Infected inside (chapter 7)

1051 Words
Everything went deathly silent for a moment and we, or I at least, held my breath while we waited. The door came flying of its hinges and a horde of so many zombies came rushing down towards us that I lost count of how many. Liam started firing into the mass and I followed suit making sure to make every bullet count and getting as many headshots as I could. They started falling to the ground but it wasn’t enough, every time they started to fall more came to replace them until we were so overwhelmed that we found ourselves surrounded and started being pulled and grabbed at. One zombie that had no jaw and no eyes either for that matter, grabbed my arm and was trying to pull it towards its mouth or what should have been a mouth. Another zombie had a hold of my hair and pulled so hard I felt it splitting from my scalp and water filled my eyes. I fought with everything I had because I knew if I so much as hesitated or didn’t fight with every strength I held in my body I was a dead woman, no, in fact I was worse then dead, I’d come back as one of them and I would not let that happen, I would much rather be dead dead. I glanced a look at Liam and saw him fighting for his life too. Zombies were grabbing at him everywhere, his arms, his body, his legs and at one point he almost tripped and fell to the floor but at the last second he just about managed to grab a hold of the corner of the table, the momentum of falling making it so he ended up closer to the table where he loaded his gun with fresh bullets so fast I barely had time to blink before he was firing more shots into the horde. I pulled away from the zombie who had my hair in a death grip(no pun intended) until I felt a massive chunk of it tear away from my head. I stood up tall and fired a shot into the forehead and watched the motherfucker fall to the ground but I knew none of these zombies would stay down for too long until we had shot more then a few rounds into them to be sure. I had a few seconds of breathing space after I’d turned and shot the jawless zombie that had been hanging on my arm, and I quickly pulled the assault rifle from my back and began firing like a madwoman into the horde. Zombies started dropping down to the ground and more followed suit when Liam joined me with his own assault rifle and finally when there were only five zombies left standing, we looked at one another, both nodded, and fired the last rounds into them until we were the only ones left standing. Looking around we saw that we didn’t even have time to catch a breath. Zombies were slowly starting to get back up, too many to have enough bullets to make sure they all stayed dead. Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs until we were out in the fresh air. We ran until we were back in the town and terror washed over me. The commotion of our fighting and guns firing had drawn more then a hundred zombies our way and as we looked around in every direction, it was filled with zombies heading our way. This was it, there was no amount of bullets or fighting to save us from this, we were trapped and we both knew it…this was the end. Liam looked at me and smiled sadly. “It was nice knowing you kid, but I think it’s about time I go and meet dodge upstairs anyways, it’s been too long.” He nodded up to the sky when he said upstairs and then winked at me. I forced the lump down my throat and nodded fiercely trying to hold back the tears. We hadn’t known eachother all that long but when you fought for your life with a stranger and survived together, there was a bond that no one could understand unless they had lived through the same thing. We turned back to the mass and began firing into them, the gun shots lighting up the sky with each round. Zombies fell hard and fast but just as fast more came at us, letting us know we couldn’t even make a dent in this mass before we died, there was no escaping this nightmare. I didn’t register at first when a body fell beside me, but when I looked at Liam to explain I had run out of bullets no one was there. Slowly, I looked down and saw Liams body being ravaged by zombies, he was still alive, barely. “No” I yelled and ran to help him but he gave me a look that I knew said to stay put. He didn’t want to be saved I realised and tears fell from my eyes. “Don’t let me…come back,” he winced. I knew what he meant and shook my head no. “Please Grace.” He wasn’t going to last much longer and I wanted him to be with dodge, so I angrily wiped at my face and fought against every fibre in my being to not pull the trigger at his head…and pulled the trigger. I turned towards the mass of zombies and held my arms out wide and screamed. I screamed with despair, I screamed with fear and I screamed with rage. I screamed and screamed until there was nothing left and waited to die. A deafening noise made me cover my ears and look up. Zombies started looking up too. A helicopter, then another and another started showing up above us. I watched as they fired into the mass and dropped explosions on them. Fire erupted all around me, filled with zombies and the stench of burning flesh. It seemed like hours but must have only been about 20 minutes when the last zombie fell and stayed down and the last embers of the fire went out leaving me in darkness, the only light from the helicopters.
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