his soft locks and said “Okay, I'll be there in a minute”. We heard the messenger's footsteps fade. He tried to make his way towards me again, but without a second thought I slapped him. I f*****g slapped an Alpha!! A Lycan Alpha!! His eyes widened, clearly not expecting that, and touched where I slapped him. But I didn't stop there, and said to him in a voice in which nervousness and anger were filled, accompanying each other. “Don't you dare come near me. This is for touching me without my permission, twice. I am done with you. Stay the hell away from me.” I yelled at him for the latter part. I thought he would yell at me too or hit me, but he gave me a contemptuous laugh and devilishly he responded with words that were enough to send waves of chills down my spine as I registered them “We. Are. Not. Done. Yet. Certainly not. You shouldn't have done that little gem. Now get the f**k out of my office before I do something that I'll regret later”. I didn't wait for him to add anything further and hurriedly got out of there. **Flashback ends** I stood up, and shed my clothes off, and got under the sheets after taking a nice, long shower. I checked my phone. It's 10 pm now. Thinking about it, tomorrow is a school day and after that, I need to go to my old house to bring all my stuff here. I sighed. What a day it has been. I like adventures but not of these kinds. Constantly my mind was drifting back to the incident that occurred a few minutes ago. I touched the spot where he kissed me. I shudder at the thought of what it would feel like if his lips touched mine? Please, for the love of God stopping thinking like this Rose!! My subconscious was pleading with me but how can I? How can I resist the feelings, the pull? I shook my head and tried to sleep but couldn't. Tossing and turning in the bed, struggling so that my dear sleep would honor me with its presence, but it didn't. With a huff, I sat up, shrugged on a robe, and went to my balcony. The night's view was amazing. Silence, twinkling stars, sparkling moon, and the cold breeze teasing my skin. I rested my hands on the railing and looked around. Nobody was around except the patrolling team. Suddenly I heard the rustle in the bushes. I squint my eyes to try and see clearly, but I couldn't. Thinking it must be a guard, I let it go. But then I saw him. The brown orbs. What the hell??
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