Chapter One: Royalty

1450 Words
Eve’s POV “Please mom. Please let me shower you.” I begged her. “I’m going to be late again. I’ve only been at this job for a month.” I attempt to reason and fail miserably. I don’t know why I even try. Reasoning with a person with Alzheimer’s Disease is hopeless. “No.” Mom shouts and yanks her hand out of my own. I walk away for a second to take a breather as the aid sits with my mom. I need a stiff drink and its only 8 in the morning. I’m expected at work in 30 minutes. There’s no way I’m going to make it on time so I text my best friend. Eve: Hey Stace. Mom is having a bad morning. Can you cover for me until I get there? Stace: Sure thing Evie, I got your back lovely. Stace is great. I couldn’t ask for a better friend. Eve: Thank you, you’re the best. Funny thing is, I woke up in a good mood for once and was on time to get to the stables until I get that phone call. I swear the only time my phone rings is when the nursing home is calling for help. What truly f*****g sucks is my mom isn’t even that old. After all the loss and stress that life threw at her, at us, she developed this f*****g awful disease at 53 years old. Life’s way of saying a loud “f**k YOU.” Well I say f**k this disease and f**k this life. At 24 years old, I worked my way through to earn my Master’s degree in Ranch Management and cared for my mother with little help. My graduation day was suppose to be a happy occasion. My mom was even excited for it. She occasionally has moments of clarity. She was so proud that morning as we both got ready. Then the damn car ride to campus happened. Out of nowhere she had a emotional outburst and became non-compliant and wouldn’t calm down. This disease does some weird s**t to people and their brains. Her emotions are everywhere. Needless to say I missed my opportunity to walk across that stage in my cap and gown to receive my diploma. Not that I had anyone to cheer for me other than my mother. I had moved her and our horses to Texas to go Texas A&M for my Master’s program. I moved away from my childhood home and my closest friends to pursue this dream of mine. It was only us against the world. Mom wasn’t as bad as she is now back then. So me and her lived in a small apartment off of campus as I boarded my horses at a local stable I also interned and worked at. I just barely made enough to get by and pay for tuition. Still had to take out that soul sucking student loan though. I feel like I sold my soul to the devil. Mom’s social security helped along with survivor’s benefits but owning horses is an expensive venture. I made a promise to my family I would never let go of my horses or my dreams. I guess it was my dad’s dying wish. Many service members write “in case of death” letters to their loved ones. Since life wasn’t shitty enough after my brother’s death, my dad was taken away from us too a short time later. He had wrote a note. But enough of that… I walk back into her room. She seems a lot calmer now as she looks out at the window at some humming birds by the feeder. A faint smile on her face. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. “Hey mom, it’s Evie.” I say as cheerfully as I can. Please work this time. “Oh hi Evie. I missed you.” She beamed. Okay, good second start I think to myself. “Can I help you get cleaned up and looking pretty today?” I asked softly taking her hand in mine. “Okay, but can you braid my hair?” She asked with hope. She loved when I brushed and braided her hair. I became quite good at it after practicing on my horses’ manes my whole childhood. “Sure mom, let’s head into the bathroom.” I help her up and so far she is willing. Thank God. The nurses aid stayed back since my mom normally goes ape s**t crazy about her privacy. Can’t really blame her though when your brain isn’t working right anymore and people are trying to undress you; it can be very overwhelming. I talk mom through as I start before I switch topics and talk about the stable and the horses. I keep it as light as possible. She smiles and listens as I bathe her and wash her hair getting myself half soaked in the process. Luckily I am teaching English riding today so my breeches and schooling shirt are made to dry quickly. And my riding boots are water resistant. Mom is out and dried now as I help you get dressed. She wanted to wear a pretty sundress today with her cute little white sneakers. I get her set up in front of her vanity mirror so she can watch me braid her long graying red hair. Looking at her in the mirror I imagine that I will look just like her at her age. I am the spitting image of her as my brother was the spitting image of my father. Mom and I have fiery red hair where my dad and brother had the prettiest blonde hair you can imagine. The men in my family were quite the lookers. All the stress and standing rigidly behind my mom is causing my hip to ache. Nothing new there either. I shift my weight and roll my hip slightly to dull the pain. “Your dad should be here shortly to pick me up. You can rest. I don’t want you over doing it Eve. You are still healing from your surgery.” Mom said sternly looking at me through the mirror. Her mind thinks I’m 16 again. My heart breaks at her words. Every once in a while she thinks dad is coming, but he never does. Then other times, she remembers everything and weeps. All I can do is play along or comfort her the best I can. But right now I play along. “Yes ma’am. I will rest.” I smile are her. I try to make my smile as genuine as possible. I’ve gotten pretty good at faking it. I finished up her hair and the aid got her breakfast setup giving me a chance to slip out after I hug her goodbye. And that is my usual start to just about every single f*****g day. … So far I’m only 15 minutes late. Not too bad this time. Then my phone rings. f**k. “Hello?” I answer without looking at the caller id. “Evie, are you on your way yet? s**t is hitting the fan here.” Stace said in a panic. Great. “I am almost there, what’s going on?” I ask feeling a headache coming on. “One of our boarder’s is colicking, but I have a hand walking her now. Its Queen Bee, the barrel horse.” Stace explained. “Well s**t, call the vet ASAP and keep that mare moving. I’ll call the owners once I get there. But I am pretty sure there is no limit on that horse.” I say quickly. It just had to be Queen Bee. She is a real up and comer in the world of rodeo. Her owners treat her like royalty. Hell she is royalty according to her extensive bloodline. And I could be royally f****d if anything happens to her. “That’s not all, one of our practice horses, Clyde, is limping after coming out from the pasture.” Stace added. Poor Clyde. He’s a 16 year old gelding that we use for beginners who do not own their own horse. Clyde is gently and easy to handle. He is so loved among our new riders as well as the trainers. “Okay, stall him and have the vet look at him after getting Queen squared away. Be there in five.” I said before cutting the call. f**k. “f**k!” I shout in my car. Nothing can happen to that barrel horse. My ass is the on the line and I’m not even f*****g there. A lot of time and money has been invested in Queen Bee. The owners were extremely picky when they were looking at different stables to board her. I press down on the gas and race to the stables. Thank God for this sports car I inherited.    

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