Infected inside (chapter 3

947 Words
I screamed at the top of my lungs for help. It didn’t matter about noise at this point, they already knew where I was. Images of my parents entered my head, in the car driving home from food shopping. Slowing down as we watched what we thought were people wandering aimlessly into the road as if we weren’t there. The ‘people’ looking up as they heard the sound of the cars engine and within a blink of an eye ran towards us. Dad trying to speed off but there were too many people both normal and infected in the road along with abondoned cars. Three infected running over ripping open the car door and tearing into my fathers neck and dragging him screaming out of the car. Another infected dragging mum out and biting into her face, tearing chunks off until eventually she went quiet. I was in shock and while they were distracted by my parents bodies I had fled like a coward. Two weeks later here I was adamant this was my karma for not being stronger, not being able to do more to help my parents. While this was swirling around inside my petrified mind the zombies were running towards me screeching that high pitch screech they all seemed to make. I closed my eyes and waited for death as I leaned back against the fence. A deafening blast had me pulled back to reality and covering my ringing ears. Confused I opened one eye and then two as I watched zombies dropping to the ground, still trying to crawl towards me and only stopping when something blasted a hole into their heads. I looked behind me and through the fence I saw a man firing a machine gun at the zombies. When the last zombie hit the ground and was no longer moving he finally lowered his weapon and looked at me. He had a cold hard look to his eyes like he’d seen things no one should see. “Thankyou so much.” I rushed. He nodded in acknowledgment and began to turn and walk away. “Wait!” I shouted desperately. “Please, can I stay with you? I have nowhere else to go and nobody else to help me.” I could see the determination of a no in his face and quickly added, “I promise I won’t slow you down. If I do you can leave me behind.” It took a while but slowly and eventually he nodded and answered, “ok, but if you do slow me down, I will leave you.” His voice was deep and husky matching the rest of him perfectly. He had short black hair with a strong athletic build to him, I would have thought he was a big gym goer withy maybe the help of steroids before all hell broke loose, but something about the way he carried himself screamed some kind of military background. He was at least 6,7 in height and towered over my 5,8 height. He had a rough looking face with strong features and nose that looked like it had been broken one too many times in the past, a rough and ragged fresh looking scar that ran from his cheek down to his neck until I couldn’t see anymore of it. He was hot and I found myself blushing when I realised he was watching me stare at him. I tried to make out I was just trying to figure out how to get to him and said, “I don’t know how to get over to you.” He pulled his own backpack off his shoulders and opening it up dug around inside until he found what he was looking for. Pliers. He came over and cut the fence in a few places and pulled it back so I could climb through the small opening he had made. In silence we started to walk, the rain picking up so that I quickly pulled my hood back up. He didn’t have a hood on his black coat and didn’t seem bothered in the slightest as the rain drenched him. I followed him for over two hours and was beginning to become exhausted but I dare not say anything In case he decided I wasn’t worth the risk and left me right here. He had us hiding in the shadows, using stealth to conceal ourselves from any zombies and when there were too many to sneak past he took us through quiet passageways and down paths I didn’t even know existed even though I’d lived here all my life. We entered the woods, I remembered coming to these woods sometimes with our Labrador Shelly before she’d passed away from old age. I held the lump in my throat and followed on after him. I still didn’t know he’s name, he hadn’t said a word since we had been walking and the deeper into the woods we went the more I was beginning to feel stupid for asking to follow some strange man who I knew nothing about, he could be a serial killer for all I knew. I reminded myself he had come along and saved my life when he didn’t have to and squashed down the thought of him having nefarious plans for me. We stopped in the middle of nowhere, trees upon trees but no view of a cabin or a way out of the woods. Confused I watched him bend down and then pull a door up that had been hidden in the ground. He started walking down the concrete steps and called back, “close the door behind you.”
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