The Intruders-I

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Alessandro wanted to talk with Chan alone for a moment. "Chan, can we talk?" He lead him away.  "Chan, we're gonna need more money. Could you make multiple accounts for binary stock? We're gonna need more than billions of dollars, if not trillions." "Holy crap. You really need that much? I could make a crypto-currency and it would be easier." "Excellent idea. Do that." The girls went to their rooms to sleep. Alessandro's room was big. It had a balcony and a private bathroom. The bed was so soft. "Would you like to listen to some relaxing music?" The voice was robotic. "Who said that?" "I did." A hologram of a woman appeared. She was about his height. "Wow. Chan really did this?" "Yes. I was programmed by Chan for you." "Nice. Can you access the whole mansion from here?" "Yes." "Double nice. Ok. Play some relaxing music and set the alarm on 6am. Alert me if there's any intruder." "Ok, sir. And put on the earpiece beside your bedside table." "I will. And call me Alessandro. And you need a name. Your name will be Ophelia." "Ok, Alessandro. Sleep well." For the next few weeks, he trained starting at 6am. Then he went to the office to do some paperwork while getting to know the now-CEOs. Then he went back home, the girls cook dinner and they ate. The schedule was quickly set. One day, when he was training, Ophelia's voice appeared in it. "Alessandro, there are five intruders spying on your mansion for the last few days. Permission to neutralize them?" "Don't do it. I'll come back now. Tell Chan about it too and tell him to stay in his room." "Ok, Alessandro." Sara asked, "What is it?" "Oh, just some intruders spying on the mansion. Come on, we have to go. When you get there, stay in Chan room and look through the CCTV. You can learn some moves that way." "I'm staying with you." "No. You may be trained by me but you won't win against any experienced fighters. However, they are no threat to me." "Ok. Fine." They ran back to home. Sara went into Chan's room. Alessandro sat on the sofa in the living room. "Alessandro, the intruders are coming. Permission to neutralize?" "Don't. Let them in." That way they could walk in through the front door, not suspecting anything. He needed to keep his house AI secret. He heard the front door open and five men walked in. He calmly watch them as they walked in front of him. "What are you doing?" "I'm here to kidnapped you, kid. What do you think?" "If you think you can. I'll make you a deal. I'll let you attack me and you won't report back to your superior and tell me anything I ask, truthfully if I win. If you win, you can take me." "Five against one? That won't be fair to a kid like you." "Don't act so cocky now, David." He seemed to be shock. How did he know his name? Even his colleagues called him with code name. Alessandro told Ophelia to check their name with face recognition on his way home. "Yes, I know all your names. Alan, David, John, Bob and Argus. I am more capable than you think. As I said, if you don't want to be embarrass by me, I suggest you to leave and don't tell anyone. I could end your life with a phone call." They seemed to hesitate. Then they attacked in union. Alessandro calmly rise from his seat. David was the first to arrived and punched. Alessandro used David momentum to punch Alan. Alan felled, with one hit. Then he used David as a body shield as Bob kicked him. He pushed David against Argus who is creeping up behind him and kicked Bob in the face. He turned and wait for the two to recover. They looked even more scare now but they attacked anyway. He dodged David's punch and kicked Argus square in the chest. Then he twisted David's hand and held it at his back. "Now, if you don't want to get hurt more, I suggest you stand down. That's better. Now let's tie you up, shall we?" He handcuffed them at the stairs, because it was modified by Chan to withstands more damage. They wouldn't be able to escape even if they all pulled with their full strength. When he was handcuffing them, he saw the fire symbol again. Damn, when are they gonna stop? "Now, let's wait for your friends to wake." He opened the TV and start watching some TV series. The four unconscious men woke and started planning. They thought he was being stupid by cuffing them at a stair handrail. They signaled each other and started pulling with all their strength. It didn't even budge. "Don't bother. It won't break. Now answer my questions. Why are you here?" "I won't tell you." He sighed, "Didn't your last friend tell you what happened to him? You want your nails to be removed? Fine by me." He pulled out his plier. He seem to carry it around with him everywhere. Who knows when he will need to pull some nails out, right? The gaze that Alessandro gave them make them shudder. It was not a gaze of a teenager. Even the most experienced generals would get goosebumps from his gaze. He pulled the nail of Argus. He yelled. "Do you want me to go on?"
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